Don't SUCK at AI

SEASON 2 - Episode 1 - Brent Dykes, Data Analytics Superhero and Author of a FANTASTIC Book called Effective Data Storytelling joins us to share tips on how to drive change with DATA!

John Lindsey Season 2 Episode 1

SEASON 2 - Episode 1 - Brent Dykes, Data Analytics SuperHero and Author of a FANTASTIC Book called Effective Data Storytelling joins us to share tips on how to drive change with DATA!

John provides Intro on Brent and shares his Background:   00:37 – 02:42

 Brent gives some additional info on his background and shares with us his journey    02:43 – 03:03

Don't SUCK Fun Fact about Brent – And in this episode, we actually have a Trifecta of fun facts for Brent from superhero comics collector, to being tri-lingual to supporting his Ironman triathlete wife!  He is a man of many interests and talents! :  03:04 – 04:53

Brent shares the VALUE that data could provide for organizations if used properly.  He refers to it as understanding the “language of data” and tells us a little bit about what that is and how he has developed that concept into developing these Data stories.   :   04:54 -  06:47
Brent discusses how for AI & ML to be successful, data is the necessary fuel…and the more you have the better you can train the models companies build.  He explains how data points become the building blocks of every data story and how relevance and trustworthiness play into this equation:  06:48 - 10:09

Brent takes a quote from his book “Without knowledge, action is useless, and knowledge without action is futile.” , and share this as a preface to talk about Actionable Insights.  He then discusses how to go about determining if an insight merits becoming the basis of a data story and what that means to your audience.:  10:10  -  13:40
Brent shares his “state of the industry” opinion in regards to corporations ability to leverage the data they are collecting today?:  13:41 – 17:53

Brent wraps up by providing a look into the future & pull out his Dr. Strange SuperHero Crystal ball to share where he sees all this going in the near future…and what he thinks based on his years of experience and wisdom in the analytics space?: 17:54 – 21:49

 23:15 Brent’s Contact Info:


LinkedIn – Brent Dykes:

Book Website:  (You can buy the book there as well)


Conclusion:  25:30



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