The Dyslexia Life Hacks Show

The Dyslexic Inventor with Jock Boyle

August 10, 2021 Matthew Head Episode 5

"On my first driving lesson and I was turning a corner, BANG a cyclist hits me. My instructor you need to be aware that the car pillar is a blind spot. That has always been with me"

Jock Boyle left school with no qualifications and label as slow. Having spent most of his adult life as a lorry driver his brain worked away in the background, if there was a problem Jock would think up a solution while he was out driving. One of these is a new type of lens that can improve road safety by reducing vehicle blind spots. He now has patents in his name and running a business to bring his invention to market.

Join Matt has he speaks to Jock about how being dyslexic helps him invent, the struggles of bring an invention to market and his learning experience along the way.

For more hacks tip and tricks for dyslexia and full show notes please visit Dyslexia Life Hacks.
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