Earl Thomas "The VOICE" Season 1 Episode 21

Todays’ episode is all about the reality of being a voice-over artist. My first paid experience in the world of voicing occurred in Penticton BC at 100.7 GIANT FM back in August of 2000.

When I experienced a day course on VOICE-OVER & Animation I had the option to experience one on one voice consultations with the instructor Cathy Weseluck.

During voice consultations Cathy informed that teaching former radio announcers voice-over is very challenging & difficult. They are so very use to sounding like RONY RADIO. People do not talk that way in real life. When doing voice overs many times the audition description is sound like a normal person not a radio announcer.

I am trusting that you are hearing me as a normal person as normal as possible. Since it is only a few days after Remembrance day...
I trust you are hearing the difference in my tone versus what i would sound like on the radio when I would say “YOU ARE LISTENING...    I would love to hear your feedback & it is always welcome at dukeearl@shaw.ca.

One of the biggest requirements in being a voice-over artist is having loads of patience. Once a project is submitted for review the waiting can be verrrrrry long. 

My hope is that eventually as I stated in a previous episode that I will do an episode on VOICE-OVER Good news. I was very grateful for AMY BELL coming on episode 20 & sharing her success journey in radio & TV. I will very soon have a successful Vancouver radio station producer & assistant program director. Both of those guests happened because i was patient & they were not ready & there was a long wait. But oh the joy receiving their responses of going ahead to be my guest on VOICE POWER.

My offer to you today,  25%  off my regular recording fee all you need to do is send an email to dukeearl@shaw.ca & in the subject line VOICE POWER. Include all your voice production details: finalized script, voice style- narration, high energy, middle or lower energy, any pauses, word emphasis, & production due date.  In the personalized quote I will include FREE a very brief segment of the script voiced. Then you will hear that I am the right fit for your voice project.  Once your project is completed  to your 100% satisfaction I will do a FREE Linkedin post to help you gain greater public exposure. My connections on Linkedin are now at 943.
Thanks for joining VOICE POWER this morning,... Don’t forget to subscribe & leave a review wherever you receive your podcasts. Thanks for tuning in & don’t forget someone may need your encouragement & your smile. With all the masks that we must wear to keep safe & away from Co-Vid it is challenging  we can use our eyes & voice to smile & greet others in a  friendly way. You never know how your life will be a blessing to someone else.
Best regards,
Earl Thomas "The VOICE"
Podcast Host of VOICE POWER launched May 23, 2021

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