The Lockdown Theatre Company

The Person You Are Calling Knows You Are Waiting

May 28, 2021 Rohan Season 1 Episode 1

Well this is all a bit odd. A woman gets rung up by her phone. The phone thinks it's time they had a chat. About phone stuff.

So what would you say if your phone rang you up?

The phone is played by the fabulous Georgia Nicholson. And the woman is played by the fabulous Elena Valentine.  To be honest, at The Lockdown Theatre Company we only work with fabulous people. It's kind of a rule.

The script is written,  and directed, by Rohan Candappa.  And massive thanks to Chris DontknowhissurnamebutI'msureGeorgiawilltellmewhensheseesthis for the editing  and sound tweakery.

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