All About The Joy

What Is This Podcast About - Clarity

Carmen Suarez Episode 37

I want to clarify what this Podcast is about. But first, let me apologize to my regular listeners for not being consistent and not having a regular recording time. That changes this week. I will have a new episode up, every Tuesday morning before 9am PST time. Also, my blog post, which can be found on will also be posted on a consistent basis, Monday mornings PST.  

If I will not be posting a new episode, I will repost one that I think has value to listen to again. Or I will post a notice saying I had to skip for some reason or another. 

In a nutshell, this podcast will always be about finding more positivity and joy. Whether it be in the workplace or in life, I will use my experience to explain how I stay focused on real wealth -- meaning having more joy than not in my life. How I can get through tragedy and hardship and not falter and pain someone else for whatever sadness has come my way.  I may not have the perfect life, but I have a better life than most and I want to share with everyone how I've gotten it done.  

Thank you for listening!  Please reach out to me if you have any questions and/or concerns -- we'd love to hear from you!

Thank you for stopping by. Please visit our website: All About The Joy and add, like and share. We'd appreciate that greatly. Also, if you want to find us anywhere on social media, please check out the link in bio page.

Music By Geovane Bruno, Moments, 3481
Editing by Team A-J
Host, Carmen Lezeth

DISCLAIMER: As always, please do your own research and understand that the opinions in this podcast and livestream are meant for entertainment purposes only. States and other areas may have different rules and regulations governing certain aspects discussed in this podcast. Nothing in our podcast or livestream is meant to be medical or legal advice. Please use common sense, and when in doubt, ask a professional for advice, assistance, help and guidance.