Modern Mystery School UK & EU

Jessica - my journey with the Modern Mystery School

Dr Kate Bartram Brown / Jessica

Throughout Jessica’s life, she has always felt a deep calling to serve others and to uncover the mysteries of the universe. She began her spiritual seeking in her teenage years, in the pursuit of truly uncovering who she is, and her purpose in the world 

 Now Jessica is a Certified Life Activation Practitioner, EnSofic Reiki Practitioner, Kabbalist and Ritual Master Novice in the Lineage of King Solomon. As well as a certified yoga and meditation instructor, producer and host of her podcast, Becoming Limitless. 

She truly believes there is magick and wonder everywhere you look. That there is divinity within all things. She is passionate about bringing more joy and love to the planet by reminding others they can live multidimensional life, filled with joy.