Radar Contact

Season 2 - 012 - Simulation, Air Traffic Management & Virtual ATC Tower Acquisition - Bill Lang - Adacel

June 21, 2022 Season 2 Episode 12

In this episode we had as a guest the Vice President & Business Development Manager Bill Lang  from Adacel. We discussed the following topics:

  • Adacel is 35 years old - overview of company's history, best successes and biggest milestones
  • Auroras’ technological advantage
  • Adacel's ATC system and simulator compared to TRACON, ARTCC and TWR technologies
  • Adacel's global expansion 
  • Recent contracts with Seychelles Aviation Authority and France's DSNA
  • Custom software development for air traffic control and more
  • Acquisition of Cybernetica's Virtual ATC Tower 
  • Expantion in the remote towers segment
  • Evolution of ATM in the next 5 and 50 years