Joyfully Ever After with Heidi Esther

E018. Live with Heidi and Heather on Happiness, Freedom + Joy. PLUS: What happens when Diet coke won't fix it?

October 13, 2021 Episode 18
E018. Live with Heidi and Heather on Happiness, Freedom + Joy. PLUS: What happens when Diet coke won't fix it?
Joyfully Ever After with Heidi Esther
More Info
Joyfully Ever After with Heidi Esther
E018. Live with Heidi and Heather on Happiness, Freedom + Joy. PLUS: What happens when Diet coke won't fix it?
Oct 13, 2021 Episode 18

Join Heather Kokx, Happiness Expert, and Heidi Esther, Joy + Mindfulness Storyteller, live as they get vulnerable and share about struggles and striving for Happiness, Personal Freedom, and Joy in today's hectic world. Cute dogs and FREE affirmations included!

In today's  inaugural show with Heidi Esther and Heather  talk about where they started on their journeys, what woke them up, and things like mermaids, zombies, Body Mass Index, and The Bowl of Affirmation! Check it out! 

The First and Third Wednesdays of the month we will be streaming at NOON CDT.

  •  Oct 6 
  • Oct 20
  • Nov 3
  • Nov 17 

Building a Story Brand
Live Heidi and Heather Facebook Group
 Live With Heidi and Heather YouTube channel
Read Heidi's Article on her site
What's an Everyday Superhero?
Burnout Book 

Heidi Esther, Joy + Mindfulness Storyteller,  can be found at HTTP://
Heather Kokx, Happiness Expert, can be found at HTTP://

Met with author coach Lynn ( this week to start work on an efficient publishing and marketing plan for my book. 

📈 BIZ update: I'm redoing my website (and logo!) with my new business name Joyfully Ever After Media! Stay tuned for a more user-friendly experience! 

🤞 Don't Forget,Please go to my Live with Heidi and Heather YouTube channel and subscribe! OR if you like Facebook,Join Our Group!

Are you ready to Learn the 5 Steps of Self-Leadership that will help you peel back the layers and Lead you to Joy, on your own terms? Then go to today!

You can watch all of my episodes on YouTube @HeidiEsther
or Join my neighborhood online at

Show Notes Chapter Markers

Join Heather Kokx, Happiness Expert, and Heidi Esther, Joy + Mindfulness Storyteller, live as they get vulnerable and share about struggles and striving for Happiness, Personal Freedom, and Joy in today's hectic world. Cute dogs and FREE affirmations included!

In today's  inaugural show with Heidi Esther and Heather  talk about where they started on their journeys, what woke them up, and things like mermaids, zombies, Body Mass Index, and The Bowl of Affirmation! Check it out! 

The First and Third Wednesdays of the month we will be streaming at NOON CDT.

  •  Oct 6 
  • Oct 20
  • Nov 3
  • Nov 17 

Building a Story Brand
Live Heidi and Heather Facebook Group
 Live With Heidi and Heather YouTube channel
Read Heidi's Article on her site
What's an Everyday Superhero?
Burnout Book 

Heidi Esther, Joy + Mindfulness Storyteller,  can be found at HTTP://
Heather Kokx, Happiness Expert, can be found at HTTP://

Met with author coach Lynn ( this week to start work on an efficient publishing and marketing plan for my book. 

📈 BIZ update: I'm redoing my website (and logo!) with my new business name Joyfully Ever After Media! Stay tuned for a more user-friendly experience! 

🤞 Don't Forget,Please go to my Live with Heidi and Heather YouTube channel and subscribe! OR if you like Facebook,Join Our Group!

Are you ready to Learn the 5 Steps of Self-Leadership that will help you peel back the layers and Lead you to Joy, on your own terms? Then go to today!

You can watch all of my episodes on YouTube @HeidiEsther
or Join my neighborhood online at

What's Live with Heidi and Heather?
Message: You're strong and you need help, too. Are you a Soul Searcher? Getting Honest with myself.
Live with Heidi and Heather Intro
What we're talking about today
Mermaids, YouTube, and Taking Care
In the beginning: Zombies, Europe, and running away to...
In the beginning: I'm never in the picture
Cheer Bear, Pastoral Care, teenage emotional vomiting
What would you say to your earlier self?
Are you our people? And mountain climbing
No, seriously: BMI and THAT lady at the yoga studio
The Bowl of Affirmation has spoken
The SoulJourner QUESTion: Being honest with yourself
Announcements: Author Marketing, a new name, subscribe to our YouTube Channel!