Roar with Shari. . . All Things Justice for Women & Survivors

Allen v. Farrow HBO "The Lie"

Shari Karney Season 1 Episode 0

In this bonus episode, we discuss that while Mia Farrow tries to shield 7-year-old Dylan from the trauma of repeated questioning about sexual abuse, Allen’s legal and PR team drives a narrative that Mia is a scorned woman and unfit mother who brainwashed her children. What ensues is a harrowing custody battle where Allen tries to get sole custody over Dylan, Moses, and Ronan Farrow. 

You get to experience the legal system, its bias towards women and children. People say the system is "broken." We say the system was designed this way to have power and control over women and children. Every mother's nightmare. A custody fight, where she goes to war to save her children, and the alleged perpetrator goes to the nuclear option to win. Win at all costs, no matter the damage.