Radar Contact

Season 2 - 019 - ATM Business Transformation and Growth - Norbert Haslacher - Frequentis AG

FoxATM Season 2 Episode 19

Norbert Haslacher, the CEO of Frequentis AG, joins us in this episode to discuss the following topics:

  • Personal introduction of the guest.
  • The heritage and vision of Frequentis AG.
  • The cross‐industry innovation from the diverse safety-critical industries to improve Frequentis AG products and services.
  • The transformation that Frequentis AG underwent from a hardware-centric company to a software company.
  • The mergers and acquisitions strategy since the IPO. 
  • The viable systems organizational model, and future growth plans.
  • Future of ATM industry for the next 5 and 50 years from now.