PeerPOV: The Pulse on Medicine

Preventive Medicine: A Look At Diet For T2D And Colorectal Cancer Screening

Physician's Weekly

Welcome to this episode of Physician’s Weekly podcast. I am your host, Dr. Rachel Giles, from Medicom Medical Publishers, in collaboration with Physician’s Weekly. Today’s theme is preventative medicine, with interviews about research in colorectal cancer screening and in dietary intervention in T2D patients to achieve remission. In case you haven’t been exposed to it much, preventive medicine is a medical specialty that focuses on the health of individuals and communities. The goal of preventive medicine is to promote health and well-being and prevent disease, disability, and death. Preventive medicine specialists must have a broad range of medical skills as well as expertise in behavioral, economic, environmental, and social sciences. A doctor of preventive medicine can help create healthier communities, save lives, and transform healthcare systems.

Later in this podcast, we speak with Dr. Richard Rosenfeld, about a recently published Expert Consensus Statement he authored with the aim to assist clinicians in achieving remission of type 2 diabetes (T2D) in adults using diet as a primary intervention. In that publication, expert consensus was achieved for 69 statements pertaining to diet and remission of T2D, dietary specifics and types of diets, adjuvant and alternative interventions, support, monitoring, adherence to therapy, weight loss, and payment and policy. Clinicians can use these statements to improve quality of care, inform policy and protocols, and identify areas of uncertainty. Prof. Rosenfeld is Chairman, and Program Director of Otolaryngology at SUNY Downstate University in New York.

But first, we speak to Prof. Michael Kanter, from Kaiser Permanente’s School of Medicine in California. He has had oversight of the quality of care provided by 22,000 physicians to 12.2 million patients within the healthcare system nationally and was responsible for the development of the organization’s national quality strategy.  He works to significantly improve key clinical quality metrics, including cancer screenings, blood pressure control, and tobacco cessation. As you probably already know, Colonoscopy has played a pivotal role in the declining US incidence of colorectal cancer in persons older than 50 years observed over the past 2 decades. Physician’s Weekly senior editor Martta Kelly speaks with Prof. Kanter about his ‘moonshot vision’ of reducing mortality from colorectal cancer by 50% in 10 years, by improving quality metrics in colorectal cancer screening programs. 


Enjoy listening!

Further reading 

Kanter MH, et al. Beyond Screening: An Interim Report and Analysis of a Multimodal Initiative to Decrease Colon Cancer Mortality. Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety, 2022, in press.

Rosenfeld RM, et al. Dietary Interventions to Treat Type 2 Diabetes in Adults with a Goal of Remission: An Expert Consensus Statement from the American College of Lifestyle Medicine. Am J Lifestyle Med. 2022 May 18;16(3):342-362. 

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