CEimpact Podcast

Fluid Resuscitation in Pancreatitis


The standard of care for pancreatitis has been aggressive (liters) of intravenous fluids. New data suggests that this level of fluid resuscitation may not be needed – and possibly harmful. Join host Geoff Wall as he evaluates the role of fluids in pancreatitis treatment.

The GameChanger
In patients with mild disease, moderate fluid resuscitation is safer than aggressive fluid use.

Show Segments
00:00 - Introduction
01:17 - Current Standard of Care
04:37 - The WATERFALL Study
10:20 - GameChanger: Study Findings
16:00 - Closing Remarks

Geoff Wall, PharmD, BCPS, FCCP, CGP
Professor of Pharmacy Practice, Drake University
Internal Medicine/Critical Care, UnityPoint Health

References and Resources

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CE Information

Learning Objectives
Upon successful completion of this knowledge-based activity, participants should be able to:
1. Discuss the current standard of care for treating pancreatitis
2. Describe the findings of the WATERFALL study and how it applies to patients

0.05 CEU/0.5 Hr
UAN: 0107-0000-22-440-H04-P
Initial release date: 12/09/2022
Expiration date: 12/09/2023
Additional CPE and CME details can be found here.

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