The Dyslexia Life Hacks Show

Alison Edgar The Entrepreneur's Godmother

September 21, 2021 Matthew Head Episode 8

"When your dyslexic and you got to keep the flow, it was so tiring. Physically I was exhausted, because I has stay on the focus, I had work so hard to try and read the sentence."

The Dyslexia Life Hacks Show welcomes on Alison Edgar MBE, twice voted one of UK's top 10 business advisers and author of two best selling books. She has come along way form leaving school and taking a job in a hotel reception, she soon found that she could turn her hand to all aspects of running a hotel. This lead to a career in sales, where she overachieved and rose high in the corporate world. It was during a visit to one of her clients, they discovered she has dyslexia. 

As it will come apparent throughout the podcast, Alison is a master of cultivating her straights. They become so strong that any weakness she may have are overwhelmed, she also surrounds herself with grate people who allow her to shine. 

Ever wondered what it like to record you own audiobook as a dyslexic? Listen in to find out.

Find Alison on; LinkedIn, Twitter and her website

For more hacks tip and tricks for dyslexia and full show notes please visit Dyslexia Life Hacks.
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