CEimpact Podcast

Help the Hurt - Support Students and Residents Who Experience Microgressions


We’ve heard a lot about microaggressions in the past couple of years. A microaggression can include verbal, behavioral, or environmental aggressions that negatively communicate about race, culture, or gender. They can be intentional or unintentional but can negatively impact healthcare interactions – whether those involve students, residents, patients, or all of the above.

In this episode, speaking with Anisa Hansen, a clinical pharmacist who leads diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives for the College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences at Drake. Her passion is educating learners on topics in the areas of mental health, LGBTQ health and wellness,  and equity and inclusion. Anisa has first-hand experience supporting students who have experienced microaggressions as part of their pharmacy practice experiences. Listen to learn more about how she has navigated those situations to support students.

Download this social identity mapping exercise. Don’t worry – it will make sense after you listen to the episode!

Kathy Schott, PhD
Anisa Hansen, PharmD
Professor of Pharmacy Practice
Drake University College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences

Anisa Hansen, PharmD, is a Professor of Pharmacy Practice at Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa. She has a passion for educating students on mental health, wellness, LGBTQ health, and equity and inclusion. Anisa teaches a 3-credit J-Term course focused on LGBTQ Health Issues and a first-year course exploring the portrayal of mental illness and disabilities in the media. Anisa is the mental health clinical pharmacist for Iowa Lutheran Hospital. She provides clinical service, educates sixth-year pharmacy students, and provides medication education groups in outpatient and inpatient settings.

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CE Information

At the end of this course, preceptors will be able to:

1.     Define the concept of 'microaggression'

2.     Identify strategies to support students who may experience microaggressions during experiential learning


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