PeerPOV: The Pulse on Medicine

What's New in Dementia Care; Talking to the Expert Witness in a Malpractice Case

Physician's Weekly Season 2

Welcome to this episode of Physician’s Weekly Podcast. My name is Dr Rachel Giles, from Medicom Medical Publishers, in collaboration with Physician’s Weekly.  

Although opioids relieve burn injury-related pain, they have serious adverse side effects. Prior studies have investigated alternative approaches to pain reduction in burn injury patients that focus on distraction, such as music, hypnosis, toys, and virtual reality.

 In this episode, Physician’s Weekly’s Senior Editor Martta Kelly interviews Dr. Thomas Delate, a research scientist at Kaiser Permanente, about his study on the value of telementoring services in educating prescribers about chronic pain management, including opioid prescriptions , recently published in Clinical Journal of Pain.

Also in this episode, we speak with Dr., an Associate Professor of geriatric medicine at the University of Florida, about developments in dementia care in our ever-increasing aging population.

But first, we speak with our regular expert contributor with the pseudonym Dr. Medlaw how physicians should approach expert witnesses as a defendant in a malpractice lawsuit.

 That’s it for this week’s podcast. Thanks for listening. Stay safe and stay healthy. 


Gersch WD, Delate T, Bergquist KM, Smith K. Clinical Effectiveness of an Outpatient Multidisciplinary Chronic Pain Management Telementoring Service. Clin J Pain. 2021 Jul 12. doi: 10.1097/AJP.0000000000000967. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34265787.


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