The Guides With Intuitive India Leigh

Cocreating Conscious Businesses with Jaci Lund

February 16, 2023 India Leigh
The Guides With Intuitive India Leigh
Cocreating Conscious Businesses with Jaci Lund
Show Notes Transcript

In this episode, India talks about blending higher awareness with work and business with Jaci Lund, founder and creative director for Treebird Branding. If you're an entrepreneur or part of a small business wanting to take it to the next level, or if you've been feeling pulled to move away from the job you've always done into something that speaks more to your soul, this conversation will bring you guidance and inspiration. From connecting with others who can hear the "secret radio station" you've discovered to bringing the vibration of abundance into your work, this conversation explores it all.

This episode also includes an exciting announcement about a new service India, Jaci and Treebird are teaming up to offer: Intuitive Business Coaching! You can learn more about this new offering at

For more about Jaci and to contact her, visit

For more about India Leigh and to contact her, visit

Learn more about, book a session with or contact India Leigh at


Hi, this is India Lee. And this is the speaking spirit podcast. This episode is a really fun conversation with JC Lund. And JC is just such a magician, when it comes to helping helping businesses, show what they're about. And so this is a conversation that comes with a really cool announcement. Because JC and I are going to be working together on some projects that will help. If you're someone who has a business if you're if you're someone who works with a business, and that business is centered around something that really is about consciousness, that is, that is about doing things in a next level kind of way, in a higher way than then maybe the old paradigm, then this partnership between me and JC and Trey Byrd branding, which is her company, is really going to be what it's all about, and bringing out the intuitive gifts in that work. Because you don't have to be a full time, you know, reader, psychic, and he's all immersed in the spiritual world like that, in order to be intuitive and your work, he certainly don't. And when you're doing something with passion when you're doing something that you know is part of your sole purpose, that is doing intuitive work no matter what it is. So that's what this episode is about. So enjoy. And we'll just dive right into the conversation and feeling good. And I was just studying the Eight of Pentacles card, which is about following each step, as you move forward and looking in the direction that you're going. But not projecting into why am I not there? Why am I not there sort of like taking, taking this step? And savoring this step is what we're being asked to do. Now. It's kind of what's like what we're talking about. Yes, exactly. So that that goes into this beautifully, because it is about bringing that awareness into your work into what you're offering people that awareness that this is, this is what we're doing right now. And let's bring every bit of consciousness and resources and support and all the stuff we're getting into this that we're doing, rather than letting the mind pull us forward into agendas about what you know what's going to happen, or I think things should look like this or think things should look like that. And I'm wondering when you're working with your clients, and you're working with people who are coming to you ready to bring what they're doing to the next level ready to present what they do, in a new way sort of ready to like, do like a glow up, you know, of their business online. And that's attitude they're in? How do you help them to to integrate all those things about the so that they're not taking parts of themselves and putting them away in the closet saying Nobody needs to see that? So I noticed you helped me with that was like I see this, let's bring that out to the front. And it's stuff that maybe that client never would think to do for themselves? Yeah, I mean, there's a couple of different ways because it depends on how the it really depends on the client, where they're at. Some clients are really ready to go, they're gung ho, and we're feeling good. And then there's like a hard block, because there's something going on within that they can't make the final decision, they don't want to make the final decision. Maybe this is something that they've been holding really precious to them. And the idea of putting it out in the world gives them a lot of anxiety. So they're gonna keep kind of sabotaging the process because they can't finish, they don't want to finish, or there's other clients that are so gung ho and ready to be at the finish line at the very beginning. And just like you were talking about the eight of pentacles, it's like this is a step by step. You know, we do one thing at a time here. And so the way that we look at it is, you know, your brand has a tree, so it works with our name for tree rebranding. So we want you to imagine your brand is a tree. And we're going to start with the roots. And that's where we always want to start. And I think that you know, when a tree has good strong roots, we're gonna have a nice big healthy tree. If we skip this step, you're gonna have a crappy little tree, right? So it's part of the overall strategy. It started as part of your brand positioning and the things that we asked to define in that first step is what is your category of one? What is the claim that no one else can claim? And part of that is like I think a lot of when you you have an idea, you need to figure out why you're doing it. You know, and it could be because I, you know, want Have extra income or it could be I want to change the world. I want to keep families together, I want to have awareness, you know, whatever it is. And then there's also you need to know like, what is your ultimate goal? And that can be financial, it can be awareness that should be measurable. Yeah. And don't you find that people want sort of to have the cake and eat it too, it's like you were saying, you know, let's, let's don't grow a crappy little tree, it's sometimes we want as people. And the way it always comes through in readings is we want to put our foot on the gas pedal and the brake at the same time, we're like, like, we're ready to go room, and then the egos like, break, and we're just going, why aren't we moving? And I'm sure with you, where it's like, I want this. But my ego says that I can only do this way. And so work with that, and you have to probably communicate to them, you're gonna have to take your foot off the brake, like, yeah, I feel like you've even done that for me too. But like, where I'm keeping my I have my foot on the brake, you know, trying to remove that anxiety block. But yeah, like having that kind of stuff figured out that you can have your strong roots, you don't skip these steps, you know, you can't just go right, you can't build a website without a brand. You can't have a candle product without a formula, you know, and just keeping in mind those steps that it takes, and seeing where you're your own saboteur along the way. Whoa, yes. And when we talk about brands, I mean, a lot of people listening today, you know, might be might have a business, or many might just be thinking about themselves as an individual, maybe they're in between a lot of people I have sessions with are in between, I'm doing this, but I want to be doing this, I have a vision. So when we're talking about brands, your brand, I mean, is whatever you are, especially now as social media, it's whatever you're putting out there that represents you. And it doesn't have to be about this is how I make money or anything like that. It's just something a message you're putting out to the world of what you represent, right. Like, just like when we go out, dressed a certain way, this is what I represent. Yeah, and I think it's also really important that you need to keep in mind that it is representative of you. But it also needs to represent your audience. And truly knowing who your audience is. And knowing what your brand promises, it's another part of your roots, and what they're going to respond to. So if you're doing I'll just keep talking about candles, if you want to do a $250 price point candle, that's a different audience than a $25 price point candle, and understanding their lifestyle, people's lifestyle, what they care about, you know, is it a gift is this something is truly special to someone that they're getting for themselves, really putting yourself in their shoes, understanding your unique methods in order to get there. And then you can start the journey of the actual brand and the logo. I love how you're talking about value to like, what the candles, because that's something that when we're talking about abundance, and aligning with abundance, and being in the frequency of letting unlimited abundance in. And that's one thing, you and I will talk about this later. But you and I are going to be connecting with people through a workshop where we connect with where we help people connect with, you know, being in the frequency of that unlimited abundance, don't put limitations on yourself, especially where your business is concerned, but just in your life. And when you're talking about are you You know aiming to do $25 candle or 20 or two in a video, okay, no, I know a lot of us have this conditioning, that it's like, it's like when kids are like, I should be this height. And I'm not that height, and therefore I'm not doing or I should be doing this. And they just think they're falling short, but they don't understand yet that they are an individual. And sometimes we never understand that. It's about the value that you're placing on what you do. And then just trusting and knowing that you're going to connect with the person that places that same value on that. There's something with, with energy work and with working on ourselves that I've noticed where if I take a class, it's a free class, great. I'm glad that I got this. But if I take a class and I really invest in that class, like even more than I think I should, practically the return I see with myself and my own energy and what I bring to it and what I get out of it, and what I grow it into is huge. And that's about what I invested in me. So I imagine with what the work you do, making that connection between the person who's offering something and the person that's receiving it, making sure everybody is getting what they are putting in investment wise, because we are so brainwashed to think No there's just one scale of value. You know, things are just this much in that much and anything else is a rip off in anything else. You know, too little, or whatever it is? No, it's depends on the offer and the offeree. And what it means to them. It's a it's an energy exchange, right? Yeah, it's why before eggs prices were so up, I would just buy the most expensive eggs because I was like, well, these are the best ones. And I would drive my husband nuts. Yeah. Like, maybe I don't want to pay that much. I'm not allowed to buy eggs. I know, through getting to know you that a lot of what you bring to your exchange with people is your intuitive gifts that you're maybe you know, just now identifying is that but they always happen, intuitive gifts? And how do they show up in your work? Yeah, that's a new realization, I think that through our work together, I realized that, you know, through our visualization, our understanding of different audiences, that intuition, we can see the future and in the brand, we can tell if something's gonna work or not, and that sometimes when clients are very rigid, and they're not, you know, they only want this specific thing that they want, they're probably not the best fit for us, because we're gonna give you what you want, but we're also going to give you what you need, right? And so it's gonna go beyond probably what you initially were visioning for the brand. Because we don't we don't do anything based on trends that's not appropriate for at least what we're doing for our clients. We want to build institutions. And so it's, it's so much deeper than that. And I guess this whole time, we've been doing intuitive work and had no idea of being like, Okay, I've seen your vision, and you get the death card, because that you need a tower, we need to bring it down a bit. Well, the other thing that you said, though, that I have been repeating, I have stolen this from you was that we bring businesses into consciousness. And I've been repeating this ever since you said it me like we didn't realize it that this is what we're doing. There's an energy. JC Lund, who I am is completely separate from Trevor and branding triggered branding is its own being, which is that that's better for me. Yeah, the business is its own thing, I think that it's important to have that separation. And that, you know, bringing these businesses into consciousness, there's nothing cooler than that, that other people are responding to, you know, as the brand grows, and the tree like the branches are coming out. That's what people are actually getting to touch and feel and see, they don't really get to see the roots, they get to see some of the trunk, that's your foundational stuff, your website, your logo, your business cards, and all of that. But like, as the brand expands, and people are experiencing it, the leafs like everything, that's where things get really, really fun. And that's the mission that happens after Yeah, yeah, we're focused on the root and the trunk, a lot of the times that we don't actually get to enjoy the branches with our clients. We're working on that. And that, like, you know, making sure that we're there to celebrate that, because that's where things really come to life, that that burst of energy and spring that when your business, you know, is launched, it's a big deal. Yes. And, and it is a birth, you know, and that, that part of you that's serving in whatever way you are, is growing and like a child, you have no idea what its gonna grow it to, you know, you have, you have no clue what that's going to look like, in three years, four years, you might have some, you know, hope, but then it goes in some other direction. And I know that, when we're connecting, the common vision that we share is, you know, my place being helping people understand, like you just described, oh, this thing I do professionally is a spirit, intuitive gift, it is my soul, connecting with other souls and helping this higher reality, to express in whatever ways it is, rather than just reinventing the wheel doing what our parents and grandparents did, you know, going sort of in a circle in a circle, we are elevating continuously, like a spiral staircase that goes up, you know, it goes around around, but it goes up. It's like somebody made the point the other day that, you know, nothing new is really happening here. And all the new technology, everything, you know, that's the same as when people were when Leonardo da Vinci was, you know, making new technology, it was always happening. But we're doing it from this higher vantage point with this higher perspective point. And that's what we're doing in our connections. And now just looking at that, as this sole mission that we all get to align to do that we all get to allow our higher selves to oh, look, my higher self connected with yours. Let's build something together that's on an elevated level, using this combination of our skills, our human expertise, our wisdom, and this other undefinable thing that comes through. And I think the thing that like you talked about with COVID and the shift in how people work, what that has brought to things is an openness is a malleability that we can now go oh yeah, I can get with that like that. That makes sense because everybody I think I don't care who you are. Everybody had their own little version of a breakdown. Oh, yeah, that's for years, everybody has had their own little version of a breakdown. And everybody has seen something in themselves that in some way, whether they get woowoo or not, they want to need to heal and rise up from, and that's happening. And that's happening through our work, because that's where we spend most of our time. Right. So it's exciting to see the creations that are coming from that. And because of how things are now, it being mostly online, and, you know, that's where your your art comes in. It's been, it's been really fantastic. This kind of shift. The other piece of it that's really interesting is that, I think people are craving human connection. And some of the brands and things that we're doing is really about building community, having human connection, you have to have an online space, of course, but a lot of it is there wanting to do more in person, you know, experiences for people if it's, you know, a restaurant, an event, a product, they're wanting to have that face to face connection, because we you know, took it for granted for a while and this brutal taken away. I know that and now it's kind of like, Oh, look at this cool little, like, niche thing called getting together in person like that. Wow, that's that, yeah. And it is it's, it's an Well, there is an energy and something that can come through in person that you know, what it requires, you know, what it brings to the table, it brings vulnerability, because I'll tell you this, when I, when I am recording, on video, and it's just me and spirit guides, and the video camera, and the video camera, you know, because I'm that old, when that's happening. There is a directness, with spirit, I actually enjoy it a lot, because there's no egos involved, I'm just giving you your messages, you're not looking at me, you're not judging me as a person. You know, I'm just giving you these messages like a mailman from spirit. And I kind of like that, you know, me and my ego self. I'm like, good. I like being anonymous and out of the picture. That's great. But, and that's what we do online. You know, that's the great version of it. The poor version is people being awful to each other anonymously and being you know, ugly in ways they would not face to face. And, and expressing raw. Just ego, you know, maliciousness in ways that they would not face to face. And so what we're just what we're rediscovering is Oh, when we get together a person, we bring this whole other element, which is our human selves, out of ego, our human selves going, Man, my ego really got to beat down this last few years. So let me bring this vulnerable being to the table, are you going to do that too great. Let's let's get together and create something with that. And that's when the the physical magic can come in. I mean, we can build a whole virtual world all we want. And it's wonderful. But like you said, until we bring our human physical sells to the literal, physical table, nothing in the physical world is going to change. And that's what we're doing next is allowing our physical world to change to reflect what we have so ambitiously been building virtually, right. Yeah, I remember one of our clients, she's actually launching today. And she's having a little bit of a mental like a mentee B, she's got a lot of anxiety about it. And I It's put me 10 years ago is when we launched, and it's put me back in the place where I remember we were I was sitting in my office having a complete and total meltdown. And because it was so vulnerable, I had this secret for so long that I was going to do this that I was going to launch this business, putting it out there letting people coming to the table literally telling people about it, I lost it. And then of course, that line and Carrie, where it's like they're all gonna laugh at you. Oh my gosh, and then response was so supportive. And that's the thing too, when you put yourself out there when you have an idea like this, I always like to say, don't tell people about it. And it's like total infancy. You know, they say like, don't talk about your pregnancy in the first three months. Don't talk about your brand until launch day. Because people are going to muddy your waters and they're going to make you second guess yourself, you know what you're doing? You have that intuition. You know, you have you know, your, your your core people that are helping you to do that, you know, and then don't tell anybody else. When you feel alive with your brand. You will be shocked the amount of support that you get when I went live. I had clients coming out of the woodwork that were asking for work, just because they knew they wanted to keep me busy because they were just being supportive. And so like it was just amazing. The response And I'm so glad I did it. But boy, it was tough to come out. Yeah. And And now what's happening is there are so many of us who are hearing, like, if you're listening to this podcast you're hearing a call and and a layer of communication from spirit and from other people and within yourself that not everyone is hearing. I mean, you know, it's it's like you find this special radio station that you're like, Yeah, you gotta wiggle the dial, but then you get, and it's the best radio station and then somebody's like, I can't find that radio station, you're talking about, you know, like, not everybody access it. So what you're doing when you're one of these people, and like I said, if you're hearing this you are, is you are learning how and you're being led into sharing that sharing that but it does take you a pioneer. So it does take that gets the the bravery you're talking about to say, All right, here I go, you know, because it doesn't look like things that have been done been done a million times before. This is creation happening. This is Spirit coming in and going, you're pregnant with it, you're pregnant with it, you're pregnant with it now go and give birth. And we're giving birth and going ooh, babies have never looked like this before. What if they look at my baby, and they're like, that's a weird looking baby. But just trust that you know that people are going to look at this baby and see what spirit intends them to see. That's what's fun about it too. Like, I like the way you put it about this secret radio station. Because anyone that has made this step before in life, also came out of the woodwork to support us, because entrepreneurs support entrepreneurs, we know what it's like on that journey. The second I see someone that has tuned into this station, I'm on him, I'm ready for that support. Because it is a special place. It's when you kind of come out that you're, you know, into the spirit world. And then all of a sudden, you know, once you start putting it out there, all these other people around you start coming out to you're like, Oh, we're in this together. It's really good. Because sometimes there is a loneliness to being an entrepreneur, because you know, if you're if you're a solo entrepreneur, you don't have anyone to talk to if you have employees like I do, there's certain things that I'm like, I'm not going to talk to my employees, I don't want them to know, I'm worried about this. And no one else that I you know, that's like a contemporary that has a similar business to me. So something I've done recently is I've joined a networking group for just entrepreneurs. And I'm realizing like, we are all on this radio station, and it's so nice. So yeah, find when other people come out of the woodwork and you find people that are on your radio station, keep them and make those purse in person connections. It's so valuable. It does get lonely. Yeah. And first, I mean, the first step is that believing in yourself, you know, often I'm shown the vision of you're on these trapeze bars, and you know, they'd have the, we're hanging by your knees and you're swinging on the trapeze, and you're gonna have to let go by your legs and like flip and grab the arms of the next person, you can't grab the arms, the next person and then like go, like you have to do the little flippy. And that's kind of what it's like, it's like we have to, we're going Hey, spirit, can you please go ahead and show me that this is gonna be great. And this is gonna work and give me guarantee? And then I'll do it. As far as like, No, it doesn't work that way. Because we want you to be like trying to teach your child to walk by always holding their hands you have to like let them go. So that step of saying, Okay, I am going to share this part of me with the world I am going to let this be birthed. And then having that confidence, I'm letting go. That's what actually brings all the support you're talking about. Because that sends out like bad signal. Okay, everyone, I'm up on this frequency, let's be here together. And then the answer is loud and clear. So no matter what you're doing, just keep emitting that signal even if you are, you know, has nothing to do with business and you're just lonely and you just want to connect, keep putting out a signal of you know, I'm envisioning this is the frequency I want to connect with. And I know there are people who hold this and they're going to be brought to me in ways my mind can't figure out yeah, I'm stealing this metaphor by the way the trapeze one you always give me a good one I'm stealing everything I say. Everything I say belongs to spirits Yeah, I'll use it today and I'll report back good and and it's interesting that this this card I'm going to describe I'm going to show you JC is one that's been coming out a lot and it's called sacrifice and this message has actually come out strongly today and lately and and also whenever you're listening to this but it's about surrender which is the Hanged Man. And but in this card is this beautiful woman she's just sort of like, willingly putting her hands behind her head like okay spirit here. Everything I have belongs to you, and this big rainbow shining down on her. And it's like when you do everything you do and kind of this offering up of, you know, I'm offering this up knowing that it's also connecting me with abundance with you know, I'm not doing it as like a just check, I don't need anything, I'm doing it as a, I have faith that when I do this, I'm going to be supported. Now I am letting go of how my mind says I have that support has to look, I am letting go of, you know, what has to be this amount of money from this place. Now go let it let go of all that. But but I'm doing it with the knowing not the expectation, but the knowing that when I plug in to that highest reality of me, the highest reality of everything I can receive is going to come to me and you do have to allow a minute for spirit to show you that it's not instant, it's definitely not proactive, it's not going to be shown to you beforehand. But it will be shown to you as a response. It's like doing an echo, say hello, and then eventually you're gonna hear the Hendo but you do have to kind of do that faith and listen. So that's a big message right now for whoever's listening. And, and ask for that reassurance. Like, you know, people, like you, JC and people I'm connected to, they are always my confirmation when I asked spirit in the morning, like, you know, please just show me today that you're with me, you're supporting me, you know, I'm I'm on the right path. I get the messages through the people, like, Well, look, you're connecting with this person today. Well, look, this person said this, even just going to a coffee shop. And having you know, a connection with a stranger can be confirmation, I'm telling you, one day I was having the roughest day. And I was just walking down the street in my high heels going and trying to take myself out and and this man, just randomly this kind kind man, he was like, kind of rough looking. And, and he just said, Man, I don't know how you do that. I'm wearing those shoes and this cold. And, you know, I don't know how to do it. I look at him. And I was having a hard time and a hard day. And I said, Well, it's it's hard. And he goes, Well, you're really tough. And he wasn't sarcastic at all, he was genuine. And I needed that. And that that man like I will never forget that exchange because it was Spirit coming through and going, I see you know about the shoes, but about I see you. And you know, you can access that anywhere you do not need, you know, if you're like, Well, I don't talk to anybody. That's okay, spirit will find a way it'll come through a TV show, it'll come through a song, just open your self up to it'll come from a conversation you hear from a stranger walking down the street, you know, it does not matter, spirit will reach you and I just went on a little trip that way. But, you know, I'm sure that happens. Every time you're working on anything you touch, it just all ripples back and you feel that connection energy. If you're tuned in to look for the signs, you're gonna find them and you'll get that confirmation that you're going in the right path. Mm hmm. And the thing we're practicing doing now, is not excluding our work from that. Because I can't tell you how many people I connect with where they're like, but this is my work. And I get to do this, like, you know, connecting stuff, or this creative stuff, this artistic stuff, the stuff I really care about. In my spare time, maybe, or Yeah, and it's like know that you don't need to exclude your work from this, that when you're bringing all of you to your work, hey, if it's not a fit, that terror, like you said will happen, you will be kicked out, you will move to something else that is a fit, but but going ahead and pledging like this is what I'm going to put my energy into is what has to happen. So for people who connect with this, there are a couple things that you know, JC and I are going to be working together we're going to be working in partnership to, to offer this to people who are feeling into how they want to take their work to the next level their business to the next level this way. And you can contact either of us to learn more about that. And then also we're going to do a workshop on it in March that we'll be putting invitations out for that's going to be that we're excited about where you can learn about making that connection between your business your work and your gifts. Right JC Yeah, I'm excited I think I guess you know, for me as an entrepreneur anytime I'm you know, doing my like daily cards, I'm asking about work so it does work for you know, in business and if you're wanting to start something, it's very helpful. And yeah, I'm really excited about what we have to offer. You know for in future workshops and things with with people that we want to connect with So and provide some guidance to just help take that fear that anxiety away. To help you to have that path. I think that, you know, again, the Eight of Pentacles cards you mentioned is perfect, because everyone's path is different. And so to be able to give folks like us that guidance, I'm really looking forward to it. Because also, you know, I love people on this radio frequency the best. I know, it really is. And so when people want to learn more about you, they can go to Trooper Yep. And they will see everything that you're talking about everything that we're talking about. And, you know, just if you have any questions, anything, you can always message me, you'll see how to message JC on there. And okay, JC we're going to close with, what I like to do is pull a card for you or pull a card, pull a card, I'm going to ask you to tell me what it means to you. Oh, yeah. So you're gonna, you're gonna give a reading it can be about it can be in whatever direction you want it to go, just what you're getting from this that I show you. And it doesn't have to be, can be about whatever you want. So this says seven at the top, it's read and it says, practice and planning. And it has two columns with a light streaming down. So this will be the seven of Pentacles. Well, that's I feel like exactly what we're talking about today. And how well okay, so this is what it means to me, is that one of the things that I wish that every single client knew was that they're going to screw up their brand by not being consistent, that you need to be repetitive to the point of boredom, and that your brand needs to be so consistent, practiced and planned, that that's where people can relate to it. That's where you have your credibility and trust. So that's what that card means to me. That's awesome. And that, in the traditional tarot, this would look like someone watering a garden that they're just like you said, diligently growing. And they're every day I water this garden every day, I water this garden, and they don't deviate from that. So I love that you got that even though this doesn't even look like that traditional seven of pentacles is that that's amazing. So you got that meaning just write organically and yes. Oh, so yeah, I will be expecting you to break out the taro in your client meetings pretty soon because, you know, that's just gonna be the next step. Yeah, no, I'm excited about that. You know, what we talked about too, is like, bringing more clients in that have spirits that are spiritually minded. Wouldn't that be such a great gift to us? And so far? Yes. It's really helped us to understand some of our clients. And I'm looking forward to the future. Really? Yes. Yes. Well, thank you for being here with me. It was my pleasure. All right.