Business Owner Breakthrough Podcast

Understanding Your Natural Strengths: A Guide to Kolbe for Small Business Owners

Pete Mohr Season 1 Episode 10

Text Pete

In this episode of the Business Owner Breakthrough Podcast, host Pete Mohr dives into the Kolbe assessment, a tool that measures a person's natural instincts and preferred method of operation. As a small business owner, it's essential to understand your decision-making style and surround yourself with a team that complements your strengths and weaknesses. The Kolbe assessment measures four action modes: Fact Finder, Follow Through, Quickstart, and Implementer. Understanding your Kolbe score can help you identify your natural strengths, improve decision-making, and build better teams. It's time to take action by using the results to get everyone working in their Love-It Zone.

Here are a few things Pete covers:

  • What is the Kolbe assessment, and how does it work?
  • The importance of understanding your decision-making style as a small business owner
  • How to use the assessment to identify your natural strengths and areas for improvement
  • Tips on building better teams using the results of the Kolbe assessment
  • The connection between working in your love zone and business success

It's time to take action:

Take the Kolbe assessment and share the results with your team. Use the results to understand your natural strengths, identify areas for improvement, and build better teams that complement each other's strengths and weaknesses. Don't forget to download the Love It or Leave It workbook to take this to the next level.

Download Link:

Here’s my affiliate link to take your Kolbe Assessment:

Visit Pete Mohr's website at to download

Pick up a copy of Pete's new release:

The Business Owner Breakthrough

On Amazon in Kindle or Paperback editions

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Pete Mohr:

Are you ready to move from operator to owner? Well, decisions in your organization should be made at the lowest possible level of your business. Every day, there is a framework that can help and it's called the five P's. Understanding your promise, aligning your product process and people to it will generate the most amount of profit. And that's when the freedom comes. Freedom from the day to day management and freedom to start doing the things that you want, and deserve to do, inside and outside of your business. No one ever said it was easy, but it's time to start the process on the business owner breakthrough. If you'd like to chat with me about helping you breakthrough in your business, simply go to speak to that speak to, to book an appointment and to see if we're a right fit. All right, this week's episode is all around your people and going to talk about a little personality assessment that I really love to use within my business that utopia. And for every single coaching client that I work with, it's called Colby. And it's a different spelling with Colby. So if you're searching it up online, it's que OLBE. And as a small business owner, you know, you're constantly juggling multiple tasks and responsibilities. You're struggling to find out the best approach for your business often feeling overwhelmed, we talked about a lot. But as a business owner, one of your biggest things that you do day in and day out is make decisions. And if you're making decisions on small level items, you don't have enough decision making juices, let's call it at the end of the day. And are you working in your love zone, which is another sort of principle that we've talked about before. And actually, what I'm going to do is I'm going to include the lovebirds own exercise here at the end of this episode for you as well, because I think it's interesting, but we're going to talk about Colby today and understanding a little bit more about yourself and about your team members. makes life a lot easier. And that's what Colby does. So we'll talk about Colby index, we'll talk about how it helps you identify your strengths, maximizes your potential and creates a solid foundation for your business, and for ways on how to use it to build better team results too. So where did it all start? What's Colby and Colby is really this unique tool that measures a person's natural instincts and preferred method of operation, it really kind of tells you how you like to make decisions. And that's, well that's why I love this one, as opposed to a lot of the other sort of more personality type ones. This is sort of how do you operate. And I think that's so crucial for business owners and managers out there. The assessments really based on this idea that everyone has a unique set of strengths and talents. And unlike many of the other ones that focus on character traits, it measures these four action modes they call them, and the four are Fact Finder follow through Quickstart and implementer. So to kick it off with factfinder, you can just by the name of it kind of guessed? Are you a person that likes to assemble all of the facts before you make a decision? Or are you like me maybe where it's I'm okay with the executive summary, I'll make a judgment and a decision based on less facts. So are you a Fact Finder and having a high mark on these items doesn't necessarily mean it's either better or worse. It just means that's who you are. So you might be a low Fact Finder, that doesn't mean you need to be a better Fact Finder just means you need to understand that you are a low factfinder. And what does that mean? How does that help me or not help me make better decisions. The next one is follow through. And it's the way a person organizes and structures information. And then we get into Quickstart. And it's the way a person initiates action and deals with risk and uncertainty, and then into implementer in it. And the implementer is the way a person handles tangible objects. So when you think of it, you're gonna get a ranking from one to 10 on each of these particular things. And some of them you're going to be low and some of them you're going to be high. Sometimes you're right in the middle of each one's and it's all good. They're uniquely your scores. And it's good that way. The thing is, is you need to understand what that means and how that represents your decision making. And if you're having the rest of your team do it, how it represents their decision making on how you guys decide as a team on the way forth for stuff. So the assessment consists of the series of questions of course, like most of these things, do. You just go through the question and it will rate you on these For an action modes, so it's particularly useful when you start piecing together with your team and your team's individual natural strengths. So you can really create more effective teams that are better equipped to meet the challenges and achieve the goals you have set for your business when you're doing all of your goal planning and all that kind of stuff. So, Colby measures these natural instincts. By understanding your Colby score, you can really sort of discover your natural strengths and identify the areas where you need support. So I'll give you an example. My Colby score is 4392, which means I'm a Foreign factfinder. So out of 10. So I like facts, but I don't really need a ton. I'm a three on follow through, which means I tend not to follow through, I get things started, I'm really good at getting things started. Because I'm a very high Quickstart, I come up with ideas very simply. And in fact, a lot of my clients asked me to give them a different ideas, I'm good at brainstorming all that sort of stuff. But when it comes to follow through, I'd sooner let somebody else actually take it and run with it, in order to complete it. So I have to surround myself with a team that actually has a higher follow through and a higher factfinder because I only am a four. So sometimes by taking executive summaries of things and making decisions on them, I'm not always making the best decision. And it's good to run it by somebody who might be a higher factfinder. Because they want to dig, they want to find out more about it before they're going to give me their opinion on whether or not they think this is good for whatever project we're working on. So you can see how just by sort of surrounding yourself with people who are not the same on these nodes, will give you better decision making for your business. And even when I think of it from a client perspective with Colby, I'll look at a client perspective. And although I'm a low factfinder, at four, I might have a client that has a fact finding of eight or nine so in my conversations and coaching them and you can think of this as a leader of your business to in my conversation with coaching somebody who's a high Fact Finder, I have to be conscious about the fact that I'm giving them the information that they need in order to get their why of what they need to do to move ahead with whatever it is they're moving ahead with. Another example might be and I have just had a coaching call earlier here today with somebody who has a lower follow through like me, so I have to actually be conscious of the fact that, you know, holding her accountable for a couple of things that we've talked about in the past is part of my coaching process, because I know she has a lower IQ follow through. So I actually have to bring it up did you have the opportunity to finish this that we talked about her finished that that we talked about, that's my job as her coach, or in your case, if you're the leader of your business, following up with somebody on your team that has a low follow through to ensure that they've actually moved the ball on whatever it is because that's when things get left. And things don't get done, and you don't actually achieve. And decisions aren't being made at the lowest level of your organization. That's what you want, right? You want decisions, all of these decisions to be made at the lowest level of your organization, so that you can free up your time, use those decision making juices at a higher level. And everybody else in the team can do that too. When they're working in their loved zone. They're more efficient, more effective. And you can use this tool, the Colby assessment to help understand how they are going to work in their love its own where they are going to be most effective for you and how the business is going to run even better. So I have no affiliation with Kobe whatsoever, but I'm going to put a link in the show notes and how you can do your Colby assessment. It's rather inexpensive. I think it's maybe$65 or something like that to do this assessment. Well worth it and well worth it for you to put your team through the assessment too. And then do some comparatives and talk about it. The other thing that I think is really cool too that aligns with this is your love it or leave it which is a program that I put most of my clients through. If you'd like to download the love it or leave it playbook all you have to do is go to my website it's simplifying forward slash love it that's L O V E i t so simplifying forward slash love it and you can get access to the love it or leave it playbook. So think about how you can take this to the next level with your Colby and with your love it or leave it and get everybody working in the areas that they truly love and are most efficient at in your business. Now go and make it a great day.


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