Modern Mystery School UK & EU

Why I attended Healers Academy with the Modern Mystery School ... with Margaret

Dr Kate Bartram Brown / Margaret Dunne

Margaret qualified as a General Nurse Midwife in 1983 and spent the next 2 years working as a volunteer nurse with children & expectant mothers in Ecuador, South America including the Amazon Jungle. In 2000 she set up a playschool in her local village of Moyne and trained as a Montessori Preschool Teacher. This later became a popular Montessori Education centre. Driven by her love of children and her desire to enhance their experience Margaret trained  in Reflexology, Child to Child Massage, Education Kinesiology Consultancy & Mini Me Yoga Ambassadorship. Her metaphysical training with the Modern Mystery School began in 2006 and brought her to a deep realisation that if ever we are to have peace on our beloved planet then nurturing conscious awareness from an early age must be a priority, a reality, a way of life. Margaret introduced Meditation, Mindfulness, Sacred Geometry, Life Activation, Gratitude Awareness, to her curriculum. The experience was profound. Now retired from the classroom, Margaret works as an holistic therapist and runs private & group sessions for adults & children, teachers, parents, teens both in person and on zoom. Her aim is to continue to promote world peace from the  perspective that world peace is an 'inside job' to be embraced by all. What better place to begin than the early years? Peace within brings Peace Without.