Counseling and Behavior Analysis (with Dr. Katie Saint, BCBA)
Behavioral Health Collective
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Behavioral Health Collective
Counseling and Behavior Analysis (with Dr. Katie Saint, BCBA)
Sep 20, 2021
Erika Ng

Dr. Katie Saint from Appleton, Wisconsin joins Erika to discuss the intersection of counseling and behavior analysis to serve adolescents, adults and families with her unique lens. If you have an adolescent struggling with behavioral and mental health challenges, listen in as Katie discusses when to see a dually certified professional and the benefits of counsellors having a behavior analytic background.

Disclaimer: The comments and views expressed in this podcast do not constitute or replace contractual behaviour analytic consultation or professional advice. Views expressed are solely the perspective of the speaker and do not represent the views or position of their colleagues, employer or other associates. Please seek out a professional through the BHC's FindXpert directory or a behavior analyst through the BACB website if you would like to receive behavioral health services.