Modern Mystery School UK & EU

Dr Rebecca, my journey with the Modern Mystery School

Dr Kate Bartram Brown / Dr Rebecca

I'm Rebecca, a Dr in Natural Medicine, practicing holistic health since 2012, and a Modern Mystery School Adept and LAP since 2018. I live in Barcelona, and am originally from the UK.

I help people overcome Stress, Anxiety, Depression, PTSD, Overwhelm, Chronic Illness, and ADHD, and connect them with their true essence and multidimensionality.

I combine different healing modalities and tools intuitively in person and online for a personal healing journey. Such as, Quantum Health Coaching, IEMT (Integral Eye Movement Therapy), Hypnotherapy, DNA Life Activation, Quantum Inner Child Healing, Quantum Healing, Ensofic Ray, Acupressure, Chakra and Aura Healing, Crystal Magick, Diagnostic tools, Nutrition, and Supplement support, and more, to assist in transformation and stress reduction.

Visit my website for more information: