Fleece My Sheep?

Endtime Rebellion in the World

Sarah Ajala-Immanuel

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As the world advances in technology, science and what is celebrated as knowledge, so is it descending into the deepest level of crass immorality.  But all this is seen as advancement and pursuing the freedom of man; but they plunge themselves into further bondage to the devil.  The deplorable state of evil and moral decadence in the world should not come as a surprise to the faithful believers; we have been given signs and knowledge of what to expect.

As the world carries on regardless of God's impending judgement, which they are surely aware of, but would rather deny, the Church must stand firm in these evil days.  We are being persecuted and will face rising persecution, but it is well with our souls, the Lord is near, and we must stand firm in the battle.

This discourse informs biblically on the sorry state of mankind, increasing signs of evil that we witness, and reassures the faithful believers of God's sovereingty over all.

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