Radar Contact

Season 2 - 007 - Artificial Intelligence in Digital Towers - Andrew Taylor - NATS

FoxATM Season 2 Episode 7

The guest for this episode is Andrew Taylor,  Chief Solutions Officer at NATS. Andrew has a long-lasting career in ATM and has shared with us some very interesting view. We discussed the following:

  • The job of a Chief Solutions Officer explained
  • Where NATS stands with digital and remote towers
  • Image recognition and interpretation as an application of AI in digital towers
  • Can AI be used to detect deviation from clearances (stop bar overrun) without the need for a ground radar
  • More use cases for other parts of AI, not related to image processing: decision making support tools and “virtual assistants”
  • AI versus human in regards to errors: the dynamics of new type of hazards and incidents
  • Acceptance and certification of AI, in general and at NATS
  • AI versus ATCOs
  • view on the future of ATM in the next 5 and 50 years