Modern Mystery School UK & EU

Genevieve - My journey with the Modern Mystery School

Dr Kate Bartram Brown / Genevieve

From Helicopters to Healing ... 

As an aspiring writer and helicopter pilot-in-training, Genevieve was determined to build a life of meaning, joy, and purpose. She tried many things but there was always something missing. When she discovered the existence of a Mystery School, it was like opening a door to a world she hoped for, but didn't know existed. She stepped onto the Path of Initiation in January 2012 and that choice set forces in motion beyond what she ever imagined. 

Genevieve saw the results transform her life. She realized joy and peace within were possible, but it wasn't something you could build from the outside in. It had to come from the inside out. 

Today Genevieve is a Guide and Healer with the Modern Mystery School, and co-leader of the Modern Mystery School in Minneapolis, MN. She shares time-tested tools that work to transform from the inside out and build a life of greater joy, freedom, and purpose in life. 

Guide & Healer with the Modern Mystery School