Don't SUCK at AI

Episode 6 - James Raybould, Sr. Director of Products, LinkedIn - James shares AI's role in the LinkedIn Platform. (He's brilliant & funny as he shares tech anecdotes you won't want to miss!)

July 27, 2021 John Lindsey Season 1 Episode 6

James joins John for a discussion about why LinkedIn is the top  site for connecting people to the professional content and other professionals they need to succeed.  And, how AI plays a HUGE role in curating all that data into accurate and meaningful results for its 750 MILLION PLUS users!

He’s been the Sr. Director of Products at LinkedIn for the past 6 years, with a focus on LinkedIn Learning & Glint (LinkedIn’s People Success Platform).

In Episode 6 James shares with our listeners how AI is a key focus at LinkedIn as they continue to create a safe and positive environment for professionals to network online.

John provides James background:   00:00 - 02:12

Don't SUCK Fun Fact about James:   02:13 - 03:40

James talks about why LinkedIn DOESN'T SUCK at AI:   03:41 -  06:13

James  discusses how the algorithm uses "limited profile" information and still provides solid information :   06:14  -  10:25

James fills us in on the upcoming strategies for LinkedIn Learning and how a users online behavior and frequency trains the AI models (Yup we even talk TiKTok) :  10:26 - 15:30

We discuss the rise of multi-media on the platform and how AI manages this type of data:  15:31  - 20:19

We shift the topic to LinkedIn Live challenges and AI:   20:20  -   22:35

Covid's impact on LinkedIn - James addresses some of the challenges:   22:36  -  27:41

John shares a bit on AIRR (AI Readiness Roadmap) Software :   27:42  -  28:04

Episode Recap:   28:44

James Contact Info:   LinkedIn:  James Raybould    Twitter:   @LondonJames

Conclusion & Listener Thanks!:    29:34

Bob Miller Intro with Music Fade