Flirting With A Fish

We Get Trapped when We Don't Change with Changing External Factors

Sijo Kuruvilla George Season 1 Episode 4

Spearheading the revolution of smart startup and smart business in India, Sijo Kuruvilla is a young, insightful and ambitious professional who understands the role and importance of entrepreneurship in supercharging India's growth. In the capacity of The Executive Director of ADIF (Alliance of Digital India Foundation), his sole focus is to catapult India into one of the best startup ecosystems in the world, more concretely, in the top 10 by 2025 and in the top 3 by 2030. This, they intend to do, by bringing diverse participants and stakeholders vested in the success of Digital India/the Indus Valley ecosystem into an alliance and building a joint roadmap.

Listen to what the enterprise mogul has to say about the journey that has led him to this moment.