Modern Mystery School UK & EU

Question Time with Divina Franca Lanyon

Dr Kate Bartram Brown / Divina Franca Lanyon Season 1

...Live question and answer time with Divina Franca, president of the Modern Mystery School.  Get your questions ready ... 

The greatness of the Goddess needs to return. It needs to show her self once again in its purest essence. Now more than ever the children of the world are suffering. They are in need of great nurturing and love. The potential of men is dying. It needs the vessel of light to receive. Women are dying, we need to love each other and work together in unity and in pureness.

For the women in the world that are fighting for their existence and their power. I am here to fight with you. For the women in the world that have lost oneself in the madness of our world, I am here to help guide, support you and remind you of who you are and what is it to be in the feminine. To once again lead you back to reclaim your crown.

On a mission to World Peace,
With great love,
Franca Lanyon