Live Healthy Longer with Dr. Jim Polakof
Amazing Podcasts Created & Hosted by Dr. Jim Polakof to Stimulate Your Body, Mind and Soul! It's in our nature to explore opportunities that can improve our well-being. As a celebrated podcaster with thousands of listeners, Dr. Jim Polakof continually surpasses normal limits to explore new horizons in creating a better life for his listeners and readers. ‘Live Healthy Longer’ covers a wide range of topics including new advances in health and medicine; the possibility of having past lives and reincarnation; unique perspectives on entertainment, and ‘hot topics’ debates which present both sides of key issues.
Live Healthy Longer with Dr. Jim Polakof
Whether you are a Republican, Democrat or Independent - Discover how
Ranked Choice Voting can insure that Elections in America are Fair
- and our division can be healed once and for all! Dr. Jim Polakof interviews
Rob Richie, the Founder & President of Fair Vote.
Learn how a Ranked Choice Voting system can curtail negative campaining
during elections; give voters a wider choice of candidates; and save your
state a great deal of financial expense!
Visit our website for more information https://jamespolakof.com/
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