Roar with Shari. . . All Things Justice for Women & Survivors

Vanity Fair "WHO TORCHED THE PORNHUB PALACE" – Interview with Laila Mickelwait

Shari Karney Season 4 Episode 5

In this episode, I’m talking with Laila Mickelwait who fights for The Children of the Porn (New York Times). Laila was also featured in Vanity Fair’s, February 2022 article Who Torched the Pornhub Palace.

On the Pornhub site, viewers see child rapes, incest, revenge pornography, spycam videos of women showering, and footage of women being asphyxiated in plastic bags.  The house that porn built.

These countless victims' images and videos showing the child sexual abuse, criminal sexual exploitation and violence against women they endured,  have been posted and monetized by Pornhub. 

Laila Mickelwait is the Founder and CEO of the Justice Defense Fund and the Founder of the global #Traffickinghub movement which is supported by millions around the world. She was in Vanity Fair, February 2022, "Who Torched the PORNHUB PALACE."

 The #Traffickinghub movement led by activist, Laila Mickelwait, called on the religious, non-partisan, non-centralized global effort to hold Pornhub, the 10th most visited website in the world, and the largest pornography website in the world, accountable for enabling and profiting from the sex trafficking and criminal sexual exploitation of countless victims including child sexual abuse. 2.2 million people signed a petition to shut the Pornhub site down. This nonprofit, #TraffickingHub documents abuses and calls for the site to be shut down. There are 118 million images downloaded a day of child sexual abuse and exploitation.

 According to #Nicholas Kristof of the #New York Times, Pornhub prides itself on being the cheery, winking face of naughty, the website that buys a billboard in Times Square and donates to organizations fighting for racial equity and offers ‘steamy’ content to get people through Covid-19.

The Justice Defend fund was created to empower survivors of sex trafficking, child sexual abuse material (previously known as pornography), and image-based sexual abuse to pursue justice through sustainable strategic litigation funding. Laila also advocates for the adoption of laws that prevent child abuse and provide recourse to victims.

Listeners, Please Note Shari Karney, the host of Roar with Shari. . . All Things Justice for Women and Survivors is a survivor and a practicing attorney in California representing victims of child sexual abuse, sexual harassment, and sexual assault.

Even though Shari Karney is a licensed practicing attorney in the State of California practicing in the areas of child sexual abuse, sexual assault, sexual harassment, this podcast is intended for informational purposes only, there is no expectation of confidentiality and is not intended nor should it be construed as legal advice.  For legal advice, you should seek competent legal counsel. If you’re interested in speaking to Karney’s law practice they can be reached at www.karneyadvocates.

Please also note that Karney Law is owned by Shari Karney. Karney is the founder of Roar as One. Roar as One is a nonprofit, Karney Law is a law firm and they are otherwise unaffiliated.