PeerPOV: The Pulse on Medicine

An inDEPTH Look at Prevention: CVD in Women & Colorectal Cancer

Physician's Weekly

 Welcome to this episode of Physician’s Weekly podcast. I am your host, Dr. Rachel Giles, from Medicom Medical Publishers, in collaboration with Physician’s Weekly. 

The phrase "prevention is better than a cure" is often attributed to the Dutch philosopher Erasmus around 1500 AD.  But in the US, most people are more familiar with Benjamin Franklin telling Philadelphians in 1736 that  An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” One hundred years later, Thomas A. Edison said “The doctor of the future will give no medication but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet and in the cause and prevention of disease". For the last 50 years, preventative medicine has been gaining tremendous ground, and we are steadily learning more using clinical research.

Today’s episode features two interviews with an inDEPTH look at prevention. Professor John Mathers from Newcastle University, UK, discusses just-published data from the groundbreaking CAPP2 study that puts an interesting twist on how aspirin could prevent colorectal cancer. Also, Dr. Nanette Wenger, clinical cardiologist and professor emerita at Emory University School of Medicine has “buckets of research” to share on cardiovascular disease prevention in women, beyond the more than 1,300 scientific papers she’s had published.   

Enjoy listening!

Additional reading

Burn J, et al. Cancer prevention with aspirin in hereditary colorectal cancer (Lynch syndrome), 10-year follow-up and registry-based 20-year data in the CAPP2 study: a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial. Lancet. 2020 Jun 13;395(10240):1855-1863. 

Mathers JC, et al. Cancer Prevention with Resistant Starch in Lynch Syndrome Patients in the CAPP2-Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial: Planned 10-Year Follow-up. Cancer Prev Res (Phila). 2022 Jul 25:OF1-OF12.

Wenger NK, et al. Call to Action for Cardiovascular Disease in Women: Epidemiology, Awareness, Access, and Delivery of Equitable Health Care: A Presidential Advisory From the American Heart Association. Circulation. 2022 Jun 7;145(23):e1059-e1071

Oliveira GMM, Wenger NK. Special Considerations in the Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease in Women. Arq Bras Cardiol. 2022 Feb;118(2):374-377. 

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