April 29, 2022 Earl Thomas "The VOICE" Season 2 Episode 10

 In the first 9 episodes of season 2 we have enjoyed 7 interviews of various backgrounds & experiences.  Today we will go over some of the basics of the voice over industry for success.

It is an absolute imperative to have a professionally produced demo. Demos define my professionalism & dedication to voice production excellence for casting and producers.

Auditions are expected to be produced as MP3 files. it is the industry standard. It is important to always look at the details of the audition as perchance a producer desires it in Wav file. Wav files are much larger. I don’t want to get to technical it is simple enough to say always assume for auditioning that producers require MP3. If they want Wav they will ask for it.

 Most auditions are recorded from home studios today. Establishing a quiet, reliable space to record and handle a few basic edits is a necessity. There are often challenges in maintaining that quiet, reliable space. 
Every audition submitted builds my reputation as a professional voice. Regardless of whether I am hired or not. Usually it takes 200 auditions to book a job. So tenacity & patience are essential for success.

When auditioning with a script that’s brief (:10-:20 seconds or less in length,  always  offer a Three-in-a-Row (aka a 3-Wild or an a-b-c) on the same MP3, unless otherwise instructed. Make sure each read has it’s own unique expression & variety, rather than offering a ‘broken record’ delivery that sounds robotic and repetitive & always the same.   
 Did you notice the difference? Which one did you like the best? Love to hear your feedback at dukeearl@shaw.ca.

I acknowledge Kate McClanaghan Founder, Producer, & Coach at Actors' Sound Advice in Los Angeles, California for the content of VOICEOVER: The Basics Defined BLOG & PODCAST. Kate’s 40 years experience as a freelance voice-over artist is greatly appreciated & valuable.

My offer to you,  25%  off my regular recording fee  email to dukeearl@shaw.ca & in the subject line VOICE POWER. Include all your voice production details: finalized script, voice style- narration, high energy, middle or lower energy, any pauses, word emphasis, & production due date.  In the personalized quote I will include FREE a very brief segment of the script voiced. Then you will hear that I am the right fit for your voice project.  Once your project is completed  to your 100% satisfaction I will do a FREE Linkedin post to help you gain greater public exposure. My connections on Linkedin are now at 1,000+ & 1,000+ Followers.

Feedback is also welcome at Buy Me a CoffeeDot com.   It's not a real coffee it is a way for you to say you enjoy VOICE POWER. Only when  you want to & I will be grateful  for your loyal financial support & your thoughts & ideas for future podcasts.
Best regards,
Earl Thomas "The VOICE"
https://www.facebook.com/EarlThomasTheVoice/ OPTION TO  Follow
Podcast Host of VOICE POWER launched May 23, 2021


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