The Compliance Divas Podcast
Our podcast covers current topics such as infection prevention and control, OSHA and HIPAA compliance for dentistry. We discuss the latest regulatory information, answer frequently asked questions and give suggestions for dental practices to make compliance easy and sustainable.The Compliance Divas are a trusted source for consistent, accurate information based upon current guidelines, standards, science, and recommendations.
The Compliance Divas Podcast
#111 OSAP 2023 Conference Recap
Staying current with new technology and products that enhance and/or improve infection control and patient safety is a must! In this episode, the Divas discuss the latest technology, research and products presented at the annual OSAP conference. This episode will have an immediate impact on infection control processes and safety in your office or organization.
- OSAP: https://www.osap.org/
- ArmiGard: https://armigardusa.com/
- NoPo Guard: https://nopoguard.com/
- CrystalGenics: https://crystalgenics.com