PeerPOV: The Pulse on Medicine

Get Back to Patient Care With MSOs & Cilia’s Key Cancer Role

Physician's Weekly Season 2 Episode 63

Management Service Organizations (MSOs) can help you delegate the business side of medicine so you can focus on patient care. Dr. MedLaw explains, including, how MSOs factor into the corporate practice of medicine and more.
 Also, did you know cilia play an important role in early beginnings of cancer in neural crest cells? Lukas Sommer, PhD, discusses his teams' research in developmental and cell biology.

Enjoy listening!

Zingg D, Debbache J, Peña-Hernández R, Antunes AT, Schaefer SM, Cheng PF, Zimmerli D, Haeusel J, Calçada RR, Tuncer E, Zhang Y, Bossart R, Wong KK, Basler K, Dummer R, Santoro R, Levesque MP, Sommer L. EZH2-Mediated Primary Cilium Deconstruction Drives Metastatic Melanoma Formation. Cancer Cell. 2018 Jul 9;34(1):69-84.e14. 

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