All About The Joy

Private Lounge: What is the Content Creator Economy, Behind the Scenes and Personal Branding in the Digital Age

Carmen Lezeth Suarez Episode 120

Ever found yourself in the throes of a live-streaming session, grappling with the eccentricities of audience engagement? That's precisely where we, alongside our insightful guests Tony, Rick, and Cynthia, start our lively tete-a-tete, unraveling the layers of content creation, from the technical snafus to the art of managing vibrant online communities. Picture us, post-live stream, unwinding in the All About the Joy Private Lounge, exchanging war stories and hearty laughs about the perils of blocking mishaps and the social ebb and flow that keeps our digital world spinning.

As our confab drifts through the realms of podcasting quirks, we don't just stop at the nuts and bolts. We delve into the impact of pandemics on "netiquette" —or the lack thereof—and share frontline tactics for braving the onslaught of internet trolls and spam. And trust us, it's not just the trolls that get a dressing down; we candidly critique our own on-air beverage choices and audio setups, underscoring the pursuit of authenticity in a podcasting landscape that thirsts for genuine connection.

Capping off our session, we reflect on the creator economy's labyrinth, navigating through personal branding, and podcasting's complex goals. Our discussion steers towards the nuances of modern branding and audience engagement, with a nod to the interplay between personal beliefs and the content we create. This is no mere chitchat; it's a deep dive into the heart of what makes our shows tick, and an invitation to you to join us in the laughter, learning, and camaraderie.

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Music By Geovane Bruno, Moments, 3481
Editing by Team A-J
Host, Carmen Lezeth

DISCLAIMER: As always, please do your own research and understand that the opinions in this podcast and livestream are meant for entertainment purposes only. States and other areas may have different rules and regulations governing certain aspects discussed in this podcast. Nothing in our podcast or livestream is meant to be medical or legal advice. Please use common sense, and when in doubt, ask a professional for advice, assistance, help and guidance.

Carmen Lezeth:

This is our first time in the All About the Joy Private Lounge and the reason why this came about Tony, you were not here, but Rick and Cynthia. Last night, after we had the live stream which you visited, we had this whole conversation and it was, you know, kind of what I think all people do in the green room is have the actual meaty conversation. And I started thinking about it. I've never liked having to be worried about the comment section. So I love live streaming, I love that the comment section is there, but I do think it takes us out of our space. You know what I mean. So I agree. So I'm glad to see you guys how you doing.

Tony D.:

How you doing, tony, what's up, what's up, what's up? I'm trying to situate myself, so you don't have any of that craziness.

Carmen Lezeth:

Well, the craziness is because again, years now, you and your green screen, now you're all dark in the background.

Tony D.:

But I'm back in the light. Oh my God. Now that's a part of acting, Is it not?

Carmen Lezeth:

I guess. So Okay, now what were you saying about? You use rumble and clapper?

Tony D.:

I was told about rumble and clapper. I actually have no rumble and clapper, but when I was talking to people about platforms you can monetize on, Can you talk a little bit louder?

Carmen Lezeth:

I can't make you any louder.

Tony D.:

No, you're fine. Let me make sure my volume is at halfway.

Carmen Lezeth:

Yeah, Does he sound low to you guys?

Tony D.:

Yeah, Check one two, Mike. Check one two. Okay, here we go. When I was looking at platforms that you can monetize on after the previous platform shut down, I was looking at all of them I already know by YouTube and Twitch. Most recently, Facebook and Twitter allow you to monetize. People have to subscribe. Okay, cool, you have to have certain criteria and have to meet certain criteria. Not a problem, I'll try that. I'll go for whatever. I had also heard about clumper and rumble. I knew about them. I didn't know you could monetize one.

Tony D.:

Most of these monetizing platforms. You have to have subscribers. They got to subscribe. If you're doing Twitch, they pretty much got to be there. All of those crazy credentials. So what I did was, due to the frequency of my broadcasting, I wanted to get on any and every monetizing platform there was. One of the biggest things people have a problem with doing is multi-streaming, but I said first of all, it's one of the ways that I started. Number one it was like, yeah, but you can't make money off of it. Platforms started coming out which advertised monetizing during multi-streaming. People have to subscribe to you. All of these monetizing platforms pretty much require subscriptions. We got to subscribe.

Tony D.:

Dude, you said that like 15 times, just a different way. Dude, I've worked.

Carmen Lezeth:

I've worked in the creator economy.

Tony D.:

I got you that was not my question.

Carmen Lezeth:

You randomly going on and on. I'm asking you are you monetizing now on Rumble as opposed?

Tony D.:

to monetizing on any platform. I've made the most money on Twitch and I was pinched.

Carmen Lezeth:


Tony D.:

Literally I haven't broken a hundred dollars since we left Haps.

Carmen Lezeth:

How much were you making on Haps?

Tony D.:

Over the whole time that I was there, I made about 600 total.

Carmen Lezeth:

I think you might be doing it the opposite way than I think most people do. If you're on TikTok, you focus on TikTok, you get your subscribers, you have to be consistent, blah, blah, blah, blah, and then you can monetize that way. But I mean, I don't know, it's not the route I'm going. I just think it's interesting.

Tony D.:

No, everybody else's route is working fine. I said my. What I did was try to push the envelope. I tried to get every monetizing platform that was be there. Everybody isn't always on the same platform. I always get to bring everybody to Twitch and YouTube. Some people don't do Twitch, some people don't do YouTube. Some people don't do Facebook, some people don't do Twitter. I'm like I'm always just put on all the channels that way everybody can see me in all the channels.

Carmen Lezeth:

I think the biggest problem for you is that you're not consistent. I don't know where to find you. I just know that you're on what's his name show. I know you're looking at me like that, but, cynthia, didn't you have a comment? You?

Rick Costa:

wanted to say you wanted to share the fight in the lab.

Carmen Lezeth:

You go yell at you. No, I'm just kidding, I put you on the spot.

Tony D.:

This one now, let me stop.

Carmen Lezeth:

Look at Carmen stir in the pot.

Cynthia :

Oh no, just you know, okay. So when I went on the late night parents feed the last time, we were talking about that clip with the girl and the dinner and everything like that. Yeah, exactly. So I was watching you guys in 10 and I was just like, wow, tony is very different on this show that he is on.

Tony D.:

Carmen, I'm excited to behave when I'm here.

Carmen Lezeth:

He says behave, but he just scared, I don't know Shit.

Cynthia :

It was kind of funny because Brian was actually quiet on Ted's show, but he starts trouble over here.

Tony D.:

He loves picking on Carmen.

Carmen Lezeth:

I don't know, I think he loves picking on Carmen, and Carmen is a pain, really much attention to it. But okay, I accidentally blocked him, I guess yesterday or something, and I don't know if I unblocked him now, I didn't mean to. We had some horrible person on our stream and I went to block them. I guess I blocked two people and he was the one underneath but he came back on YouTube.

Tony D.:

What last week or yesterday?

Carmen Lezeth:

Yeah, yesterday. Yeah, I don't know who it was. They said something nasty about Rick so I blocked them. But when I blocked them, I guess the person underneath also got blocking it was him. What was the name?

Rick Costa:

Peter or something.

Carmen Lezeth:

We're not going, we can send it to you, peter, or something, or what they said was kind of just out of the random blue nasty, though but, it was it was.

Cynthia :

It was like, it was like a kid the way that they were talking.

Carmen Lezeth:

Tony, I know what Tony's thinking.

Tony D.:

I know because we always got some joke that wants to come in and mess with my broadcast. All the time I've noticed a pattern with some of the troubles. I've had a bunch of them when I was on a book show, one came on mine on my foot fantasy football broadcast. The other morning, I think, one popped up on Ted show.

Tony D.:

Yeah there's a pattern that I see that Rick will be very familiar with. I'm not going to say it on camera so they don't know that. I know what the hell they doing and when I find them, I promise you I'm going to stop you in the head and I'll beat you like a daddy, should I can't wait, you know what I think you need to just let it go. I'm sorry, no, no, no, I'm enjoying.

Carmen Lezeth:

No, no, you're in the lounge now so you can drink. You can floss no, you cannot floss.

Rick Costa:

No, no, no.

Carmen Lezeth:

No, no, no, no. Look, I feel bad for people. You know we've had this conversation before, but I think at some point you say what you say, you move through that and if they keep I know this sounds weird, but it's not that I feel sorry for them, but I'm also like if that's all you got going on in your life, you're looking to be mean to somebody I don't know what to say. Like can you imagine you wake up looking and angry to find some? What are you?

Carmen Lezeth:

doing I'm just saying imagine that that's what you do every day, like I hate that angst.

Tony D.:

I want to say this because you know you guys don't hear that dog.

Rick Costa:

No, oh, now I did a little bit.

Tony D.:

Go ahead anyway, I have to say this because of how much I'm around live streams, broadcasts and all that over the past two years People doing it on purpose ain't nothing wrong with them. A lot of what I was telling people before what COVID did boredom just made people stay home was gave give negative people nothing else to do. So they went online and now they're doing it there. So there's a lot of negative people out here and I'm going to say it again. I noticed a pattern. I think I know who you are. Here's the thing.

Carmen Lezeth:

Here's my thing. I think blame it on COVID is too easy. No, no, no, you could be in the lounge, baby, you could do whatever you want. Here's my thing. See, I don't even know. Oh yeah, I guess it says it's live there. I'm just trying to understand how this works when I'm not actually live live. You know what I mean?

Tony D.:

I like it's not even recording, but I guess this whole season of your broadcast you should take as a practice run, like I do, a mind, because as you're learning everything and you're seeing it next time you're going to do so much better. You notice it. Pick at all this. Oh my gosh, look at this.

Carmen Lezeth:

Here's what I'm going to say. I think blaming it on COVID is giving people an easy out. This has been happening since social, since we've had access to the internet or the internet or whatever. People can be anonymous, and people become anonymous and then they show their worst nasty selves, you know.

Tony D.:

When they're lonely. Or you're correct, they're just miserable.

Carmen Lezeth:

And here's the thing like what? Okay, so I mean I didn't think we're going to talk about this, but we're just going to go with whatever. What is the accomplishment? Like the person that said whatever they said and it was a random thing that they said, it was something very gross Like I don't even remember, but I remember being like I didn't even react to it, I just deleted it because I was like that's just nasty. It was just nasty and like what was the purpose to do? What exactly To?

Tony D.:

get a reaction you know what I mean. My reaction, they feed off of your reaction. They is literally feeding the beast when you react to it.

Carmen Lezeth:

But we did it. We just deleted it Although now we're having a conversation. Maybe they're winning, I don't know Winning.

Tony D.:

I was on broadcast with somebody typed we was Kang's in the chat. We was what we was Kang's. Matter of fact, y'all go ahead and Google it real quick.

Carmen Lezeth:

I'm not Googling it, but just go ahead. I don't know what that is.

Tony D.:

We, and then was WUZ, and then Kang's KANGZ.

Carmen Lezeth:

Okay, just tell us what it is, I'm not Googling it.

Tony D.:

It's an Asian term that's racist against black people.

Carmen Lezeth:

Oh see, I didn't even know that that's just trying to. Google it, you get it, I'm not going to Google it. I don't want that stuff. When you. Google stuff. All that stuff comes to you. I'm not going to Google crap.

Tony D.:

That's fair point. Thank you, Carmen. That's what we're all about. I do learn from you.

Carmen Lezeth:

I know you learn from me every day. I don't know why you just don't believe that. Make me fight with you all the time. Oh, who does like you? What's who? You are Rick's like. I ain't even going to get in this conversation. But anyway here's the question. I don't want to talk about other shows you're on or whatever either, not to be rude. I just don't want to accidentally be promoting people. But here's my thing Like, what did you do about it when you saw that?

Tony D.:

All you could do was block them. Now here's what's crazy. I did block them. They came back under another name. I blocked nine different accounts in five minutes.

Carmen Lezeth:

Oh, so they're following you.

Tony D.:

No, they just did it on that broadcast.

Carmen Lezeth:

Oh, on different things that you're on.

Tony D.:

Different email accounts. Yes, People got that much time on their hands.

Cynthia :

Just keep blocking them. It's like the spam calls. I get like so many that I had to keep blocking and deleting. I don't get that many anymore, but my husband still gets them Like, just block it, keep blocking every number they call Text ones.

Carmen Lezeth:

Have you guys been getting the text ones, those spammy text things? I'm like, hey, what's going on tonight?

Tony D.:

Then, when you respond, they were like oh, I'm sorry, so what's your name? What'd you really do? Don't respond to them.

Carmen Lezeth:

Yeah I don't respond to. So my phone is blocked, like unless you have my number. Like even when I call, it's going to be a block number unless I have the code in. So I'm really shocked that some people have my number and I'm getting spam stuff.

Cynthia :

They find?

Tony D.:

ways to make a stop.

Rick Costa:

Or they just randomly put a number and see what happens to. Yeah, I don't know, it's just fascinating.

Carmen Lezeth:

I used to have two separate. I mean, I do have two numbers, like there's a number that nobody has that I use for certain things and for business. But the other number I used to have was the number I would always get the spam calls on. And now it's like, because I've gotten rid of that one, everyone's migrating. I'm like only my banks and lawyers have had this number and my friends.

Tony D.:

And the agreement to your bank to give you a number of the third points.

Carmen Lezeth:

Yeah, no, I know, but you can't. You can't get away with it from social media at this point. I mean, it's just, everything is online. You know what I mean. So, but this isn't what I wanted to talk about. But it doesn't matter, it's all good. It's all good, you know? But what? I'm going to buy you a mic. If I buy you a mic, will you use it? I think you need a mic. I don't think you realize how badly you need a mic.

Tony D.:

I don't realize how low my voice is, but I know why I'm keeping it down. So I do hear what you're saying. I'm trying to raise it up a little bit, but I understand what you're coming for.

Carmen Lezeth:

Rick's just like. This is the most boring lounge evening.

Tony D.:

That is Rick's face the whole time I've known him when he's broadcasting. I know I'm. Mr Spock Emotionless. Well, let's see singing with his eyes closed. That's all he does.

Carmen Lezeth:

Well, can we talk about relationships, since we do have you here and we don't have comments going on. Well, yesterday we were talking about men and their hands, you know, having their nails painted. If I gave you 100 bucks, would you paint your nails?

Tony D.:

No, okay.

Carmen Lezeth:

You know what I was thinking about. Rick said no too. You know what's so weird 100 bucks to paint your nails. You know it comes off right. You know it comes off like you can take it off in a day you still wouldn't do it. How do you feel about men who paint their nails?

Tony D.:

That's all there. It's actually a trend now. What guys are doing it now? Take me, I've got a nail to split I could use like the nail hard and all that on there. I've done that a couple of times. But I'm not going to walk around with diamonds, zirconias, gold, platinum, whatever on my nails. I'm not going to walk around with tips. I'm not going to stand up under there with the Asian ladies. I'm not doing that. No, honestly, carmen, I'll be honest with you For me specifically, I'm an aircraft mechanic. I can't walk around with that craziness because it's going to get messed up in damn way.

Carmen Lezeth:

I would think that'd be more of a reason why you would go get your nails done, Not to get them painted. But I would think you'd want like a nice manicure, manicure after working too hard, I'm just saying. We were just talking about it yesterday, and afterwards I was thinking like Rick, you would paint your nails and take the hundred bucks. You could paint them and then, an hour later, take them off. It wasn't like a tattoo.

Tony D.:

We understand the hustle, but some things we just won't do. Now take another.

Carmen Lezeth:

Wait, wait, wait. Is it because it's not manly?

Tony D.:


Rick Costa:

I had a friend in New York. She said if I pay for it, will you go with us and do a manny petty? I said no.

Tony D.:

I did go there with my wife. I did go once with my wife.

Tony D.:

I'm going to let you do it and I'm not going to lie to you. They were surprised at my nails, because my nails wasn't as bad as they thought they were. I actually keep my fingers until it's pretty clean, Like you know how you soak your feet. And you got to put the pumice stone. She didn't even need it. She was like why am I here? I said I just want to prove it to everybody. You're good, Take the money, Move to everybody, Because everybody swears that men need it. And I literally walked in there with Timberland boots on and she was already nervous. Those guys got bad feet. Everybody knows they got calluses, all this craziness, corns or whatever. So my feet came out, my feet like. She was like I don't even need to do nothing. I said no, just check the edges. I'm going to try to shake my toenails a little bit better, make them more kind.

Cynthia :

So, tony, do you have daughters?

Tony D.:

No, you don't have daughters. I have a stepdaughter, but I don't have biological daughters.

Cynthia :

Okay. Well, you have a daughter, okay. So let's say um, let's say, your daughter was like three years old. Or you have a granddaughter who is like three, four years old. She wants to do play a tea party, or play with grandpa, or whatever. And let's say oh, grandpa, can I just paint your nails?

Tony D.:

That's different. I've got sisters. I actually understand that.

Cynthia :

So that was the difference of just painting them regularly. I'm not saying put like the whole trims and all that.

Tony D.:

I don't want to do anymore, okay.

Cynthia :

You know what I'm saying.

Carmen Lezeth:

It's just a hard, you know, for me to hear. Okay, I'm just gonna tell you the truth. I feel like it's hard for me to hear, especially with Rick. I expect it from Tony, but Rick I'm surprised by, but you know, this kind of archaic I'm gonna say archaic thinking that it's not even painting nails, you're talking about just going to a manicure, pedicure, like as if that's a big deal, like taking care of yourself would be a bad thing.

Tony D.:

The difference was you said paint my nails. You didn't say manicure, pedicure. I've actually done that.

Carmen Lezeth:

You went down manicure pedicure and said you know he did it. And I had to prove it and I said just do it, I take the money. I'm like dude, it's just pampering yourself.

Tony D.:

I worked and she went. She looked at my nails. She asked you to shake them, and that's all they had to do. All they had to do was shake my nails. They didn't have to.

Carmen Lezeth:

I'm trying to figure out where Tony has this idea of like the diamonds and rhinestones.

Tony D.:

You see, you're hanging out with Cardi B?

Carmen Lezeth:

are you hanging out with Lizzo and Cardi B?

Rick Costa:

I couldn't. I don't understand the people that have nails like out to here like they're claws. How do you grab anything? I'm like mm.

Tony D.:

I knew a woman like that and we worked at the dog track. We used to take the tickets. She had those long nails that were curing. She would still take the tickets. She used the fingertips. Get a hold of them up like that. I would like this. She was gorgeous.

Carmen Lezeth:

I think it's kind of sexy to see a guy paint his nails. I'm totally into it, I'm all right with it. It just means he takes care of himself and it's a different way to express himself. It doesn't bother me. I also, like there's a guy on I don't know it's a new shit, it's MSNBC or whatever and I'm positive that he's gay because he talks about his husband all the time, whatever, but he wears a pearl necklace. That's a pretty good clue. What? That's a pretty good clue. That's a pretty good clue. Well, the reason why I'm saying this is because I know, like the Harry Styles wears a pearl necklace around and I'm like that looks so sexy to me because it's such a weird, like it's messing with the stereotype of what pearls, like I've always hated pearls, right, cause you're reminds me of, like the 1950s leave it to beaver white women with the bouffant hairdo, with the pearls. And then there's like a man who's gay, who's wearing you know, as his nails painted, whatever, and it's just like a weird twist on it and I love it.

Cynthia :

You know, I don't think every man could wear pull off pearls, no or they hit.

Carmen Lezeth:

No, absolutely not. You've got to be a. You know what it is. It reminds me of when men would not wear a pink shirt. Some men cannot pull that off, but the men who can? I think you have to be, and I'm gonna say this you have to be like a real man to be able to pull off some of this shit.

Tony D.:

You can pull all of it off. Just the matter of women that you want to. We can all pull all of it off.

Carmen Lezeth:

No, you can't cause, you resisted.

Tony D.:

I don't want to.

Carmen Lezeth:

Yeah, I know that's what I'm saying, so you can't pull it off I could walk around here.

Carmen Lezeth:

Doing it is not pulling it off. That's what I'm. Look, it's kind of like the same thing with me. You know we all have these things. It's a style thing, it's a fashion thing, like, no matter what, I'm not gonna be able to walk around with a bustier with my boobs hanging out like this, cause it's not me. I could do it, I got the cleavage to do it. It's just not my style. I didn't know that. Do you know what I'm saying? I didn't know that. Of course you knew that.

Tony D.:

No, no you always wear. You always wear clothes. There's no way for me to know anything about your shape, because you never show anything revealed. You don't.

Carmen Lezeth:

I haven't checked out my website, so I don't know what to talk about.

Tony D.:

I mean, I don't. I read stuff and I'm not staring, I just don't A lot of people do that.

Carmen Lezeth:

Another pictures there's pictures on my website karmaswarscom. I'm just saying.

Rick Costa:

He's going right now. Lord I'm mercy.

Carmen Lezeth:

Hold that hard, or all of my. I mean I've done TikToks and I'm not Instagram, but I mean I'm just saying there's pictures on my Instagram, anyway, it doesn't. Oh, he's looking at them now. He's looking at them now. My point is this is it's not like I could never pull off Okay, rick, I could never pull off a certain like Cynthia, have you?

Tony D.:

ever seen me. Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's kind of insurable. I caught on by what?

TikTok Video - Bianca Juarez:

What did he just say?

Rick Costa:

I caught on by.

Carmen Lezeth:

Oh my God, that's the first time you've seen my website. Are you kidding me?

Tony D.:

I haven't gone through the gallery. What I did do was go through so much.

Cynthia :

I haven't gone through the gallery.

Tony D.:

I didn't go through the gallery. I read the blogs A lot of times. We do articles and stuff, and even when I look at some of the old broadcasts and do I listen to this like I do my own.

Carmen Lezeth:

No, no, I'm just, it's fine, but my point it wasn't for you to go look at my website. But my point is is Cynthia, have you ever seen me in a flower dress? Oh God no, like if I were Laysen, I would. You would be like Carmen looks so uncomfortable. It's just not me. So when I say that no, you couldn't just put on a pink shirt and do your nails and pull it off? Probably not, because it's not just style, it's not who you is.

Tony D.:

It just threw me off, not me.

Carmen Lezeth:

Look at your face, like I mean, if somebody wanted to pay me $100 to wear a flowery dress or bustier, I'll do it. So if you guys want to give me a hundred bucks, I'll do it, like totally in.

Tony D.:

She keep opening these doors. I'm sitting here trying to make money.

Rick Costa:

I'm fine with that. No, that's so funny. When I was in the choir or church, sometimes they'd have special things and then they want everybody to wear the same color, basically, and then one year they picked pink. I was like ugh, exactly.

Carmen Lezeth:

All right, look how beautiful and on your skin color it would look so good. Pink doesn't look good on white people. That's the irony. I don't mean to be rude Not all white people but like pale, pale doesn't look good, you know. But I was surprised to see a woman, like Irish woman, with red, red hair, wearing a red shirt and she looked fabulous. Like I would have been like ooh, someone with red hair cannot wear a red shirt, but I was totally See. You got to be able to pull it off.

Tony D.:

You know what I mean it's the same to me, the red hair. I think you're right If Irish women with red hair. That's why that movie was doing so good. What's the name of that movie? The Disney movie, oh?

Cynthia :


Tony D.:


Carmen Lezeth:

What is it Brave? You get something in those every.

Rick Costa:

Yeah, anything about Disney she knows.

Carmen Lezeth:

Disney, she is the Disney.

Tony D.:

You can talk Marvel with her.

Carmen Lezeth:

She's got a Marvel person, though, right, you're not.

Cynthia :

You know it, I'm not.

Carmen Lezeth:

I am a little bit who's your favorite Marvel character.

Rick Costa:

And Disney owns Marvel, by the way. Just yeah, I know.

Carmen Lezeth:

But that's not what she's talking about when she's talking about Disney. That's why I'm Disney. Just bought Marvel, by the way. Ok, so who's your favorite Marvel character, cynthia, and what's his mother's name? No, I'm just kidding. Well for her. I'm testing her. Who's your favorite Marvel character? See, that's too long.

Tony D.:

What's your favorite?

Carmen Lezeth:

Disney character.

Tony D.:

There's a bunch of characters. What's your?

Carmen Lezeth:

favorite Disney character? See See, I'm just saying she had to think about Marvel. Rick, what's your favorite Marvel character?

Rick Costa:

I like characters that have a lot ofator conflicts.

Carmen Lezeth:

I said which one is your favorite Marvel character.

Rick Costa:

I'm trying to explain my reasons why I like it Wolverine. Wolverine OK, Because he wants to be good, but he also has a nature that he has to constantly fight. I like characters like that.

Carmen Lezeth:

OK, let's talk about Wolverine for a moment, since we're talking about men Now. He just got divorced from his lovely wife that he's been married to since he was in high school, did you guys?

Rick Costa:

know that.

Tony D.:

You judge them, you judge them.

Carmen Lezeth:

You both don't know that, I didn't know that. Ok, wait. And the best part of it, he just got divorced too. Ok, wait, wait, wait.

Cynthia :

What did you say, Cynthia?

Carmen Lezeth:

They just got divorced like two months ago Just got divorced and she signed a nondisclosure agreement for like $100 million so that she will not talk about anything about their marriage or him. I forget what the amount was. So everybody is speculating about Wolverine, and everyone's been speculating about him for a long time, but he hasn't come out to say anything. But he is writing a book Speculating about what, really? Yes, cynthia, do you know what I mean by what they're speculating about? Do you guys have any idea.

Tony D.:

I mean, is he gay? Is he child trafficking? They?

Carmen Lezeth:

think that he's gay. No child trafficking. Fucking Trump, that's the biggest thing that I do.

Rick Costa:

No, Tony got a list of this I like going on the Trump list of crap.

Carmen Lezeth:

No, they think that he's gay. Everyone thinks that he's probably gay.

Rick Costa:


Tony D.:

Just because he does plays and like dance as well, and I haven't seen him do anything along the lines for me to think that that's why I was shocked. Some people, you can tell.

Carmen Lezeth:

Wait, wait, wait. I didn't say he is. I said that's what everyone is speculating about. And then, ricky, you said why? Because he does plays and sings on Broadway and dances. Yes, that's exactly why. Because we have stereotypes like painting our nails or wearing pink. We have stereotypes in our heads of what we think a real man is. You know what I mean.

Tony D.:

Being indoctrinated in those ways would be more, I think, of what you're saying. You're correct with that. We have been indoctrinated in those ways.

Carmen Lezeth:

And it's wrong. I mean, if he did come out, I mean I don't care, the man is fine, it's not like if he's straight or gay, like I got a shot anyway. He's so excited. I'm just saying he people, who he is. But I mean if he did come out, or whatever, I think it would be such a huge amazing thing for men everywhere, because there is no other man who is manlier than him. You know what I mean. Like he's. But it's been speculated for a long time. And then this divorce thing which really came out of the blue. It really came out of the blue. People were like what? Yeah, the worst twist of it was that she signed a non-disclose, which is a weird thing for everyone to also announce about. But he's writing a book and you know I'm older than him too.

Carmen Lezeth:

Yeah, by like 10 years or something. Yeah, they were so happy.

Rick Costa:

She can't say anything, but he can.

Carmen Lezeth:

I think it's because they made an agreement. I think they really love each other. I said I don't know them, I'm just going to be, I don't know anybody who knows them. You know what I mean Like. So I'm not talking from anywhere except speculation, but I think they really love each other. I don't think it's, you know. I think that they look at Tony.

Tony D.:

This is giving my show. I was thinking about the whole scenario. Something makes sense. Go ahead, please. I'm sorry.

Cynthia :


Carmen Lezeth:

I'm just saying. I think that you know he's coming out with a book I don't know when, but he's writing a book and that book's going to be a big deal. So if she started talking about their marriage, regardless of what the you know the stuff is or whatever, it would ruin sales of the book because all the gossipy stuff. So I think in a business way, that was also a smart thing to do for him so that he could write when he was playing.

Tony D.:

Absolutely, and that's what hit me in the head Business wise, absolutely, that's what hit me.

Carmen Lezeth:

Yeah, and $100 million to him or whatever it is. It was a ridiculous amount, but I don't remember how much it was. And, look at it again, it's not like I spoke to him or her. This is all through the stupid little gossipy things but it hit hard here in Hollywood when that happened, because people are like, oh, yeah, you saw all these really what, and we saw what happened with Jada Pinker Smith's book. That's not on the same level, is it?

Rick Costa:

I'm just saying, like you know, she had just had a blab. Yes, he is, they are that.

Carmen Lezeth:

But did it. Was it a best seller, though, that people buy it?

Tony D.:

Not that I know of no.

Carmen Lezeth:

I know I didn't buy it. Look, Cynthia is reading it right now.

Cynthia :

She's reading it right now.

Carmen Lezeth:

Do we still hate Jada Pinker Smith?

Tony D.:

Let's get controversial, shall we?

Carmen Lezeth:

Do we hate her? I don't know.

Tony D.:

I never hated her. I had a problem with her putting the family business out there. Something caught my attention about two weeks ago about something she said when the interview she did with Will with the Red Table Talk she spoke on. She felt the need and she wanted to help somebody and be there for somebody. When she got with August Alcina, I think she said something that a lot of women feel and I've heard it more than once. There's a time when a woman feels that she needs to be there for somebody, do something with somebody, especially when her significant other isn't around and the kids are all grown. Certain women start searching for somebody else to be there for and it hit me at my own light she put this out before this was really starting to happen. I started seeing more and more stories of women saying that, hearing more and more women say that they just need to be there for somebody.

Carmen Lezeth:

I don't know who these women are that you talked to.

Tony D.:

I swear to God I don't know nobody, I know, I don't know nobody, you know, I know.

Carmen Lezeth:

I'm just saying you have some really drama-esque women in your life. I just want to throw that out there. I'm thinking in my head do I know any women sitting in you? I'm like, do I know any?

Tony D.:

I'm just thinking about it. Take one aspect of that. Other than that, I did see her stand up for him recently. I think those most recent allegations of somebody saying him and Duane Martin got together. She was at an interview. She was at an interview with him and Duane Martin.

Carmen Lezeth:

Wait that Will Smith and Dwayne Martin yes there was room about that.

Tony D.:

There was room about that, yes.

Carmen Lezeth:

So now Will Smith and Hugh Jackman are gay. What do?

Tony D.:

you mean now? They've been saying Will's gay for 20 years.

Carmen Lezeth:

Really, really.

Tony D.:

You're in Hollywood. How you don't know this?

Carmen Lezeth:

Because I don't really pay attention to gossip. The Hugh Jackman thing was big, that was huge, but Will Smith is kind of-.

Tony D.:

They've been talking about Will being that way since Six Degrees of Separation, which a lot of people brushed it off because of the movie. We got that, but then when he did Aladdin they started coming out more.

Carmen Lezeth:

Because he did Aladdin.

Tony D.:

Yeah, because he dressed like a woman in the movie.

Carmen Lezeth:

Oh my god, you cannot be this archaic of a thinking man. It's a clear and clear.

Tony D.:

I'm telling you what they said. I didn't say, I didn't who's?

Carmen Lezeth:

they, who are these day people?

Tony D.:

You're in Hollywood. How you don't know them?

Carmen Lezeth:

Because I'm telling you that's all bullshit. That's what I'm trying to do. You live in the world and not see people.

Tony D.:

That's exactly what Jada Pinkers is so.

Carmen Lezeth:

Jada's people told you and your friends.

Tony D.:

I think it said it herself that all of these rumors were lies. She said that I forgot. I don't know if they're lying, I'm not talking about Jada.

Carmen Lezeth:

I'm not talking about Jada. You said he was wearing an Aladdin costume and that's why you thought he was there when he was in the movie Aladdin.

Tony D.:

The first set of rumors that came out of Baham was at the Six Degrees of Separation. The second set came out for real, for real, after the movie Aladdin. When he was in there he did that one scene. When he was dancing he dressed like a one foot. No, excuse me, I'm sorry. Wild Wild West, wild Wild West. When he did that Wild Wild West.

Carmen Lezeth:

So if a, ok, I just want you to hear how it sounds from my point of view. Sure, I want you to be brilliant, and right now you sound as silly. Ok, when you are a character in a film, you play the character, and if you do it well, people believe you.

Tony D.:

I didn't say I believed that. I said this is what I'm seeing and hearing.

Carmen Lezeth:

OK, wait, Cynthia and Rick, have you guys heard that Will Smith might have relations with other men? I did hear that?

Cynthia :

I did hear that, but hold on, but hold on. But can we think back to a movie called Two Wong Fu, where Patrick Swayze Westing's wife and John Link was almost all dressed as drag queens. You didn't hear anything about them Nothing 100%, I agree. Nothing about them, nothing being gay or anything like that and they were in full drag and they were amazing.

Tony D.:

That was a fun movie. It was a great movie. That was a great movie. They were outstanding.

Carmen Lezeth:

I love Patrick Swayze. That's the second time this week we're talking about him. There's something happening. I love him. Is his birthday coming up? I don't think so he's just a great dancer.

Carmen Lezeth:

I loved him so much. I mean, he's a great actor, but wait. So here's my question. So is your point, cynthia, that the reason why the rumors came out because of Will is because there might be some substance there? Is that what you're saying? It could be. It doesn't have to do with the movie. It has everything I do. I think there are some substance there, right, yeah?

Tony D.:

I don't like how they're doing. A lot of men trying to call them out there all the time. They're doing it a lot.

Carmen Lezeth:

Wait, wait, wait. Say what you just said. Ok, is it OK? Someone just tell me this Is it just me that I can't hear him clearly? I can hear you guys clearly. I cannot hear him clearly.

Cynthia :

His voice goes in and out sometimes, because I think it's when you sit back and you get away from the mic.

Carmen Lezeth:

Is that your birthday, tony? Oh, thanksgiving, I'm going to buy you a Valentine's gift. I'm going to buy you a damn mic. It's an interesting conversation, but here's what happens Is then you have to like wait, huh, what? Huh, I can't hear you that. Well, what kind of computer do you have? Are you a Mac person or a what?

Rick Costa:

Yes, he said. Yes, I'm whispering on purpose.

Tony D.:

I'm sorry.

Carmen Lezeth:

Lord, I'm going to get you a mic.

Rick Costa:

Part of me also says OK, let's suppose any of that is true. Who cares? Why is this news? I don't.

Carmen Lezeth:

Well, we're talking about it because our cake idea I care, because you guys have our cake ideas of what?

Tony D.:

Is this better?

Carmen Lezeth:

Painting your nails means.

Tony D.:

Is this better?

Carmen Lezeth:

I don't know. We have to be in conversation. Hello, I'm annoyed with you now you stay annoyed with me. I don't think it's better.

Rick Costa:

It sounds the same, you sure it's working.

Carmen Lezeth:

I don't think it's in. It sounds exactly the same.

Rick Costa:

How about now Same? It sounds the same to me. What's that other noise? That's my vibe.

Tony D.:


Carmen Lezeth:

my, I should fall. Turn off your vibration. You busy. You got to take your call. You realize that the lounge was all about beating up Tony D.

Tony D.:

I fight back.

Carmen Lezeth:

I'm just saying, you didn't realize it. That's why we set this all up. We've been planning it for weeks and I just pretended I was like all the time today.

Tony D.:

Got it yes.

Carmen Lezeth:

OK, so what else were we talking about yesterday? I don't want to talk about religion, because that's going to get on my nerves.

Tony D.:

We can.

Carmen Lezeth:

No, we talked about it last night. It was really good. We were having a great conversation Not on the live stream, but here. But I'm going to need to go through it again Because if you try to manufacture it, it's going to come off as well. You know what I mean. You've got to have a regular flow.

Tony D.:

Can I ask you how it came about?

Carmen Lezeth:

How what?

Tony D.:

came about the show, the conversation about religion itself.

Carmen Lezeth:

Because Rick was over there talking about Jesus. No, I'm just kidding.

Rick Costa:

No, I think, because I started talking about Because you had said something about the what do you call it? Elevator pitch, and I was saying that I was saying the same thing I'm also saying. So how would you guys describe what I do, different from everybody else that does similar things? And then that's how we got started talking about that Right, because we're trying.

Carmen Lezeth:

OK, so you talked about monetization, so Rick is also trying to. I don't know, what are you trying to do? You're trying to hone your program and maybe market it in a different way. Is that what you were trying to do, rick?

Rick Costa:

I just let's put it this way Periscope, it was a lot of people.

Carmen Lezeth:

You need to let go of that. You. You've done that so much that it's the reason why you're failing now.

Rick Costa:

Right and now it's like I love the people that I have. Don't get me wrong, I love them to death, but it's the same people I'm like why can't I be Carmen?

Tony D.:

excuse me, a second Rick. Then I said it two years ago about my stuff.

Carmen Lezeth:

What did you say two years ago?

Tony D.:

I love my audience, but everybody was telling me I need to do something else. It's the same case.

Carmen Lezeth:

You don't know what periscope is, because they talk about it all the time.

Tony D.:

I don't.

Carmen Lezeth:

They were on Periscope, it was part of Twitter and it was like a live streaming thing, like we do on Thursdays, but they was doing it all the time and they had thousands and thousands of followers and they all made a lot of them.

Tony D.:

They had thousands, of thousands. Yes, they did.

Carmen Lezeth:

And so you know I hate to say this. It's like, but here's the thing when I was on Hapso so Periscope closed down and then they all moved over to Haps and, for whatever reason, trying to find the blessings in it, I found my way to Haps over the COVID period. I don't know how I did it, but I ended up.

Tony D.:

Somebody recommended it to you. Oh, that's right. That's right. One of my friends on Twitter, that's right.

Carmen Lezeth:

He broadcasts sunsets over there, anyway. So I went to Haps and I was there, I think.

Tony D.:

I wasn't even in the one Two to three months max.

Carmen Lezeth:

What, how long?

Tony D.:

Two to three months max.

Carmen Lezeth:

Maybe six months. I think it was, because that was in the beginning. It might have been six months. The toxicity it's in there. I will not tell you. And wait, here's the best part. All they talked about was how bad Periscope was, and now that they're both gone, all they talked about is oh Haps, oh Periscope. But the toxicity level people were on there, I don't know what it is. I think it's something you said earlier, tony, that COVID did give people some license and on Haps, I don't know about Periscope, but on Haps people also didn't have to show their face.

Carmen Lezeth:

So they didn't have to show their face. So then they would get on and be really nasty to people and people would be like I don't know, they would have emojis or whatever, but so it'd be like pulsating, but these were regular people. All the time. They would be so mean to each other. It was just crazy and I was there. I think it was six months.

Tony D.:

I don't remember you being there for six, or maybe being there for maybe three months, rick, how long was I there?

Rick Costa:

Maybe I don't know Well, you weren't as active as everybody else, so that's why he doesn't remember.

Carmen Lezeth:

I was there one.

Rick Costa:

I do remember.

Cynthia :

I do remember Carmen kept telling me oh, you should get on. Haps. It's his new program and I was like what the hell is that?

Carmen Lezeth:

Yeah, I've never gone on it, I'm proud of you Don't listen to me about that shit ever again, you dodged a bullet, cynthia.

Tony D.:

You two are broadcasting, but you were still around. I do remember that. Now, this is the thing I do want to say this periscope you didn't have to show your face. You could, but it was not required and a lot of people got away with not showing their face, not giving their real name and talking a whole bunch of crap. And we got to Haps Because I was on periscope but I wasn't around any of them.

Tony D.:

The people that brought me to Haps were the only two people I was around on periscope and a couple of folks saw me when I was on that broadcast and I was like no, we got to Haps and it was video conferencing. There was difference between audio chat and video conferencing. With these apps, I always prefer the video conferencing because you really show your face Right. So these folks are still scared to show their face and I promise you I'm going to say this. I keep telling them and nobody believes me. I don't even care no more, because everybody tells me to get over Haps. These jokers won't get over periscope. I refuse to get over Haps as long as they don't get over periscope and periscope shut down before Haps did.

Carmen Lezeth:

They all need to get over all of it and move the fuck out.

Tony D.:

We are moving out. Here's the crazy part, Carmen Haps was not great.

Carmen Lezeth:

I know you think it was, but it was not great For what I'm doing now. I started all of it there, I know but what I'm saying is I mean, look, it's like anything else. When a baby is born and then it turns on its belly and starts to crawl, we're all like, oh my god, you can crawl, but at some point it needs to walk. We don't keep herming. I'm like. Remember, though, how great that crawl was. The crawl was amazing. No, you move the fuck on. You guys are so obsessed.

Tony D.:

Yeah, I am, and I had a ball.

Carmen Lezeth:

But here's, but you know what. So funny, tony, you're remembering what you want to remember, because all you did was complain all the time.

Tony D.:

I did not complain about Haps. No, I didn't.

Carmen Lezeth:

Oh my god.

Tony D.:

I will give you $100 if you find me complaining about Haps. Oh my god, I will give you $100 if you find me complaining about Haps OK.

Carmen Lezeth:

OK, you want to have to go for $100.

Rick Costa:

On complaining on Haps or complaining about Haps? Which one or both? Which is it, carmen?

Carmen Lezeth:

and Haps. Complaining about Haps.

Tony D.:

You're going to complain about Haps all the time. We'll be honest. When did I complain about Haps?

Carmen Lezeth:

You complained about people on Haps, that's the difference.

Tony D.:

That's the difference. Ok, so you want to be $100, right, Because you want to be no no, no, oh wait, that's what I'm saying.

Carmen Lezeth:

You complained all the time.

Tony D.:

Now we're in the lounge. Ok, I didn't complain. I didn't complain about the platform. Complain about the people and the platform. You owe me $100.

Carmen Lezeth:

I don't owe doubt. You owe me $100. What I want you to do with that $100 is buy yourself a mother phone.

Tony D.:

Microphone. I'm all one. Now I might check one too.

Carmen Lezeth:

No, that's not doing nothing.

Rick Costa:

These are good, but they're pretty cheap.

Carmen Lezeth:

They're pretty cheap. They're like $50. Great, I'm going to show you that again.

Tony D.:

I'll pick on you later. Yeah, I was like yeah.

Carmen Lezeth:

Right, they're like $50.

Tony D.:

I never really complained about the platform. I complained about what the people did. But what the people doing, what the platform is, are two different things. I say the same thing on the other app that I'm on.

Carmen Lezeth:

I know, but then I was right.

Tony D.:

I'm just saying no no, because if I complained about the platform, this is what people did when they complained about the platform. They complained about what they couldn't do on it. They complained about how it was glitching.

Carmen Lezeth:

We're not talking about them. I'm talking about what I said, and you said.

Tony D.:

You said you complained about apps. I didn't complain about apps.

Carmen Lezeth:

That's what I meant, though you when you were saying both you and Rick OK, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, notice how Rick ain't fighting with me. But let me just say this Rick, don't let me fight with you the romanticize what's. How do you say?

Rick Costa:

romanticization. You know what?

Carmen Lezeth:

I can't even say it. Ok, we got it. The way in which you guys look like rose-colored glasses back in the day of what?

Tony D.:

I'm sure my screen is not glitching when I say it's great.

Carmen Lezeth:

Why did it not? Last is my question.

Tony D.:

Periscope shut down, we're not sure why, and people were cursing it out just to get over it.

Carmen Lezeth:

It was I was there, the only good thing I hear about is that there were thousands of people on Rick's broadcast and he made a lot of money doing it. But I look at that. All I heard about is that there was so much toxicity on that.

Tony D.:

How many more apps, though. If you think, hansel, that Periscope is worse, I will tell you that.

Carmen Lezeth:

I know, I know this. You don't need to tell me, I've heard it so much. I know what I'm trying to say is. What I'm saying is move on, and that's what Rick is trying to do. Rick is trying to figure out a way to get an elevator pitch or like a couple of lines to talk about why his broadcast might be different, so that he can maybe pitch it differently, market it differently. You know, you don't need to raise your motherfucking hand in the lounge.

Tony D.:

Stand with folks, talk over each other. So I'm doing it to finish yourself.

Carmen Lezeth:

I'm taking you out the lounge, you're out on the bouncer too.

Tony D.:

I'm not going to have a bouncer OK.

Cynthia :

Oh, my God.

Tony D.:

You can lay down OK, you're good Long as you're full. You want to say hi to everybody.

Carmen Lezeth:

Hi, jason. He says hi, he doesn't want to be on camera. He can't hear me because you have on your headset.

Tony D.:

I told him you said hi. He said hi back. Did you hear him?

Carmen Lezeth:

I didn't hear what you just said. What?

Tony D.:

There's a red. I don't know what in the world I'm going to do with you.

Carmen Lezeth:

Did you hear what he said?

Rick Costa:

I heard the poem.

Carmen Lezeth:

I heard the poem, but what did he say about Jason he?

Rick Costa:

said that he told Jason that you said hi and that Jason said hi back.

Carmen Lezeth:

Oh, I didn't hear that at all, because somebody needs a new motherfucking mic. But it's just me, whatever.

Tony D.:

The only thing I think that may be going on and I got nothing against what you do. You know I pop in every now and then when I can. Society is going into our religious. That might be one of the problems.

TikTok Video - Bianca Juarez:

OK, why.

Tony D.:

Honestly, honestly it's not.

Carmen Lezeth:

That's not the problem. They're not anti religious right now. That's not the problem. There's enough people who he could reach.

Carmen Lezeth:

I think what he's trying to do is. He's re analyzing and re thinking. Look, it is the same reason why I'm doing this, right? So Andrea and Cynthia and Rick all know that I'm trying to build a brand here, and so now I want to have like a private lab, because I think this conversation is much more fun without all the distractions or whatever, and this is what I've always wanted to do and unfortunately for me. I mean, I am going to keep the live stream going, because I think that's one too. I was listening to too many people I don't even respect who kept telling me like you got to have the, the, the live stream, and you have to talk to the audience and you have to do this, and I'm like it's not what I want to do, right?

Carmen Lezeth:

So the live stream is great and fun and we're going to keep doing it. But I've also added Carmen talk, which is just for my podcast listeners, which is just like Ted talk and it's just once a week and it's just under 20 minutes and it's just kind of more from my blog post. So that's something I'm doing so I can get my own voice out there on things I want to talk about. And now I think this kind of private lounge is going to add to the ability to not just do something for us to have a conversation, but also to turn around and have interviews with people who I can't tell you how many people want to be on the show. I want to do the podcast, but the minute I say it's a live stream, they're like a what?

Tony D.:

Yes, so you have a live stream broadcast and you have a private lounge. Absolutely, that's how you spend yourself, yeah.

Carmen Lezeth:

That's what I'm trying to do. I want to build a brand, so I think, reanalyzing even for you as well. Tony, like you know, I understand that you're trying to put yourself on all these different, you know places or whatever. But instead of trying to game the system, why not learn? It is my question. Learn the creative economy and then like, if you want to make a living, I mean, what is your ultimate goal? Tell me what your ultimate goal is, Say what you just said at the beginning.

Tony D.:

Again, it actually clicks. Something, something you said before the creative economy.

Carmen Lezeth:

I said learn the creator economy instead of trying to game it Like you all. Keep trying to After the system instead of just trying to learn with the creative Look at I. Let me explain it this way. I don't know who I explained this to the other day, but oh, it's probably Cynthia right Last night, yeah, Yesterday. Let me explain it to you this way because I don't think people understand this. People fucking haps don't understand this. Okay, You're going to get off me, I don't.

Carmen Lezeth:

I'm going to explain to you right now. You're going to understand it, and I think Rick understands what I'm about to say, because I talked about it last night and it's only because I'm in both worlds, right, so, and I was in the creative economy, but now I'm trying to get in that world. So there's Hollywood. We understand Hollywood, right, there are actors that are Actors, there are films, there's advertising, there's agents. We get it. The reward shows.

Tony D.:

Exponence and love for the people that understand.

Carmen Lezeth:

We also put Broadway in kind of the Hollywood world right. We all understand that the creative economy is not the same as Hollywood. It is a different entity. It is your YouTube people, your Mr Beast, your Gary Vee's, your I don't know Mama Tots on TikTok, or Terry Kane or Kane, okay.

Rick Costa:


Carmen Lezeth:

I mean, it's all of the stars that are on. You know, there are other ones, I don't know. There are a whole bunch of other stars on YouTube and TikTok and Instagram all the influencers. That's the creator economy, right? I used to be the producer of a podcast called the creator economy, and the reason why I took that job and I did it as a consultant was so that I could learn about how the creator economy works.

Tony D.:

So you was a producer.

Carmen Lezeth:

I was the producer of a podcast called the creator economy for the past. Like year I don't do it anymore, but I learned everything and I got to meet all these people and I went to the. I called it Comic Con, but it's not a Comic Con fest, it's like it's it was called. Vidcon. I'm sorry.

Rick Costa:

Like a convention.

Carmen Lezeth:

It's VidCon and it's every year. They have it in three different places. They had it here in Anaheim, right near Disney. But my, my, my whole point is is when you start to learn how the creator economy works, you start trying to work in it instead of trying to game it. And I feel like people at Haps, you know and I'm not going to mention names because this is going to be broadcast but there are people at Haps who are confused as to how the creator economy works, and I think that's why the Haps kind of failed. By the way, just on the business end of it, you know, there was this part of it where they were kind of trying to do a business that they hadn't fully thought out how it was going to work, and then they tried to do that other thing where they were trying to be like agents or managers to people. I mean, they really messed up that whole.

Tony D.:

I know what she's talking about, right.

Carmen Lezeth:

So what.

Tony D.:

I think is, is it would be great.

Carmen Lezeth:

I think what Rick is doing is great. You should always look at what you're doing wrong or you could do better to fix your business, no matter what industry you're in and how can you work within it so that you can make money doing it, and it doesn't matter. There's there's eight billion people in the world. I'm positive there's enough people in the world that will pay him so he can make a living being what he's doing, because what he's doing is a nice good thing that people in that world like I agree Praying I'm saying it like so disrespectfully.

Rick Costa:

No, you're good.

Carmen Lezeth:

Praying and sharing and and harmonizing in music. Whatever you know, there's enough people that will pay him for that, because there are people being make up fucking chips.

Tony D.:

OK. So here's my thing. When you, when you look at a lot of things on apps, when you first got over there, there were only a few people who were serious about broadcasting. The rest of us were hanging out. That's obviously. I think you got a bad image at first. Around the end, a couple of us was trying to get more serious on broadcast and live streaming. We had to look to try to do something with it. I'm very guilty of that myself. Um, when you say, game it instead of learning it, I kind of want to give it. I never tried to dig into learning it, I just tried to work it. So I got to give you that one. I did do, I did.

Carmen Lezeth:

And I don't think that's a bad thing. I think that's how you know you have to step in. I mean, that's why I love Gary V Just get in there and do it. But at some point, if what you're doing isn't working the way you want it to get up and try something else. Like instead, what people did was they just keep complaining about it, right, or they keep talking about like and you're adding to the badness of it, right.

Carmen Lezeth:

So not you, but I'm just saying like it's kind of that weird chicken egg thing if you're not pressing and you're upset about it, but you're upset about it, so you can't learn it, so that you can move forward and get better at it.

Rick Costa:

And when I first joined haps, I didn't talk to nobody. I just did my thing like I was doing over in Periscope. I didn't talk to nobody. But then a while I started to go in people's haps, whatever, and start talking to them. And even Carmen, I remember you at one point was there and said oh, you don't really know these people. Like, not really, I just only started talking to people.

Carmen Lezeth:

Mostly Different community, cynthia you you mm-hmm.

Cynthia :

Oh yeah, I mean, I experienced at that time just watching that, uh, the one situation.

Carmen Lezeth:

Yeah, I know, well, that was kind of. That was the whole kind of same thing that was happening On a regular basis. The lounge is to share whatever we want to share, it's going to be publicized. I do not want to go down that road again, but that you know it. But but that's kind of when I realized like I really felt feel so bad Because there's that much animosity and jealousy and anger. Okay, here's the thing that. Okay, I'm just gonna be straight up, we're gonna be straight up.

Carmen Lezeth:

The thing I didn't like about haps was the pretend support that people had for each other, but actually people did not have support for each other, right, but you would all do that, you would also. But the truth was people were jealous of other people, people were putting down other. But you know what I'm saying? Right, people were. There are people who would smoke pot or drink while they were on the show or whatever, right, and people do it. You're talking about people at one o'clock in the morning, you know, talking kind of like a lounge thing, but like for hours and Cynthia, it was hours people on it for four or five hours easy drunk out of their mind.

Rick Costa:

Never been on any platform that was as toxic as have. Sorry to say, but it's true.

Carmen Lezeth:

I Know so bad. And then there were people and I thought I loved Ted with all my heart. But I had a one-on-one with him and I'm like, if you are going to be this person, I don't want to talk to you either, like I'm done because Ted was one of those people who never Look at me. He's looking at me, tony's like what do you mean? Ted is a god. No, intervened in anything, right? So I'm kind of one of these people like, since they have somebody's harming you, I'm gonna protect you because I need you to be protected, because you my friend, right and I'm. And here we are, we're always saying we're friends and we're supporting each other, whatever.

Carmen Lezeth:

But then someone's dissing you over and over and over again and I'm like, oh, not only am I not doing anything, I'm in the room watching it, so I'm giving it views, right? Yeah, haps was very toxic and I think I think, yes, I might have a very negative viewpoint of it, because I don't love that energy and it's not who I am. And then you have, I have to put my street self out there when people try to mess with my people or with me. That's not who I am on a regular basis, but don't fuck with my people. You know what I mean and don't try to fuck with me. But that that kind of look at Tony's like ignoring everything.

Rick Costa:

I was sorry and I think you honestly were trying to do something professional, serious, but then you know, all these knuckleheads come in.

Carmen Lezeth:

Yeah, I was trying to interview people, get to like. My whole idea was which is right.

Cynthia :

That happens in life in general, like whether you're on any type of social media or not. That happens in life. People are always jealous of Anything that you might do that you know that's better than them or they think is better than them. That's just life but this was.

Carmen Lezeth:

But this the difference was. This was a Like think about being in a building Like a bar. You're in a bar, in a community of people, like in a school or something. So it was a very closed, tight-knit group of people. You know what I mean, and it was so. Even when you tried to get away, they would still try to get in touch with you to get you back in.

Carmen Lezeth:

It was really weird. It was a weird time and I look it, I stayed for as long as I could and I I made a lot of mistakes because I trusted way too many people. I really did, and I learned my lesson the hard way, right, because you're always learning. That's what you're saying like. You always got to learn. But that's why, when they talk about haps or periscope, I'm like move on, because y'all remembering role. It's like Teresa, no offense, you know what I mean. Like I'm sorry this is, I shouldn't have said her name, but it's just so funny because you know the way we grow up, the way we grew up Like we. Okay, I grew up in a household where there were roaches. I'm just go say it straight up. Right, we grew up poor, right. But if you talk to other people in the same neighborhood.

Carmen Lezeth:

And you say remember, though, we had like roaches in here in California. That it's a very different ballgame. Roaches in the east coast they're really little, that's why we were talking about them. Right, and this woman goes what are you talking about? There are no roaches on our streets. I Like what? Like just the kind of you forget.

Tony D.:

The traps and the spray. She kept them all the way out. Some people.

Carmen Lezeth:

Like all of a sudden. Somehow she lived like on Newberry Street a song.

Cynthia :

Even do very, she has rats, okay, I don't know but?

Carmen Lezeth:

but they're classy around. It's a great skill. It is a great skill to be able to remember the good things and not the bad things, and that is an Excellent thing, by the way, because too many people harp on the negative and keep it there, and that's part of the problem with some of the people that are still hanging on. But I think you're right, you need to have both of you, rick and Tony need to get a bigger Group of people watching your shows and enjoying you that are not the same people not enough. You know you want your core people. We love our core people, but how do you bring other people into the fold?

Tony D.:

Even they were trying to help me and who's they?

Tony D.:

the people that were supporting me. They were trying. I think our time was just up for what we enjoyed at the moment, which is where you're correct that we got to move on, and that's one of the things I used to say. I had to think of something different. I had to think of something more original. I had to try and do something else if I wanted to do this seriously. And I said we'll put two or three years and it's been Two and a half years of it and working on it, um, what's your goal?

Carmen Lezeth:

Do you know what your end goal is?

Tony D.:

I wanted to have a study podcast. I did. I want to have a large run is. I want to have a weekly show, one monetize one. I did.

Tony D.:

Now, drawing an audience isn't so easy. I'm you and I talked about this almost two years ago. I said drawing an audience isn't easy and you had a lot of suggestions. I'm like I tried, it's not working. I try this now work. You like just a big excuse? I said no and so when you started, I started watching you and you know what you did. You had. You've had more guests than me. I Actually credit and I was told you I like how you did your show. I like how you carried it, like how you started and everything. You've had great guests and everything. There are so many people I would love to talk to. Actually brought that up in the conversation. I think it was on to the spaces in time and one of the guys heard me and Hashtag actually hashtag to do to see if you will respond. A lot of people aren't gonna talk to us because we're too small. Mark, I get that. I get that entirely. Yeah, you know who did? I don't know. Tracy bless me.

Carmen Lezeth:

That's a whole other no but you're saying bless you All right. You know what happened, because I can't Do you know who Tracy Bingham is cuz exactly.

Tony D.:

Black woman that was on big watch.

Carmen Lezeth:

Still nothing. Wait, here's even better. Cynthia Guess where she's from right, where she's from Boston, and we still don't know who she is, so in.

Tony D.:

I had my largest audience from my own broadcast when I did.

Carmen Lezeth:

I know and I'm not looking. I'm not trying to be mean. The reason why I'm doing this, the reason why I'm saying, is is You're harping on something that to you was a big deal but it's keeping you stagnant. It's no offense to her, she's lovely lady. I did not watch the whole thing. It was a very sexually oriented thing. I'm a jiggy. From what I understood right, that's what I heard it was very sexual.

Tony D.:

That's what you heard.

Carmen Lezeth:

Okay, I did not watch it, but I heard her titty came out of something.

Rick Costa:

You had a nip slip, she showed it.

Carmen Lezeth:

I'm just saying that's not my kind of thing.

Tony D.:

Hey, that was a talker to that woman, that's all everybody remembers. Yeah, I need to know.

Carmen Lezeth:

Not if that's what if I showed my titty right now, you think it was gonna?

Rick Costa:

Okay, Janet Jackson.

Tony D.:

Decent conversation with. I'll let her talk to everybody in the audience. She was open to answer questions. We had a good time. It was a great conversation and I didn't want to do an interview. I wanted to come. I told her that at the beginning she was so game with it. It was fun and I had most of the people that I knew on that platform were right there supporting me. That's what I can't forget. That's what I can't let go. I'll be honest about that, and it's been almost two years now. I'm gonna have to, but I will always admit that Motivated, propelled me so hard to want to do more, to want to be better.

Carmen Lezeth:

So then, why are you not doing it then?

Tony D.:

I've been. I've been broadcasted since and they're supporting you. Excuse me.

Cynthia :

Are they still supporting you?

Tony D.:

minimal, let's the one percent of the people who they have to be before it's not fair.

Carmen Lezeth:

Wait, he's living. He's leaving out the important part again. That was on that platform, that was we're all in the same building. So, right, me show in the moment was him interviewing this woman that was on Baywatch. And I'm not gonna be rude about it, like I'm not saying she's nobody or whatever. The reason why I put it that way is because I want you to bring it down a notch so that you can see over the hilltop you've made of her. So, yes, everyone came in and watched you interview her, but that was because she was a new star person and also ridiculously gorgeous and sexy and like that sells shit.

Carmen Lezeth:

You know what I mean. That's not to take anything away from you, but if you're going to be a great host, if you're gonna be a great podcaster or whatever, it's not about you, it's about the interviewer you're doing. You know what I mean. So it's not that people aren't supporting you now. It's because we don't have a centralized place where the three people you know over and over and over again are going to follow you. And do you know what I mean? It's not the same thing. So that's why I'm saying why don't you?

Carmen Lezeth:

You do whatever you wanna do, but try to focus on one thing If you wanna be a great interviewer and you wanna interview people, interview anybody who will be on your show and do it consistently. Do it every week. Interview Cynthia, interview me, interview Rick just, and that's how you get it going. I mean, I've been interviewing a lot of my friends and then I had other people who asked to be on the show, who I didn't really know. I have other people who wanna come on the show with a little hesitant of the live stream, so now I'm trying to mold it into something that's okay. We'll do like a lounge so that it isn't a live stream, and then I'll just do the audio for them on the podcast. That's fair.

Tony D.:

We'll be coming up on a year that you started right.

Carmen Lezeth:

No, I started in March. Oh yeah, I guess in March it'll be right. April, April, April.

Tony D.:

I was thinking April May.

Carmen Lezeth:

April, I think it was April, but that's what I'm trying to say is, just and look at it, I'm not looking to get a lot of and I think to Rick's dismay but I'm not worried about getting a whole bunch of followers and I'm not worried about getting a bunch of likes or whatever. I'm trying to build a brand because what I wanna do is get a book deal and I wanna do speaking events. You know what I mean. Like I'm trying to do a whole other thing.

Tony D.:

I'm not worried about you got a whole separate agenda from what a lot of us are doing, because you're going to get a lot of people.

Carmen Lezeth:

I'm not really obsessed and the Carmen talk is part of the chapters in my book. See, I got a little, that's what I'm trying to do.

Tony D.:

You've always had a plan. Absolutely you always had a plan.

Carmen Lezeth:

So that's what, and look it. It may not work, but I'm having fun doing it. I'm having a great time doing it. And do you listen to Gary Vee? No, oh my God, yeah, you should. Do you listen to Gary Vee, who is?

Tony D.:


Carmen Lezeth:

Vee. Oh my God, lord Jesus, I don't even know how to do that.

Rick Costa:

I'm the only one you gotta call him.

Carmen Lezeth:

I sent you today, though, like three of them. Yeah, I did watch those.

Tony D.:

You don't know Is he a motivational speaker?

Cynthia :

Is he a motivational speaker? He's a motivational speaker, but I'm trying to stand up to that.

Tony D.:

Michael Bathurst telling me about he used to play in the mornings.

Carmen Lezeth:

I am positive Michael Bathurst does not listen to Gary Vee, okay.

Tony D.:

There's some guy. He was telling me this through some motivational speaker. He was telling me I should check out and I was like, okay.

Carmen Lezeth:

I mean, I could be wrong, but, Rick, do you think Michael Bathurst is listening?

Rick Costa:

to Gary Vee I have no idea.

Carmen Lezeth:

Okay, I'll look him up. Wait, can I do it here? Let me see if I can show you Let.

Tony D.:

Gary Vee to check.

Carmen Lezeth:

Yeah, yeah yeah, gary Vee to check. Yeah, if you listen-. No, gary Vee, that's him. Gary Vee to check.

Tony D.:

Okay, yeah, that's not who Bathurst was telling me about.

Carmen Lezeth:

Yeah, I'm positive because I mean Gary Vee swears every five seconds. There's no way that I would think Michael Bathurst would listen to him.

Tony D.:

He swears, so do I. He swears.

Carmen Lezeth:

No, that's what I'm saying.

Rick Costa:

That's why I like Not as bad as he used to be, though you gotta give it to him Little bit.

Carmen Lezeth:

No, you guys gotta get over the swearing thing.

Tony D.:

I don't care, but you know I'll say that for later. Next episode no go ahead what? Next episode. Next episode.

Rick Costa:

Wow, we're good. But he's very encouraging. Like he's like I don't care if you're 50. Get in there, do it and go on here and go in there. Like he's very in that aspect he could be motivational, but he's a good one to listen to. I would say so too.

Carmen Lezeth:

Yeah, I think what I like about him is he's you know it's so funny because somebody told me the other day they hate the word authentic, it's overused, but I think it's an appropriate word. He's just straight up authentic about the advice he gives and it's kind of the same advice that I need to hear. It's like I don't want the flowery stuff, I don't want people who look it. I love Oprah with all my heart. I do. I even love Tyler Perry, I do. I respect them, whatever.

Carmen Lezeth:

But at some point you get so big. Sometimes or you've sold a book or you've done whatever and you're like. You know, when I was your age, I remember sitting and they always do that thing, like from this place of wealth and statue and security, telling us how they did it right. And that's what we all expect to hear. I'm so sick of that. Gary never talks like that. He's just like look it, get your ass out there and do it, because you can do ABC and D and da, da, da, da. And he's just like you feel like he's still in the struggle with you. What do you mean?

Tony D.:

Yeah, he didn't forget where he came from. That's how he sounds. He didn't forget the struggle. I understand that.

Rick Costa:

And he does not tolerate excuses either. He'd be like no, no, that's excuses. Now.

Carmen Lezeth:

And he says things that other people never say, but I so believe like if you're the boss and you have people working for you, why do you expect everybody else to work as hard as you? Who owns the company? I cannot tell you how many times I've talked to my clients and I'm like you need to listen to this Gary Vee thing. It's just one minute. Just listen to this, because it's true. If you own the company, why do you expect everybody else to be running around with their heads cut off when their game paid 25 bucks an hour or whatever? Why are you doing that to people? And it's like that's the shit I love about him, that he's so on point about real ways in which you can move through. Oh, and here's the other thing, tony, the reason why I know so much about the creator economies, because I bought one of his first books Jab Jab Hook, I think, was the name of it. I still have it. I can send it to you if you want.

Tony D.:

It's all like he boxes.

Carmen Lezeth:

Yeah, no, no, he doesn't box. I mean, I don't know why he loves football and he loves sports, so you might oh, I forgot about that.

Tony D.:

He loves the Jets right.

Carmen Lezeth:

He's a big, he wants to buy the Jets or something. That's like his big dream, really, yeah.

Tony D.:

Tony. We said hurry up. I don't know him personally. You sound like you do.

Carmen Lezeth:

I don't, but you know what, everybody who listens to him loves him. Like I don't know. I didn't know if Rick would like him. But Rick, I introduced you to him, right.

Rick Costa:

I already had heard him before, but you, definitely you did huh.

Carmen Lezeth:

You never give me no credit. You want me to lie. I told you to listen to him.

Rick Costa:

But you did, but I had already listened to him because he from Bitcoin people. Oh, that's right.

Carmen Lezeth:

He's a Bitcoin guy too. He's got me. He's not a Bitcoin, he's what.

Rick Costa:

He's not afraid to tell you hard truths, like if you come to him and say well, this time, well, he was like. He'll just tell you, you know what your problem is? Blah, blah, blah, blah. And he'll just tell you straight up he don't care if you cry.

Carmen Lezeth:

Sounds like somebody I know, but Tony, he's into Bitcoin.

Tony D.:

I'm into Ethereum, but thank you. Whatever he's into, whatever he has to be Cryptocurrency cryptocurrency.

Carmen Lezeth:

Cryptocurrency yeah, he's into that crap too. So, sports, football, Bitcoinage I think he can do that. But you know what I think if you, you should follow him on Instagram or wherever TikTok, cause I'm telling you, you're going to change the way you view social media if you start listening to how he talks about. But his first book was about social media and that's why I got to know him that many years ago, when his first book came out, Because I was like I don't understand this fucking internet shit and I need somebody to tell me. And I bought this book and I was like oh, and that's what I mean is like do your work.

Carmen Lezeth:

Learn shit.

Tony D.:

Informative drama is the best way to describe social media. What Informative drama it's the best way to describe social media? I don't think that's true. It is Take it for somebody who's up there all the time what?

Carmen Lezeth:

You don't use the internet every day, all of us.

Tony D.:

You know you use social media every day.

Carmen Lezeth:

I use social media every motherfucking day. All my clients have social media. Isn't Tony weird? I think that's just a portion.

Rick Costa:

You said can't say the whole internet. That's a portion of the internet.

Carmen Lezeth:

That's why I'm telling you to listen to Gary V, because I think you're going to learn something different about the internet. That's what I'm saying. All you people on haps have this vision of what you're able to do. Let him drink his peach.

Rick Costa:

Let him drink his peach schnapps in peace.

Carmen Lezeth:

I know I didn't even. That's Rick. That's the Christian man over there.

Tony D.:

This is just Pepsi. I haven't even poured any liquor in this. This is just some.

Carmen Lezeth:

Sure, I believe you.

Tony D.:

I'll tell you when I'm drinking.

Carmen Lezeth:

So, cynthia, what about you?

Rick Costa:

How you doing, girl, what you drinking. Just kidding, I'm drinking apple juice, apple juice.

Carmen Lezeth:

I can't drink apple juice. It always bloats me. I'm just drinking water, but I don't like I'm trying, not to. Somebody told me to stop advertising, but of course I just did it. Products on my live streams, see, I have people who are always helping me. They're like stop advertising things. Don't have anything what low goes on. Don't advertise things that you're not getting paid for. And I'm like OK, no what's going?

Rick Costa:

to happen if you do.

Carmen Lezeth:

No, they're just saying you want people to come to you Like you don't want to advertise things for free if you don't need to. So when you're accidentally doing Crystal Geyser, what if somebody from Arrowhead was like, oh you know what, she would be great, but oh, she already has a deal with Crystal Geyser. No, I don't, you know what it means it was kind of an interesting I don't know what that is.

Tony D.:

It's my crown of world golden apple bag. Oh jeez.

Carmen Lezeth:

Oh my God, your peach schnapps. Now it's green apple schnapps.

Carmen Lezeth:

But yeah, that's kind of the stuff, the little things that people will let me know about, like some of the people that I work with who are PR people. They're PR people for celebrities, but they'll say things like don't do this, don't do that, whatever. And I asked one of them because somebody, because people had brought up my swearing. They were like Carmen, your swearing is awesome. People are going to like you because you're doing controversial stuff and you're swearing or whatever it's like. That's the difference between the internet and Hollywood.

Rick Costa:

So in a broadcast I should put everything in a mug, so that way you can't tell what it is.

Carmen Lezeth:

It helps. What's with your mug?

Rick Costa:

No, I'm saying instead of lifting up in this drink and you can see what this is. If I put it in a mug, you ain't going to know what it is. That's why.

Carmen Lezeth:

I'm here. Well, that's why I always do this, that's why I always have a cup, and yesterday I remember I had the California Sun, which is a magazine. It's not a magazine, it's a digital newspaper that I get and it lists all the things happening in California every day. And I bought the cup but I wanted to show you. But I also don't mind supporting them because they're a good organization. You know what I mean.

Carmen Lezeth:

So he had to step away, probably for his son or whatever. What is that? Oh, he took the camera off, so that's his thing.

Rick Costa:

That's a spawn, that's a comic character spawn.

Carmen Lezeth:

Oh, is it really.

Rick Costa:

Not Marvel or DC.

Carmen Lezeth:

Yeah, yeah, so what happened to you?

Cynthia :

What happens if, like with the California Sun, one let's say you're always using that mug and that newspaper sees or hears the podcast, and then they want to talk to you.

Carmen Lezeth:

Well, the California Sun does I mean? First of all, he's a one person. He used to work for the New York Times and so I wanted to help him. I think people should subscribe to the California Sun. It's a great digital magazine of everything happening in all parts of California. I don't mind supporting him because he's like a small nonprofit. What he does is he left the New York Times.

Carmen Lezeth:

He gets up every morning, gets all the papers in all of California and then he puts all of the headlines, all of the best things that are happening in California, northern and southern California and then overall, like the governor or whatever, and it's not all bad news, but it's not liberal or conservative and you subscribe to it. It's like $25 a year or something. It's not a lot, but it's from all the other papers. And a couple of times when I couldn't afford it, especially during when we had remember the economy went down, like in 2018, whatever it was remember back then, whatever but I've always subscribed to this. It's a digital format. You know what I mean. And he was like don't worry about it. When you can pay, you do pay. No big deal. He's a very small organization. He has so many people subscribed because this stuff is so good, because he's taking the headlines from all the other papers and putting them in one place so we can click and go read them, depending on what it is.

Carmen Lezeth:

So when I had more money, I sent him $100 as a gift and so he sent me his cup. So he's not going to be like oh Carmen, let's sponsor you on our show If anything. I'm like oh, you know what, I just paid my subscription in a day and so I grabbed the cup because I was like you know what? I want to support the show. But I also wanted to show Rick the kind of cup I want to make. For all about the joy, because I told you, I started a store and I had t-shirts and hoodies, whatever. See, tony, you don't even know this. I had a store, like Rick does, and I got my logos done and everything. But I bought everything first and when I got it it's horrible quality.

Tony D.:

So I said no, you mixed it. You mixed it.

Carmen Lezeth:

Ugly, like I don't like it. And then, rick, you sent me the list of all the other plays. I just haven't had time, like before Christmas. Yeah, me either. I just haven't had time to look through them all, but I do want to do it and, like when I have more time, I do want to do the cap and a cup. So I think I might try to do it in the next couple of weeks or whatever. But yeah, I had that, I'm just kind of lost.

Tony D.:

Let me see I actually have a place in the immediate business. I will switch shirts and t-shirts. That are way to work.

Carmen Lezeth:

No, no, no. This is the problem. I can't do that. Cynthia offered that too. I know what you're going to do no, no, if I had the time and the money to be like oh, let me buy 100 hoodies and 100 t-shirts and 100 cups and then I'll go over here. No, no, there are all these organizations where you just they do the. How do?

Rick Costa:

you call it, they drop ship it. They drop ship it.

Carmen Lezeth:

They drop ship it. So if you come onto my website and you say I want a baseball captain that says all about the joy, they make it right then and there and send it to you.

Tony D.:

That's what Shopify and all those things are. They're instantaneous. They make it the more they want.

Carmen Lezeth:

Yeah and you don't have to.

Rick Costa:

That's the whole point, maybe not that instantaneous. It's not instantaneous. All you do is create it online and then somebody sees it I want that, and you don't have nothing to do with it. They pay it, they put the credit card and they send it to them and all you do is receive the money. You just create it and receive the money. That's it.

Carmen Lezeth:

Yeah, so you don't have to. Why is he smiling?

Rick Costa:

He likes that idea. He's like he is a turner.

Carmen Lezeth:

When I tell you that you guys have not learned social media, this is what I'm talking about. Like you over here telling how do you not know? That's what? All the you think, all those TikTokers who are making money are at home folding stuff in a box and mailing out shit.

Tony D.:

No, I didn't know that. I'm just saying.

Carmen Lezeth:

That's what I'm trying to tell you. You need to learn the system instead of trying to game it. That's going to be my new motto. I'm trying to share a screen with you, but I don't know how to do it. I know right. Don't you hate being in the lounge, bitch?

Tony D.:

In the lounge. I mean Bitch Sh Sh.

Carmen Lezeth:

Come here, guys. Didn't go on last night.

Tony D.:

He. I think he overslept. He was going to do it tonight, but he there cancel tonight too. So it's all good, we'll be, trust me, we got all weekend. Yeah, we got all weekend. He's busy, he's busy.

Carmen Lezeth:

Oh, because he's starting his company.

Tony D.:

I wasn't gonna say it.

Carmen Lezeth:

What he talked about. It on the one I know.

Tony D.:

I was just waiting till it was gonna be done.

Carmen Lezeth:

Yeah, okay, so he's being busy.

Tony D.:

I'm over the sports talk, though I wish you guys would get together and talk about other stuff, carmen, you are three years late and I'm gonna tell you like that on purpose, because when I first met Ted we didn't talk about sports. I just started doing sports when I started doing my fantasy football broadcast, which was not this season but the previous season, and he wasn't knowing that much. And then last month yeah, last month he was going crazy with me. We're gonna do one of them. I said I mean we can. I'm like damn, I'm normally doing once a week and then they want to. It's been fun. They've helped me. Yeah, they helped me because they want to be there, they want to carry the conversations. I got the original format and then we just talked sports all the way through. So it's been fun. I'm not going to lie.

Carmen Lezeth:

Okay, but can I tell you the problem with the show? Can I tell you the problem with the show? Sure, because it's kind of. I think I was song-synthed to this, like it's called, what's it called?

Rick Costa:

Late Night Parents.

Carmen Lezeth:

Late Night Parents. So the branding is off, right, like if you guys are going to talk about sports, I'm not saying you have to change it, whatever, but I think that's a thing, because Andrea at first and this is how I know is a problem and she was like, oh, maybe I'll join the Late Night Parents thing when she first started doing the show with me and I was like, yeah, they just talk about sports. She's like, well, are they all parents? I'm like, oh no, she was like, all right, I'm not going to go to that show. But you see, that's a little confusing, right, because it's called Late Night. Oh my God, if he raises his hand. I knew another fucking guy.

Rick Costa:

Late Night Sports fans would be better when we first started this show.

Tony D.:

it was Late Night Parents. It was him. He would have guests on there and Cynthia. He actually asked me to be a co-host. When I first met him, I told him sure, no problem. We've been running almost three years. Literally, both of us are parents. If you brought somebody else on, they were normally parents. Brian is an apparent. All the other guys I think there's only been two guys what about?

Carmen Lezeth:

Ken the fine man. Is he a parent?

Tony D.:

All the other guys that we talked to, I believe.

Carmen Lezeth:

I know he's married, but do they have children? That man is pretty, he's pretty. I just wanted to, I just had a vision of him. So everything you said.

Tony D.:

We need you to move on. Like you told me, I'm sorry.

Carmen Lezeth:

I'm sorry, you're right. Let me be respectful.

Tony D.:

Let's stay the controversy. No, honestly, it was his podcast. I came on. Most people that he had on there our parents, the sports talk started. When he's actually trying to help me and JoJo push the last change that we do. In my opinion, We've had fun. All of us are in the leagues together. I originally planned mine to be me and Brian. Brian's schedule changed. He was also pushing JoJo to do his own thing, so he started doing his combat sports and people love his stuff.

Carmen Lezeth:

Yeah, Let me tell you, JoJo's my favorite. How do you guys? I'm not trying to be rude.

Tony D.:

That's because you're tired of us. I'm not falling for that. I'm not tired of you guys.

Carmen Lezeth:

I'm just saying because he has a, there's a, because this is the thing he has a rhythm. Yes, and Cynthia, I don't know if you've ever listened to JoJo, but I had to have a full on conversation with. I'm like are you Latino? Because there's like a little. He's like nah man, I just grew up in Brooklyn and like around a lot of Latinos.

Tony D.:

This is how you do it. Listen, he's from the Bronx.

Carmen Lezeth:

Oh, bronx. I'm sorry, but the way he said it I was like he's from the Bronx, it doesn't matter. The whole point is he is Latin. Like he can come to our cookout. You know what I mean. Like he can come to our cookout because he's so like. There is just something rhythmic about his boys. I think JoJo's badass. I really like them. I don't care about wrestling, but I will listen to him and tea.

Tony D.:

Well, he's not doing wrestling, he does. Um, I'm going to say UFC. I'm going to say UFC, he does UFC.

Carmen Lezeth:

I don't listen to that, I'm just kidding. I was just trying to get you jealous, but clearly you don't give a fuck. You're like whatever.

Tony D.:

Clearly you don't give a fuck.

Carmen Lezeth:

Because it went like this. It was so funny.

Tony D.:

But nah, it's been.

Carmen Lezeth:


Tony D.:

It's been fun because it's helped push mine. It's helped push Ted's, because when we all get there, we already know we're going to be a minute, because Ted used to do just 30 minutes and that was it we done. Yeah, I was like cool Because.

Carmen Lezeth:

I can take it down. We're almost 30 minutes, I forgot.

Tony D.:

Tom Flaas, when you have, we try to be quiet when I know your time. But no, we're in a lounge, get it all out.

Rick Costa:

I will say one thing, though Tony has always been a person that is very well liked. Um people, you know, they would rally around him all the time. They called him the mayor of Haps. Um, so it's like, you know, I just can't, but to me it's like. It's like, with all that, what is stopping him from being more consistency?

Carmen Lezeth:

Yeah, Consistency branding. Let me tell you, knowing, knowing what his skills are knowing what he's good at knowing what he brings to the table.

Carmen Lezeth:

He doesn't know that he does not know. He says he knows but he does not know. No, you do not. And a fucking Mike would help. If you'd get a fucking mic, People would like you more. You owe me a hundred dollars. So buy a goddamn Mike. You owe me a hundred dollars. I've never come to Calif. Stop doing nobody. Let's not help me. It's not even working. Like you keep doing that, Like that's like you could talk into this.

Rick Costa:

I'll unplug this.

Carmen Lezeth:

It's not working, because when you went like this, you got really louder you got really loud.

Tony D.:

when you talk like this, you need a mic.

Rick Costa:

Okay, you owe me a hundred dollars. I'm not going to be like this. I'm not going to be like this.

Carmen Lezeth:

I'm not going to be like this. I'm not going to be like this. I'm not going to be like this. It's not. I'm not going to be like that. I'm not going to be like this. You owe me a hundred dollars. We'll send you a link to a mic. Can you send them a link to him?

Carmen Lezeth:

I don't believe that, yeah, you need to buy a mic. I'm telling you that would help so much Because it is, it is the um. Whatever it is, it is your voice too, you have a. Better tone Whatever voice, and you talk very low. So but I do think it's branding. I think it's about consistency. It's not about multiple places, it's about like like here's the thing, whether you like my show or not, when am I on?

Tony D.:

Thursday nights Nine o'clock most people 66 Pacific time. Right, what six o'clock, no, but this is what I'm saying.

Carmen Lezeth:

But my point is even people who don't listen to the show, even Alden would tell you Thursday nights six o'clock. I got it, we just say it. He gets annoyed. So that's what you want and like you want to post your podcast at the same time, no matter what, like even if I have to be up at three in the morning editing that stupid podcast, so that it will not three because it comes on at three for you guys at 6 am On the on the east coast. So I have to post it by 3 am. Even I make sure it's on there because I know that there's like four people, for whatever reason, that listen to that damn thing. On Sunday when I go, because I go look and it's like four people have already downloaded it, just four on the. So I'm like I'm not gonna lose those ones. And then during the week I don't know when people listen to it, but I can tell that I.

Carmen Lezeth:

He's so cute. It's not about you being loud, it's the sea like. Now you're close, we can hear you.

Rick Costa:

Whatever other microphone you have, that's what's working right, like I'm not being super loud.

Carmen Lezeth:

You just think I'm not, cuz you can hear me, because I actually own a mic. No, cynthia, what are you using? Just my phone and your phone works yeah he's not on the phone. Yeah, we're Android people. Yeah, we have the better phone.

Tony D.:

I'm sorry.

Cynthia :

She has an extra mic. I have an extra mic, I can send it to you.

Tony D.:

I'll look at a deal sometimes.

Carmen Lezeth:

Here's. You know what I? I do think it would matter. I do think it matters. It would be so much easier to hear you, and also for editing and the other side. But I think you should get consistent on a regular day, whatever it is, one show, no matter what. You're gonna be there. Start your branding. You know what about you, rick? Have we come up with your elevator pitch yet? I?

Rick Costa:

Mean no, but I got consistency down. I'm always on every day years, but not the concern.

Carmen Lezeth:

But but your struggle is what it's not a struggle. I was just, you know, I was listening to people like I, our struggle, your struggle, is you want more viewers.

Rick Costa:

I mean it'll be nice to reach more people. It's not because I want the numbers I wish would like be nice to reach more.

Carmen Lezeth:

It's okay to have. I want to help more people. That's what I'm trying to say, like it's okay to monetize, you know it's okay to want to make a living doing something you love and enjoy.

Rick Costa:

I get that, I get that so tell Cynthia what you do.

Cynthia :

He's trying to be humble.

Carmen Lezeth:

Bullshit humble because it's a mastery right. That's the bullshit humbles. That's why I'm annoyed by it. That's that Christian humble. That's bullshit.

Rick Costa:

It's not the real shit but the our conversation offline last night definitely Was a little bit eye-opening. I mean, it was for you because you said so, karm, but I was also for me.

Carmen Lezeth:

What did I say? Why are you throwing the? What did I say?

Rick Costa:

Don't because because like, but I would okay. Sorry, we're gonna use this word again on Periscope. People would say, like see, you're different, you're not like. I thought like you think differently, you believe differently, and I didn't. You're not what I expected. Atheists would even tell me that and atheists would literally watch, watch with me. I'm like, wow, so I Don't know.

Cynthia :

No, I'm trying to say, but wait, carmen, did you send him the video? I sent you.

Carmen Lezeth:

What video did you send me? What the one last? Night yeah. What? The Latina woman? Yeah, I didn't. Why would I send it? Why didn't you send it to him, cuz I don't have his information? Oh my god, it's really we're gonna send you a. Thing no, no, it's a tick tock. She wanted to send you a tick tock.

Cynthia :

I did so. It's a Puerto Rican woman who is doing a conference. She's preaching, she's reading the Bible, but she's talking to people and Saying how people think people who read the.

Carmen Lezeth:

Bible are doing here. Let's see if I can do it here. Oh yeah, okay, wait, how do I do it? I do tick tock. Oh my god, I felt like there was a. There was a like a snake or something here in my house. I, that's okay, I'm gonna try to see if I can do this. I don't know. You guys are gonna be able to see everything. Okay, wait, all right, I have it now. How do I do this? I do.

Rick Costa:

How are you doing entire screen or you doing it by the tab?

Carmen Lezeth:

No, I got it. I got it. I got it share. Can you see it?

Rick Costa:


Carmen Lezeth:

Wait one second, you're gonna see all my messages. Okay, see now I can you see it now?

Rick Costa:

Yes, yes.

Carmen Lezeth:

Wait, cynthia wrote some nasty stuff.

Rick Costa:

Let me let's see the. Let's see that juicy stuff.

Carmen Lezeth:

Wait, why can't I see the videos now?

Rick Costa:

You probably have to hit play to make it. Yeah, there you go.

Carmen Lezeth:

Oh my god, these are from 2021. Oh my god, why did?

Rick Costa:

it do us ideas.

Carmen Lezeth:

Wait, where do I see the most recent one? I'm confusion.

Rick Costa:

You gotta scroll all the way down.

Cynthia :

Yeah, all the way to like the end.

Carmen Lezeth:

Basically, yeah, but you know, when I just looked it up it was right there, and then when I put it on here, it went to oh my lord, you know what I mean. Like it went to the Top, can you?

Rick Costa:

can you put the mouse on that thing and just drag it down? Be a lot faster if you could.

Carmen Lezeth:

I can't seal there it is. Oh my god, I can. Okay, oh, and then we have Gary be here too, because I sent her some. Gary be there, you go, all right, I don't know if you can. You see it big enough?

Rick Costa:


TikTok Video - Bianca Juarez:

How I read the Bible. This is my first time to live church, so I know I might be a little crazy to some, but let me invite you into my crazy. I would go to my grandmother's house my Puerto Rican grandmother's house and she would serve me a cup of coffee and would sit there and watch her shows. I was sick drinking coffee and watching soap operas. Okay, welcome to Hispanic culture. Now I go to grandma's house and when I say soap operas, many of you at all the locations are thinking ah, general hospital, one life to live, young and the restless.

TikTok Video - Bianca Juarez:

But, when I say soap operas, it's different friends. It's something called novellas, next level crazy. So to make sure we're on the same page, let's do a side-by-side comparison. In an American soap opera, a woman with fair skin, blonde hair, light eyes, light makeup, bare minerals or something Svelte's waist and thighs that definitely don't touch she's gonna look at her forlorn lover and say but John, I Love you, please don't leave. And in the novella, somebody comes in with ten pounds of makeup, big old hoop earrings, a very tight dress and Thighs that touch, coming like a bat out of hell, and say Shoot, that's so true. No, boo, boo, you boring, okay.

TikTok Video - Bianca Juarez:

Well, so as we take a look at this, this, this love poetry letter between a man and a woman, scholars believe it is King Solomon and his wife Abishah. And Abishah, she's not from the palace, y'all, she's from the south side of the kingdom, she's from Midtown, tulsa location, shout out. So she's a little crazy. We're gonna find out that she got dark skin. So when my mind die, she got dark skin, big old hoop earrings. She's like the biblical Cardi B. And now I want to read this Diving to God's word, like it's a novella. Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth, please, is a fragrance of your perfume. Your name is like perfume poured out the wonder that your women love you. Oh, take me away with you. Let us hurry Right now. It's different now is different, modern romance okay.

TikTok Video - Bianca Juarez:

And then her click, her crew, her posse rise up and affirm her and they say hey girl, hey, we rejoice in you, we rejoice in the. I'm mexico reekin Right.

Cynthia :


Carmen Lezeth:

I love that, I mean, but she has a brand. She brings a uniqueness to it and, whether or not I believe in anything that she said, I was gonna listen because I connected to her. Yeah, you were engaged in it, I was engaged in it, and that's what branding is. That is what knowing who your audience is Okay. But while we're here, can we look at one, gary V, so we can Show him? I don't know which one is, which I think I sent you three of them, oh, I like the first one which was the first one?

Cynthia :

I don't remember. Just do it, yeah, yeah. Somebody's listening to this podcast right now.

TikTok Video - Gary Vee:

I promise you, her number one challenge is not expanding her world enough Worrying about the judgment of people when you walk into new environments. That's every one of our challenges. You know, street kid from Detroit, you should go to the fucking us open tennis tournament and get some different flake. Like it's it, it's the game, because Then the other thing is, when you grow up in adversity, it's the foundation of your success. You already know what losing tastes like. You're not scared of it and you're crafty. When you grow up in a jungle, you know there's animals around the corner. You grow up in a zoo. You don't. Somebody's listening to this podcast right now.

TikTok Video - Gary Vee:

I promise you, her number one challenge is not expanding her world enough.

Rick Costa:

Yeah, that's it.

Carmen Lezeth:

That's him. That's him for Tony. Yeah, yeah, anyways. But, tony, you've never heard of Gary V. Okay, you should follow him. I think you would like him, and he's a big sports guy with your Bitcoin and crap, shit. But, rick, I think, I mean, I think that's a great example, you know, of kind of what I think you need to do.

Cynthia :

Like, are you being?

Carmen Lezeth:

That was, but that was so part and you know what, the way she, I, I mean, I think what I think I told you they, rick, what bothers me about your show and I know that you're on a gray line there a little bit is Some of the stuff you talk about. I don't. I know you believe it, but not the way in which it's being interpreted by people. But you're doing that because they need to hear the boring Christian Jesus, lily white crap, whereas the truth is the reason why I get along with this, because I know that you don't believe that's stuff.

Carmen Lezeth:

Itch does that. Do you know what I mean? Like I, nothing. You don't believe the Bible and stuff. But you see what I'm saying late, I Couldn't have an honest conversation with you on the live stream about Gay men or transgender or Latino or racism or the n-word or whatever, because I know it'll offend your Listeners, who I know watch and listen to our show. Hmm, that's a weird tiptoeing place and I wonder if you were more you Whatever that means like her, if you would have a whole different audience but a lot more people, people.

Carmen Lezeth:

Generation oh, different generation Say that again expand. I love that.

Cynthia :

Because I mean, that's exactly what she's doing. She's, you know, trying to get the younger generation to understand. So obviously they understand Cardi B, so she's gonna make them get into it as well.

Carmen Lezeth:

So I think, doing that yeah, like maybe there's a little bit too much old-fashioned in you that is sticking to that old I always say Catholic mode of Christianity. That I think is complete bullshit. Right, I do not in the way that. What's his name? Those two crazy people I won't say the name because I'm remembering that we're recording but people on haps who used to just be completely crazy about your Christianity, even though you ain't bothering nobody. You know what I mean and it's like I Think people crave authenticity.

Cynthia :

And no one can fight with authenticity, all right. I Went this far. Tony Tony's busy Tony. What show you going on next?

Carmen Lezeth:

I've been quiet because I know your time frame. That's when I start getting quiet.

Tony D.:

My time frame. I was just having a good conversation. We were on last night. For how long?

Carmen Lezeth:

Like almost two hours. It was crazy and that's like you know what. This is how we came up with this plan to kind of do this is to just have a real calm. Don't you feel better? Having a real conversation Is to just have a real calm. Don't you feel better having a conversation like this?

Tony D.:

I enjoy doing this. I appreciate the invite. Honestly, I do appreciate them fight. I'm good with doing this. It doesn't bother, I love doing these.

Carmen Lezeth:

No, I know you do, but I mean without doing the live stream with the comments on the side.

Tony D.:

No, I look forward to the comments. I almost want to apologize to you, because I was one of the guys like you should do something and the audience helps and the audience Management is driving you crazy. This works better for you. I'm good, I'm gonna do both.

Carmen Lezeth:

This is the. This is gonna be like the after lounge kind of thing I'm doing. I'm doing three things. This is the Invite only kind of separate thing. No, we're always gonna have the Thursday night show. This is just gonna be the. I'm gonna do this as the podcast, though I'm gonna make this the audio, cuz it's so much easier, because part of what happened with my audience I don't know about your audience, but is when we have all the comments going on, then we have to turn around and I have to edit all those out, because when you're listening to it you don't understand that people are talking in the Comment section, unless we're like and in the comment section Brian just said you know, and I got. I got that feedback from somebody else who listened to the show good.

Tony D.:

So you, you listen to your audience and do that please.

Carmen Lezeth:

It's a different audience. The podcast audience is different than the.

Tony D.:

I get. So if you got a way to do what you do and draw more people doing it a different way to you, kind of similarizing the two but you're expanding it, go with it.

Carmen Lezeth:

You know what I love that he does? He makes up words. Did you just say similarizing I Living color? Remember what's his name?

Rick Costa:

Oh yeah, I'm philosophizing, Jail.

Tony D.:

He was amazing that's Damon way, is he was.

Carmen Lezeth:

All the way, brothers, though, come on.

Tony D.:

Damon was the best.

Carmen Lezeth:


Tony D.:

Damon was the best they're pretty.

Carmen Lezeth:

They're pretty remarkable family. You know what I? Mean Like they're all just so talented.

Tony D.:

It's all about acting all the way out, the way you talk to the beginning of people doing things to be a couple within themselves. He did any and everything. It didn't matter.

Carmen Lezeth:

What's that, damon Wayne's?

Tony D.:

old I was naming way and she did any and every type of movie and his stand.

Carmen Lezeth:

Wait, who am I thinking of? That also was on, and I'm in color. He's Damon Wayne's show remember he was when he did the you wore drag. What was his name?

Tony D.:

I was Damon Wayans.

Carmen Lezeth:


Tony D.:

Yeah, he was good to be so good my god, that was a career is a graduate of Yale. I didn't even know he wouldn't do. You know, I found that out after us, but he's you appreciate that, you appreciate education. I didn't know it, but to me I Kind of watch acting. I mean, I'd be in your level but I watch acting David.

Carmen Lezeth:

My Oscar hold on one second.

Tony D.:

I was already born, a yeah. I'm gonna grab my Oscar like I'm your brother gave it out and grill was always for now, me and I hated that his TV show didn't last. When he did chocolate news, he was on to something heavy.

Carmen Lezeth:

It's so funny, yeah, he was before his time. He was before his time. Yes, he was.

Tony D.:

He was going for it and I hate he didn't make it what he was supposed to.

Carmen Lezeth:

So, that has a lot to do with our society right and racism and not being ready for it. I mean, that's what has to do it. So that's a different conversation. But yeah, I mean a lot of shows. I mean I just said why didn't in living color last? I know I watched it religiously but it didn't last because it was for, made for by Black people and people of color and it's just. But it is one. Even if you watch any of it now, if you go on YouTube, it still holds up today because it's so funny, mm-hmm.

Rick Costa:

Yeah, no, they sponsor Bob Pac friend. They come up when you cook them. So, oh my god.

Carmen Lezeth:

I think Rick should have been a comedian, maybe.

Rick Costa:

There are Christian comics. Believe it or not, that's what they do.

Carmen Lezeth:

There's a lot of Christian, a lot of things.

Rick Costa:


Carmen Lezeth:

Yeah, no, I'm not silly. Tony thinks I'm being mean. I'm just saying it's, it's, you know, I mean I listened to a Christian rapper the other day. I sent it to you, rick, like when that guy sent me this that whole Christmas thing, the YouTube thing, the guy from Houston that I worked with and I forwarded to you and I did, I watched it out of Respect because he said it to me, somebody who works for one of my clients and he's part of this huge what's the name of a Rick?

Tony D.:

was a liqueur no.

Carmen Lezeth:

Rick knows the name of the church.

Rick Costa:

Young at young church. I forgot the name of the church by ad young, whatever it is.

Carmen Lezeth:

So it's a big productive shop watching there was like Christian rap in there and all and all different. I was just shocked by it all and I'm like whoa, so hold on the world the whole Christian situation. Not a disrespectful way, just not my thing, you know.

Rick Costa:

They probably got a big bank loan to shoot who you tell him come on.

Carmen Lezeth:

That's a whole other conversation with but um, but okay, cool. So Thank you so much. I'm gonna stop me and we can keep talking, but I'm gonna stop this cuz we're at 144. Thank you for joining me on our first Hangout in the private lounge. Of all the joy, right, mm-hmm, it's kind of cool. Cynthia's like never invite my ass again. Okay. Good night everybody. Bye. Thanks for stopping by. All about the joy be better and stay beautiful folks have a sweet day.