Let's Fix Education / by Bruce Deitrick Price

Episode 86: Super Bowl LVII, the National Anthem, Chris Stapleton: RESPECT (Wed., Feb., 22, 2023)

Bruce Deitrick Price

Everyone feels the difference. Stapleton’s anthem is more serious, somehow more muted but more beautiful. It's the one that people like, because it’s respectful of the history behind the song.

There are many reaction videos; here's a good one because of expert commentary.

Ronald Reagan narrates what happened at Fort McHenry, 1812. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YaxGNQE5ZLA

Digital reconstruction of Athens, fifth century BC.


Word-Wise Education
Bruce Deitrick Price


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LET'S FIX EDUCATION  /  by Bruce Deitrick Price   

Episode 86: Super Bowl LVII, the National Anthem, Chris Stapleton: RESPECT
 (Wed., Feb., 22, 2023)

Ladies and gentlemen...

Most people agree that Chris Stapleton’s Star-Spangled Banner is best ever or close.

Most performers treat the Star-Spangled Banner as a big rousing number in a Broadway musical. They show off their skills. Everyone is impressed. But perhaps not touched.

Stapleton, his guitar, and his Tennessee-whiskey voice were alone in the Super Bowl arena. Millions cried.

Stapleton seemed humble, not concerned with flaunting his talents. Instead he paid tribute to the anthem itself, the history it represents, and the people who died to keep us going. That’s respect.

Few Americans know the story behind the song (apparently our schools don't like history). During the War of 1812, a British fleet sailed up the Chesapeake Bay to bombard Fort McHenry, as a step toward burning Baltimore, as they had already torched Washington DC. First, they had to destroy the fort. 

At dawn’s early light: would the American flag still be flying, that was the big question. Francis Scott Key, a lawyer from Baltimore sent out to discuss  terms, spent the night waiting for history to be written. In the morning, he called out to sailors, “Oh, say, can you see…?”

Ronald Reagan narrates this wonderful story, which every school child should hear. Thanks to extraordinary heroics, the flag was still flying. The British gave up and sailed away.

Super Bowl LVII was very close for three hours. But not as close as the bombardment of Fort McHenry, which was a toss-up for 25 hours, from dawn on September 13, 1812 until early morning, September 14 (according to Wikipedia).

Some would say that Stapleton’s performance was restrained, dignified, moving, dramatic. I like the word respectful. Everything America is hungry for, people felt it in his rendition of the anthem.

What is the main way you can pay respect to others? You deal with them honorably and honestly. You listen. You tell the truth. The White House is comfortable with lying. The FBI and DOJ think the public is the problem. The CDC and Fauci play deadly games. And on it goes.

Biden won a close election and on day one he shut down a $1 trillion pipeline and kicked open a $1 trillion border, the numbers being a rough indication of how costly these decisions were to the country. In sum, a monument of disrespect.

Everybody in the White House, everybody at the New York Times and CNN, think it doesn't matter what happens because they can always say something else happened. There's a universal brotherhood of liars now, completely surrendered to sophistry and stagecraft.

We see poor Jake Tapper looking like a beagle in distress because he has to lie a lot, whatever the White House dictates.

I think people heard Stapleton's honest song, and remembered what they have been missing, somebody with honor speaking truth to them. Maybe people were feeling a little lonely and sad at what we have lost, and that was why they cried so quickly.

Certainly anyone who looks closely at out public schools will feel the dishonesty and intellectual emptiness in our classrooms. The disrespect.

Please, parents, fill the gap. Make sure your kids learn to read in the early grades. Phonics makes that possible. Give them easy, fun picture books. Whatever kids are interested in, find videos on that topic. There's so much wonderful free stuff. I just spent a half-hour looking at a digital reconstruction of Athens 25 centuries ago. Beautiful work!

Education could be speeding up in every direction. It’s not. Alas, our Education Establishment prefers slow, mediocre, and dishonest. These self-proclaimed experts don't seem to care about education, any more than our  president and his people seem to care about truth and respect.


Word-Wise Education
Bruce Deitrick Price

#Super Bowl 2023


#Chris Stapleton
