CEimpact Podcast

Asking the Right Questions of Your Students and Residents

CEimpact Season 3 Episode 1

Sometimes teaching isn't "telling" but "asking" - asking questions that encourage students and residents to problem-solve in a stepwise manner. Listen in as we discuss a teaching strategy that builds confidence and encourages curiosity in your learners.

We’ve all heard students and residents complain about ‘pimping’ from preceptors during rotations or during their residency experience. Pimping has given a bad name to what can truly be a very effective teaching strategy when done right – Socratic Questioning.  

In this month's episode, I’m speaking with Lindsay Davis of Midwestern University – Glendale, and Kevin Carrasco, a preceptor who has jumped on the Socratic Questioning bandwagon after experiencing what a difference it has made in his effectiveness as a preceptor. During our conversation – they debunked many of the assumptions often made about Socratic questioning as a teaching method and also gave some great advice on how to approach this method in a trusting and safe way for learners.

Download this pocket guide, then listen in to get started! 

Kathy Schott, PhD
Lindsay Davis
Lindsay E. Davis, PharmD, BCPS, BCCP, FCCP
Director, Cardiology & Metabolism Team
Pfizer, Internal Medicine Field Medical Group
Adjunt Professor, Pharmacy Practice
Midwestern University - Glendale

Kevin Carrasco, Pharm.D., MPH
Emergency Medicine Pharmacist
Banner Univeristy Phoenix Pharmacy

Dr. Davis reports that she is employed by Pfizer. All relevant financial relationships have been mitigated.

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CE Information

At the end of this course, preceptors will be able to:

1.     Define the concept of 'microaggression'

2.     Identify strategies to support students who may experience microaggressions during experiential learning

UAN: 0107-0000-23-058-H99-P
Release Date: 01/18/2022
Expiration Date: 01/18/2025
The speakers have no relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies to disclose.

This program has been:

  • Approved by the Minnesota Board of Pharmacy as education for Minnesota pharmacy preceptors.
  • Reviewed by the Texas Consortium on Experiential Programs and has been designated as preceptor education and training for Texas preceptors.

Want more information on this and related topics? 

 Check out this free resource to guide the implementation of Socratic Questioning in your teaching. 

 As always, be sure to check out the full library of courses available for preceptors on the CEimpact website. Be sure to ask your experiential program director if you are a member so that you can access it all for free!0

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