Stephen Bly Down A Western Trail
BlyBooks.com Legacy Series presents award-winning western author Stephen Bly speaking on Faith, Family, and Western Wisdom. Stephen Bly authored more than 100 inspirational fiction and non-fiction books for adults, teens, and kids (8-14 years), including the Stuart Brannon Western Series, Code of the West Series, Austin-Stoner Files, Nathan Riggins Western Adventure Series, Horse Dreams Series, and Throw The Devil Off The Train. Theme for all his books and audio: to prepare hearts to receive God's truth.
Stephen Bly Down A Western Trail
How To Die Standing Up
WESTERN WISDOM "How To Die Standing Up" audio podcast by award-winning western author Stephen Bly. Sponsored by BlyBooks.com Legacy Series.
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How to Die Standing Up
Stephen Bly
Circa 1996
In the wild and lawless early days of the Old West, a man’s true riches amounted to the friendships he had with other men. In a land so sparsely populated, and the enemies of weather, finding food, and attack so constant, survival often depended on how many friends you had. And how willing they’d be to stand alongside you in a fight.
Men who had such courage acted square, meaning straightforward, courageous, with integrity. Or they might say man had sand, that is, grit, determination, drive. But one of my favorite descriptions denoted a man who “knows how to die standing up.”
Best Kind of Friend
This was a friend who would face the battle with you. He wouldn’t cower behind the building until the fight ended. Not like Sheriff John Behan did at the shootout on Fremont Street in Tombstone when the Clantons and McLaurys met the Earps and Doc Holiday.
No, a man who knows how to die standing up would take his chances with you. He could be counted on to offer his best effort up to his dying breath.
Facing an Enemy
Most of us will never be out on the dusty streets of a boomtown facing down villains. But we’re going to have times where the enemy seems just as evil, overpowering, and unstoppable.
It might be when we face financial ruin. Or we experience tragedy and sorrow such as a fatal disease, destruction of family, or demonic attacks on a neighborhood, town, or church. That’s when we need friends who will stand with us. And when they enter a battle, we need to be the ones who know how to die standing up.
Jesus Said
“Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13).
I take that literal. I think it’s time to get serious with this passage and start aiming for that ‘greater love.’ Most of us balk to sacrifice a hundred bucks or a Saturday for a friend, let alone our reputation, job security, or our lives on the line.
We probably won’t become all that courageous overnight. But at least we could being by ceasing to say, “Good luck! I hope it all works out!” And say instead, “I’ll be right over. What can I do to help?”