Flirting With A Fish

Can You Say to Yourself ‘I Gave My Best’?

Ashok Pandey Season 1 Episode 3

Ashok Pandey. An educator. A family man. A closer. 

There isn't anything that he leaves upto fate. He is known as the man who almost always closes a job, after giving it at least a hundred and ten percent to it. When most people would just give up and leave, you will always find him still trying, with a certain, almost devotional enthusiasm.

What could be the source of this unending energy and will power? “It’s very simple. Whenever you’re about to give up, or feel like ending something, ask yourself this- ‘Before going to sleep tonight, when I am reflecting on my day and asking myself ‘Did I give my best?’ Will I be able to reply ‘Yes’ to myself? Thinking of how you are going to justify yourself will make all the difference. 

And remember, this is self-reflection. So you cannot lie…