Radar Contact

009 - How can small ATM suppliers participate in SESAR projects - Benoit Fonck - SESAR Joint Undertaking

Season 1 Episode 9

In this episode, our guest comes from from Brussels, this is Benoit Fonck the Chief Programme Officer at SESAR JU. The topic is to explain how smaller ATM suppliers can participate in SESAR. Among others, we touched on the following aspects:

  • What is SESAR
  • How is SESAR structured and what is the reporting hierarchy in this structure 
  • Updates on current SESAR status and major directions currently covered by SESAR projects
  • What has been good, what could be done differently, what are the challenges of the programme
  • How can smaller ATM companies participate in SESAR research projects 
  • What is the application procedure and how can smaller companies know when and where exactly to apply
  • Advice to a small company wanting to contribute to SESAR
  • SESAR in the next 5 years and in the next 50 years