The Magic Hummingbird — El Colibrí Mágico

Episode 5 (of 6) — Children Of The Gods

January 22, 2022 Jozefius Season 1 Episode 5
Episode 5 (of 6) — Children Of The Gods
The Magic Hummingbird — El Colibrí Mágico
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The Magic Hummingbird — El Colibrí Mágico
Episode 5 (of 6) — Children Of The Gods
Jan 22, 2022 Season 1 Episode 5

The refugees and the cult finally meet, with life changing consequences for both.  Episode 5 is the dramatic climax of "The Magic Hummingbird"


Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

The refugees and the cult finally meet, with life changing consequences for both.  Episode 5 is the dramatic climax of "The Magic Hummingbird"


NARR: Episode 5 “Children Of The Gods” 

A white separatist cult has uncovered the travelers’ plans to cross the border through a magic tunnel.  The cult leader has smashed destroyed water bottles … stored at the mouth ... plans to meet and ambush them… with his militia …  and an army of crows … 

Unbeknownst,  the travelers have arrived a day early … Though near death... they are buoyed by the fading magic of the dragon flower potion…

FRANCISCO: We made it…
ELIAS:   Let’s sit here for a little rest… it’s a beautiful desert morning…
FRANCISCO: ¿Cómo te llamas?
IXAZALUOH:: [youngest refugee child] [slowly, shyly… with a question] Ixazaluoh ...
FRANCISCO: Qué nombre tan maravilloso…  ¿Qué significa eso?
ELIAS:  [translating] Ixazaluoh … the goddess of water, and weaving…
FRANCISCO:  you are a goddess …   
IXAZALUOH:: [shyly…] Sí, mi madre siempre me dijo que sería yo quien ayudaría a encontrar el agua y tejer la red…
FRANCISCO: [tenderly, with interest and wonder]... like a little spider … como una pequeña araña…
IXAZALUOH: [with confidence, matter of factly] Sí, como una pequeña araña en la mañana con gotas de rocío en su tela de araña … Puedo tejer la red mágica. Soy una araña mágica… Mi mamá me dijo...
ELIAS:  [laughing gently, to Ixazaluoh] ¡sí, por supuesto! [yes yes yes of course!]
IXAZALUOH:  Señor Francisco, I am thirsty… can we get a little drink?
CLARA: the water … it should be around here … ( in dismay) - there it is  ...OMG !
FRANKLIN: now what?
ELIAS: we walk north … don’t lose hope … it’s all we’ve got ..
FRANKLIN: I can’t do it … go on …
NARR: Franklin’s dressing is soaked with blood …
FRANCISCO: There’s nothing left…
ELIAS:  We cannot continue without water… the children will never make it… the sun is getting hot…
FRANCISCO:  such a long journey, and it ends like this… 
IXAZALUOH: La arena está mojada.  ¿Ha vuelto el agua al mar?  Mi mamá me dijo que el agua siempre regresa al mar y vuelve del cielo…
CLARA: why? So cruel… 
ELIAS:  The children… we need to let them sleep… the desert will take them quickly …. Let them  dream…
NARR: … Apollonia emerges from a cloud
IXAZALUOH: [weakly, but with a smile…] You are the magic lady from the dance…  

MUSIC SONG “Lullaby of the Little Saints” DUET  Apollonia and Francisco


Spin little spider. 
Drift on the evening dune. 
Oh loosen your braid 
let go of your earthbound threads 
and float 
up on velvet cobwebs to the moon. 
Magic hummingbird weaves a lullaby just for you. 
While you are away
the little saints will watch over you 
in the secret garden. 
Dream little spider 
Spin on your nimble loom, 
Little spider
Spin your cloth of dew. 
Little spider
Spin in the moonlight 
Mend your tattered dreams 
Start anew. 
While you are away 
While you are
The little saints will watch over you 
in the secret garden.
While you are away 

FRANCISCO: They are gone
APOLLONIA: … they have passed from this life…
FRANCISCO: they have been called back
APOLLONIA:  into the sun…
…. and now ..
FRANCISCO: Now it is the time for those of us who remain… 
NARR:  Apollonia guides the bone-weary pilgrims up a steep path,  atop a small mesa…
Their eyes wander down … into the mouth of the serpent tunnel … below in the ravine

FRANCISCO AND APOLLONIA  (“Lullaby of the Little Saints”  continues)

Sleep little creatures 
Drift gentle children 
Dream and slip away 
Sleep little creatures 
Drift gentle children 
Dream and slip away 

… NARR: Apollonia floats among them, placing a small fleshy fruit on their lips …
APOLLONIA: unámonos…
… Toma …  el sacramento … de la comunión…
…Take this holy sacrament of communion …
ELIAS: Think of the journey … it's all about the journey 

     SONG  “Children of the Gods”.  (Francisco, Elias, Franklin,  Clara, Apollonia, Plant Spirits & Refugees

We are the children of the midnight train
We are the people of the the morning sun
We are the people of the lost tribes
We are the dispossessed
We are the humble
We are the poor
We are the children of the gods
We stand here in the sun
And die
But as we give
Our lives to the desert
We look once more 
to the sun
Without regret
Without regret 


SONG "Swim In The Immense" drumming, chanting, desert wind ... The Shaman  and The Cult

NARR:   Two days later the cult gathers in the ravine … to rendezvous with the army of the Crows … and ambush the travelers
NARR: above them on a small mesa, stands a family of saguaro (suh waa row) cactuses … … a solitary crow perches on an upraised arm …   
PREACHER: (to shaman) … my soldiers …. Show GOD your Rods of Iron …
PREACHER: (commanding) on my mark: ready …  set ... FIRE
PREACHER: auger - summon the Lord of The Crows…
PREACHER: (angrily) _MORE_
PREACHER: (angrily) _CALL_

[SOUND DESIGN: Drumming stops, Preacher fires randomly]

PREACHER: (to shaman) … auger … YOU HAVE FAILED …
Where are the illegals? You TOLD me… _YOU_ Are the translator  …  “THREE DAYS” you said…  They should be crawling out of the cave _NOW_ And this army of crows… Where are they?
... Shoot that crow!  - over there …
PREACHER:  maybe that will get their attention
SHAMAN:  (fearfully, deferentially) …  sir… your excellency … please … I cannot .. it's written...
NARR: He shoves the rifle at the Shaman…
NARR: 37 guns aim at the auger
PREACHER: one last time: Shoot the crow … on my mark … ready set
NARR: he slowly raises the weapon
PREACHER: … you’ve got five seconds
NARR: From behind the  saguaros hundreds of crows emerge from nesting holes …
… The crows attack ..


NARR: ..  crows vanish ... into the cliffs … 
… Charged air crackles in the heat
From the cave … rustling…. 
…  arms …  aim … 
… From behind the rocks …  a young girl … Ixazaluoh 
... She races up the path to the mesa 
… chasing a hummingbird… they race around the (suh waa rows)  
Angry clouds swarm … The sun is snuffed … Furious … The Preacher gets his bearings …… grabs the rifle … aims at the clouds…  The cult  follows ....The heavens burst... the deluge quenches the   saguaros …  they return to human form … … they slowly fall and sprawl sleepily, arms dangling over on the sharp edge of the mesa … 

SOUND DESIGN: breaking wave then gushing garden torrent, gasping in the water for breathe, frantic splashing

A flash flood … gushes through the ravine …  rushes over the cultists … 

… they struggle to climb free … reach above for anchor … fingers find hands … dreaming travelers …  try to pull them out … it’s no use…  cultists are ripped away … helter skelter …, into the mouth of the magic tunnel… 

... entranced, they swim away like minnows, through the serpent belly, southward, under the mountains …

... All ... except one... the reluctant shaman, … his upstretched hands find his son's sleeping fingertips…  Franklin stirs and pulls his father free …they embrace   

The  healing rain soothes and quiets…   as the storm dissipates into twinkling stars, the travelers ...  their magical leader Elias, Francisco, Clara, Franklin and the Shaman … sink into the sand … together in deep sleep… united … in the rain …

— END Episode 5 —

Reality Strikes Hard
"Lullaby Of The Little Saints"
"Children Of The Gods"
The Rendezvous "Swim In The Immense"
The Preacher's Demand
The Army Of Crows
Ixazaluoh And The Magic Hummingbird
Gun Drumming "Swim In The Immense, Pt. 2"