Roar with Shari. . . All Things Justice for Women & Survivors

Giving Domestic Violence Victims a Voice: A New App Helps DV Victims Collect and Store Legal, Court Admissible Evidence

September 27, 2023 Shari Karney Season 1 Episode 9

In this episode, I’m talking with Sheri Kurdakul who says she lost her virginity as a child to a family member.  Leaving home as soon as she could escape, Sheri suffered domestic violence in one abusive relationship after another. Unable to leave. When she finally did leave her last abuser, she fled in the middle of the night, with her 1 child and $150 in her pocket. We call her "Super SHEro".  She used new technology, smarts, and pure grit, to develop an app for victims of domestic violence that collect and store legal, court-admissible evidence. 

Victims of domestic violence face endless legal hurdles. Sheri says that 80% of all domestic violence cases are dismissed largely for “lack of evidence.” Sheri Kurdakul has changed that for so many victims trapped in the cage of domestic terror. Come Roar with Shari and Sheri if you are a victim of domestic violence and need help. Go to VictimsVoice.App.