Fountain of Life Podcast
We all face challenges in life irrespective of our social status or faith, challenges which we desire to overcome and live victoriously. In most circumstances, victories in life start with being hopeful and resilient as we search for solutions. This Podcast provides inspiration and empowerment based on the Bible, to help us daily find true hope and strength for victorious living. The Host, Charles Zuta, and all the guests who present this Podcast provide a biblical perspective as well as professional counsel and knowledge on how to deal with various physical as well as emotional challenges in life, in order to be victorious. This podcast is presented weekly on Sunday evenings, and the content is suitable for all age groups and faith levels.
Fountain of Life Podcast
Steps to Contentment - S0418
Season 4
Episode 18
S0418: Steps to Contentment
Series: Lessons from the Public Ministry of Jesus Christ
Host: Rev. Dr. Charles Zuta
The Apostle Paul viewed contentment as a learned behaviour, a view supported by other passages of scripture on the subject of contentment. This implies there are concrete steps we can take to cultivate contentment in our lives. I discuss some of these steps in this episode
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