Inspired Budget

#044: How To Stick To Your Budget

March 10, 2022 Allison Baggerly Episode 44

Want to learn how to write a budget that you can actually stick to?

It's no secret that writing a budget isn't the hardest part about budgeting. Sticking to your budget and actually following through with it is where most people struggle. Add in unexpected expenses and impulse spending? Most people are ready to throw in the towel all together and end up believing budgeting is just a waste of time. 

When you learn how to actually stick to the budget that you set, amazing things happen. You start to gain control over your money as the way you see your budget changes. This lays the ground work for a strong financial foundation, which is the only way you're able truly achieve your financial goals.

 In this episode, I share 5 tips that help you stick to your budget. The best part? You can actually start implementing them -- starting today!

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- FREE Class: The 4 Step Framework to budget for your best life….without sacrificing your weekly latte runs 

- Get the full show notes here on the blog

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