Business Owner Breakthrough Podcast
It's time to move from Operator to Owner!
Are you tired of feeling trapped in the day-to-day operations of your business?
Maybe even to the point where you're starting to think about your exit?
Look no further!
The Business Owner Breakthrough podcast is here to help you break free from the struggles of entrepreneurship and turn your worries into wins.
Hosted by Pete Mohr, Certified Exit Planner, Kolbe Coach and business owner for over 30 years.
Quick episodes full of actionable takeaways for those ready to make change in their lives and businesses.
Business Owner Breakthrough Podcast
Kolbe's Hiring Mastery
In today’s episode of the Business Owner Breakthrough Podcast, host Pete Mohr dives into the transformative power of the Kolbe system, specifically focusing on the 'expand' stage crucial for optimal team composition and hiring practices. Pete elucidates how the Kolbe system’s 'right fit' strategy can be a game-changer in aligning candidate capabilities with job requirements, thereby enhancing team dynamics and business outcomes. By dissecting the 'range of success', Pete provides actionable insights into identifying the best and avoiding the least suitable candidates, demonstrating through real-life examples the significance of matching Kolbe A results with job roles for maximized performance.
Here are a few things Pete covers:
- Understanding the 'range of success' for precise candidate evaluation
- Leveraging Kolbe A, B, and C for enhanced team communication
- Strategic hiring using the Kolbe 'right fit' system
- Implementing Kolbe insights for CEO and sales roles
- Benefits of Kolbe assessments in the hiring process
It’s time to take action:
After listening to the podcast, your next step is to explore how the Kolbe system can be integrated into your hiring process to ensure you're bringing on board candidates who truly fit your business needs. If Kolbe's method intrigues you and seems like the right addition to your hiring toolkit, don't hesitate to reach out for a personalized consultation. Visit speaktopete.com to get started on refining your hiring strategies with Kolbe.
Are you looking to make some changes in your business and your life in 2024? Head over to speaktopete.com and book a chat with me to see if we're the right fit!
Maximize Your Business’s Value with the Value Builder Assessment!
As a business owner, do you know what your company is truly worth? The Value Builder Assessment is a powerful tool that helps you uncover the key factors influencing your business’s value. Whether you're considering a sale, planning for the future, or simply want to grow, this assessment offers actionable insights to increase your business’s worth and appeal to potential buyers.
Don’t leave your business’s future to chance. Click here to take the Value Builder Assessment and start building a more valuable, resilient business today!
Book a no charge Freedom Call with Pete, to see if you’re a good fit for his business coaching or talk to Pete about speaking at your next event head over to http://speaktopete.com to find a time that works for you!
Pete's Websites:
The Exit Ready Business
Kolbe Coach
Simplifying Entrepreneurship
LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/petemohr/
Instagram at ...
Hey welcome back to another edition on Colby here on the business owner breakthrough and today we're going to dig into the Expand portion of the Colby system. We've talked a lot about identify which is around the Colby, a optimize, which is when we start looking at each other's called Bas and having better communication suffer out there. Aligning, which was all last week about the Colby, B and C reports where you're overlaying what you perceive your job to be versus how your boss perceives your job to be on to your existing Colby, a. And if you think about taking that one step further it would be to hire for that right. And that's what the Expand part is all about is about Colby right fit system, which really helps you begin to align candidates to see whether they're going to be the right fit for the job posting that you have. And when we think about that, if we were going to hire for example, a salesperson, one of the things that we would do is we would start coming up with the whole rate fit process. And that right fit process really starts by what we call a range of success. And when we start doing the range of success, we started looking really at the best candidates ever in your organization. So if you picked through your all of your salespeople and said, this was the Colby a of the best person we've ever had, this is a Colby a of the worst person we've ever had, you start to see some patterns around that. We have a series of questions and a variety of different things that we'll go through in order to equate the range of success but for each different position and the one that I'm showing here on my screen. And for those of you who are listening on the audio side of things, you can just head over to YouTube and look at the graphics here that we're going through as well on the YouTube channel, simplifying entrepreneurship. But I pulled up here the range of success for a CEO. So whether whatever position this would be whether it's for sales, whether sort of CEO, whether it's for a bookkeeper, we come up with the range of success. And it's all got to do with really what we're expecting the Fact Finder follow through Quickstart and implementer to be and what we've where we've had success in the past. So it's a bit of a combination of understanding who's been really successful in this role and understanding their emos, their modus operandi, which is their coal Bas, essentially, and understanding the people who haven't done so well, so that we can sort of have a better understanding of who we're going to hire for in the future. So what the range of success report does, is it really gives us this range, when we look for hiring for a CEO that Colby see that the board of directors came up with, which was a 5383. So when we look at that, we were looking for somebody who's typically in most of those areas, right? So you can see here, there's a three point gap, remember anything more than three points, we're going to get into either a medium or potentially a higher chance of stress in those particular things. So we want these people to be as much as we can within those three points of each of these nodes. So when we look at this particular candidate that we have pulled up here, Herb Edwards, herbs, Colby, a sits at a 6492. Well, in overlaying his factfinder, we're looking for a five, he has a six, follow through, we're looking for a three, he has a four Quickstart, we're looking for an eight, he has a nine implementer, we're looking for a three, he has a two. So he falls into each and every one of those buckets quite perfectly, and would probably end up being a good candidate for this role as we perceive it through the Colby, C. So when we look at the range of success, this is how you can start using the Colby a B's and C's in order to actually find the ideal right fit candidate for whatever position it is you're hiring for. In your organization. It's really good. And even if one of these was out of the normal little bit, the range that we're looking for is four to six, because ideally it would be a five and he's a six. So he's within that range of success. So it really lays out all of the different things. And you can see here by the report, each of the nodes has its own listings of what we're looking for. And we could be asking interview questions all around those different things. If the person first of all aligns with pretty much the reins of success, the next step is going to the interview. And when we're talking about interviews, we want to get in there and dig in with these particular questions. And if we think about your factfinder, in this case we'd be looking for do you review data? Do you confirm priorities? Do you clarify specifics? Do you like paraphrasing, explaining historical context? And we could be asking that interview candidate how they've used this in the past so they could show us examples right? As we go to the right sit for the follow through. We could be saying do you like to maintain order? Do you sustain systems? Tell me about a time where and then you to inject some of these questions in here to dig deeper into the reasoning behind why this candidate would be a right fit half the time you don't even know the proper questions to ask. But when we start laying this out in this sort of way, it's very concise, very specific, it gives us the guidance that we need in order to ask the questions and dig deeper into some of the areas that we think they may have issues around specially if they aren't within the range of success on the report. If you really think a candidate's good, and they're missing one or two of these nodes, then you want to dig deeper into how they're going to actually tackle some of the things it's showing on the report that they may not. Ultimately we'll give them essentially a letter grade a b, a minus c, f, potentially, on the range of success so that you can make your choice. As far as Colby will be concerned, it will give you a letter grade, just like you got your grades in school as to whether this would be an appropriate candidate for you to hire or not. And of course, it's always going to be up to you, when you're in the position of hiring, whether or not you want to hire this person, and it's going to give you the ammunition to ask those questions to dig down deeper. And to find out more through the interview process. As to whether or not this truly is a right fit candidate. We want to get all the bits and pieces all the data that we can get in order to make the hiring process as seamless as easy and as inexpensive and less frustrating as it possibly can be. So when you think of this just by putting somebody giving them a test as part of their interview, giving them a Kolbe a assessment and asking them after maybe initial phone interview, if you think they're good. Can you fill out your Colby a taking the coal BA and running it into the range of success report worth your Colby B's and C's, you're going to have a really good idea whether or not this candidate is going to be a good fit for your business. Again, a really interesting piece here from the Colby system that makes your life easier as the business owner. That's why I love Colby. If Colby is something that you might be interested in doing within your organization, whether it's a call ba they call BB sees the right fit system, as far as hiring goes, then reach out, let's have a conversation whether or not this is going to be the right fit for you in your business. Right. All you have to do is go over to speak to pete.com. That's speak to pete.com. And then we'll have a little conversation about how we can implement some of these things within your organization. So as you can see, over this conversation of the last few episodes here, Colby really has a lot of stuff to equip you and your team with better decision making better team better hiring process, a better knowledge and understanding of your people. And your people are your most valuable asset. That's why I love the Colby system. And I think it's something that every owner can probably adopt and implement within their organizations. And the sooner that you do, the better. As far as I'm concerned, it's something I've been using within Utopia now for several years. We pull it out, we look at it we talk the language, all of that sort of stuff. That's why I became a Kolbe, consultant and coach, and it's why I would love to help you through your journey to better decision making within your business. So although I said this would be a six part series, I think I'm gonna cap it here at five we had the intro, we talked a little bit about Kobe and then we got into the four main parts of Kobe and ultimately, those are the main things that you need to know about Kobe, the Kobe, a the Kobe, B the Kobe, see the right fit system, how you can work better with your team's understanding their decision making and how they innately take action. Isn't that what we all want? Better communication better decision making makes a seamless business more profitable and better for you for this year and for years to come with a great team. I'd love to help you out in your journey with Colby. If you'd like to again just reach out speak to pete.com that speak to pete.com Now go and make it a great day
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