Modern Mystery School UK & EU

Yadiksha, a cardiac physiologist... my Journey with the Modern Mystery School...

Dr Kate Bartram Brown / Yadiksha

Working with the heart took on a whole new meaning for me ..... 

....Yadiksha Hari, practiced as a cardiac physiologist for 15 years having followed a trusted career path to a successful future, however she was one day hit with the realisation that she was meant for more, and that she needed to follow her free will to find true happiness- when her body started to tell her she was burning out, and she experienced physical aches and pains as well as mental fatigue. Whilst struggling to find balance in her life she found it challenging not to slip into apathy and depression, having also experienced a traumatic relationship break down. Introduced by a friend to a life activation session, focused on resetting the body, mind and energetic structure - this was the turning point for her and she suddenly felt instantly refreshed, free and aligned to her purpose.She also does a lot of work with women’s mental health, particularly supporting those who are undergoing mental health challenges which make them feel less connected to their femininity - such as patients undergoing chemo-therapy, and victims of domestic violence and abuse. 

Yadiksha also takes her teachings to women’s shelters to teach empowerment and hosts gatherings for teenage girls where they are able to come together and increase their confidence, empowering them and offering a safe space to support each other.