Modern Mystery School UK & EU

Jeannie, my journey with the Modern Mystery School

Dr Kate Bartram Brown / Jeannie

From stressed out administrative assistant in a municipal office to semi-retired president of a large property management company.

Before the Modern Mystery School, Jeannie’s life was very good on the surface, but she suffered from depression and anxiety.  Her desperation to feel better began to produce irreversible damage to her and her family, so she began seeking non-mainstream answers.  She looked to religion, psychology, philosophy, and finally spirituality, and even then, couldn’t figure out how to truly have a peaceful life.  After receiving the Life Activation and Empower Thyself class from the Modern Mystery School she began to feel better and her life started to shift, she didn't know why but knew that they were the only thing she had done differently.  Realizing how powerful these tools and teachings are, Jeannie is now a Healer, Teacher, and Guide with the Modern Mystery School.  Her passion is helping people transform to have more peace and joy in their lives.