FinTech Focus TV – Powered by Harrington Starr

How Tech is Drawing Finance Veterans Back to the Industry | FFTV with Soheel & Fred at DeQuantifi

Harrington Starr

Welcome to another episode of FinTech Focus TV. Today, Toby is delighted to be joined by Soheel Haque-Everding and Fred Tingey of DeQuantifi. 

Both come from a background of traditional finance (TradFi) but have returned to the industry because they feel there is a gap in the market around trading tools for institutions with crypto. That, and also Soheel wanted to "play with the latest tech!"

In their conversation with Toby, the pair share their feelings of "going back to the early days of derivatives where you feel that you’re really innovating and working on new things". Their passion for the industry is prominent throughout the entire conversation. It's clear that the opportunities crypto brings has reignited both their passion for financial technology.

Finally, the three discuss the potential impact that regulations may have on the digital assets world. Will over-regulation hinder the future of crypto and strip it's fundamental principals?

We can't predict the future, but we know it's going to be a hugely exciting and innovative time for the financial industries. We can't wait to see how DeQuantifi play their part in that too. 

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