Mawazo Ideas Podcast

African Girls and Women Outside the Margins

November 25, 2021 The Mawazo Institute Season 3 Episode 6


November 25th marks International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. For this episode, we are asking why half the world’s population is being affected disproportionately by a crisis that we are all facing. We talk to Ngina Judy, a Child Protection Officer at Dadaab Refugee Camp and Josephine Mwatibo, a Gender and Human Rights Expert about the impact of the pandemic on girls and women who are doubly marginalised; living as refugees and individuals with disabilities. 

If you are someone you know is a victim of sexual or gender based violence, we encourage you to seek help from your local law enforcment or local support organisations. If you are in Kenya, you can dial the 1195, a free hotline for assistance.

Further reading links are on our website: