Psychic Babes

The Black Mist and Spiritual Protection

Kirsten Sandefur

I don't think as teachers we strive enough to educate our new initiates on the importance of spiritual protection.  This is a TRUE story that happened to me that will hopefully drive the point home.

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Hello, everyone. Welcome to psychic babes. I'm your host, Kiersten Sandefur. Ashley is no longer with us. She will be appearing from time to time. But, um, it's just me. So you guys were stuck with me for the while the next time being, Um I am looking for a co host, so if you are interested in all things esoteric and you are talented and, um, you feel like you might be able thio add something to this podcast. I'd appreciate it if you would send me an email to Kirsten k i r s t e n at psychic babes dot com Again, that's Kirsten k i r s t e n at psychic babes dot com. Okay, so hope everybody's doing well. Um, you know, it's been a minute, but ah, I've been moving. So I'm now in Dallas with my daughter. We moved out here. Um, Thio just be closer to family because as some of you know, I'm going through a divorce. So, um, it's just better to be with family. What times like that. So now, today, without any further D'oh, um, I'm gonna get into something a little bit serious this time, okay? um, some of you may believe me. Some of you may not. Some of you may have had experiences of this, um, yourselves. But the point of this is not to judge somebody or not Thio not to say whether it did or it didn't happen. But I assure you, this did happen to me. Um, it is to make sure that you're accurately protected. Okay, because the one thing that we don't talk about a whole lot and I know I do, I think I kind of shove it down. Your guys throats is protection spiritually protection, taking spiritually bass, um, sage ing your place saying prayers to surround yourself with the white light of protection so that all answers you received before your highest and greatest good. I do it every day before I work with my clients. I do it, um, to cut. You know, I do it every time I work with a new person. Um, I do it every time I'm done with the reading, um, to get all the, you know, negative guck off me. And, um yeah, it's just you guys. It's just good spiritual hygiene. And if you are messing in areas of esoteric, um, things. Then you will want to do this because otherwise you might go through something like I went through Now, before you before we get into exactly what I went through, I'll just go ahead and give you a little brief synopsis of, um, you know me Because I know I've talked about my gifts and how long I've had them and what not. But when I was in college, um, I started to get back into, you know, my gifts. And I was really, really, um, you know, gung ho on it. And for some reason, I started to take a really big interest in the paranormal. And I wanted to learn about ghosts, and I wanted to chat with them. And the reason why was because excuse me, my grandmother had just died. My German grandmother, my oma, who, um, basically raised me. Okay, my parents both worked. I mean, they raised me as well, but during the day, it was just me and my oma, and we were very, very close. I have her name tattooed on my wrist. All right. And for those of you that know anything about my past, I moved to Germany to be closer to her. So she was a very big part of me. So now what I did was I took a class. I was majoring in psychology at TCU, and I took a class called Paris Psychology, which is about ghosts and the paranormal. Okay, now, this class was fantastic. I won't say the teacher's name because I do believe he's still teaching there, and I hope he has incorporated this part into his lectures. But this course was so fantastic. You've got to do so many amazing things. But the one thing that it did not have is it didn't tell you how to protect yourself. It did not tell you to, you know, get sage. It didn't tell you to say prayers. It didn't tell you any of those things. It didn't tell you that some of these things could follow you home. It just didn't. And so, you know, I guess I should have known better. But I didn't. You know, what was I, 18 years old at the time? Um, you know, 17 18 19 somewhere around there. Um, I just didn't know better, so I started this class, okay? And I was so engrossed in it, it was fantastic. We broke into groups for our final project. And in these groups, um, we got to choose what we wanted to do. Now some groups could go speak with a priest and try to understand his perspective and interview a priest. Some people could go to a haunted house, a real, live haunted house, which the one that we decided to go to was in Fort Worth, Texas. It's called the Log Cabin and it is haunted. Let me just say that again. It is, in fact, haunted. Okay, because I can only assume that what I took away I took from this place. Um, Now you could you had a couple of other options to you could just write a skeptical paper saying, You don't believe in this or not Or, you know what have you He gave you a lot of leeway in what you wanted to dio, but I wasn't a skeptic. I knew that the stuffed it exists, So I decided Thio, you team up with a few people in my class, some of the more cheerleaders and I know two of them were big to C. U. football players. And so I thought, Ok, that's good. We'll have them in case anything really goes down. Well, the funny thing is, is they were scared her than anybody, but I'll get to that. So we went to we decided to this was for our final go to this log cabin. All right, we checked it out, and, um, we asked them, Could we stay the night here? Sure. They said, Yeah, absolutely. We can lock you in the, um, the schoolroom like the schoolhouse. And that's where a lot of the activity happens. Um, no. She did say we're gonna have to actually lock you in. You won't be able to get out until morning. And, um, you know, we'll set you up with some EVP, um, you know, voice boxes and things of that nature. But mainly, it was just too for us to just observe what happened. And not many of us took it seriously apart from myself. So we went there and, um, we locked ourselves in, and it was early. It was like, 78 o'clock, and, um, a couple weird things started to happen. Um, we saw shadows passed by, um, and now There was a upstairs and a downstairs to this, okay? And then we saw a window open and then shut immediately. Right afterwards. Well, come to find out the next day. That window is sealed shut. And all of us ought I mean, we had guys who were huge TCU football players, linebackers screaming for their mothers. It was Ah, you know, it was a scary experience. But the night went on and we laughed some. And, um, we brought a wee gee board, which was had I known what I know now. Ah, very stupid idea. I did not play with it, but I do believe we invited something in that followed me home. So that was that. We had a couple of really, really strange occurrences. We picked up on some e v p. Phenomena of old captain, um, sailing the high seas, and we could hear his voice clear as day. Um, there were a couple other things. Gosh, guys, this is dating because this is Ah, this is a long time ago. Um, I'm now 41 years old, and this is, you know, when I was a college, but nevertheless, um, we you know, we never went to sleep that night, and a few of us were pretty terrified. I was really trying to channel, um, anything in the room. But the only thing that I did get was really, really stubborn spirits that did not want me messing in their area. And I got a really scary sort of. Okay, this isn't this doesn't feel right, which I had never gotten before. So and the other thing is, is people in the room? We're not taking it very seriously. Guys, they just weren't They were laughing at him. They were making fun of the ghost, trying to upset them. And you guys, you don't do that. You just don't. These people were once alive. Um, what they're what they're doing is trying to They're stuck somewhere or they're trying to communicate something, and they're desperate about it. Making fun of them is truly, ah, horrific thing to do. Because imagine if that were you or a loved one that you've had. You don't want to do that. You don't want to go in and piss off those people. It's just not a good idea. It's just never a good idea. You want to have compassion and empathy and try to understand where they're coming from. If you attempt to do something like this now, we didn't do any of the proper precautions. Like I said, we did not say Julie did not, um, have a spirit circle where we asked. You know, Thio, for a spirit to surround us with the white light of protection and protect us from any new, even negative entity is nothing like that. So So I we we left there in the morning and wrote our paper up, and, you know, it was interesting. We got in a and I have kind of stopped really thinking about it, but I guess it was probably about and this was a summer class that I had taken. So this was right at the end of summer, right before kind of school was about to start again. And I had had a surgery done. Okay, so I was laying in bed at my place, um, residence at the time, I had an apartment by myself, And, um, like I said, I just had surgery two days ago. I wasn't taking any pain medication or anything like that anymore. Um, and I didn't all of a sudden out of the corner of my eye. Now, it was about 6 30 ish at night. Okay, um, and out of the corner of my eye, I saw what's like a tracer. Now, I've never dabbled in LSD or anything like that. So I assume this is what a tracer looks like. And for all intensive purposes, I'm going to call it a tracer, because that's what it looked like. A light tracing in my peripheral vision. Okay, so I was laying in bed recovering, really. And, um, I know for a fact because I had to go back and look through this. I hadn't taken any pain medication for about eight hours, right. And I was feeling fine. Um, and the doctor really had said most of the pain would be the first, you know, the 1st 2 days anyway. And so I was happy to quit taking the stuff. Um, and just for the record, So you guys know I don't have any mental illnesses? I studied psychology, a TTE at TCU. I got my degree from there, and, um, yeah, so I don't have any mental. Mental illness is just so that's clear. because I'm I know I'm going to get a lot of questions about that. This wasn't something I imagined. I'm not one toe lie or make up things like this. Either My friends will know that about me. And, um, for for the purpose of this particular podcast, you should know that if I'm telling you something, E. I felt like it was happening to me. Okay, So back into my room, I was watching television, and after I saw that tracer out of the corner of my eye, I noticed something go by me now. It wasn't a figure that I could make out. It just seemed like somebody. You know, it's it's almost like somebody just a wind, which but it would have had definite form. Okay, now I looked up. Really, I really freaked out, and I sat up in bed really quickly, and, um, I just was looking around like, what in the hell was that? And because I had sat up in bed and I had a temper pedic bed. And this is important. You'll understand why in a minute, Because I sat straight up in bed and looked out of the corner of my eye. And I did. I had a bedroom that had, you know, one wall was just open to the bathroom and to the vanity area. Okay? And that's where I have saw that. Then all of a sudden, as I sat up, something went Boone on my chest and pushed me down into the bed with the full force of about 20 men. And I'm not kidding you. I freaked out. I have never felt anything like this in my life. And if I wasn't, I I was sort of okay going. Am I crazy? What just happened? I mean, I screamed really loudly and I jumped out of my bed. And as soon as I jumped out of my bed, I looked at the temper pedic bed. And you guys, I am all of about £100. When I get out of that temper peed in bed, it is has a little bitty dividend. This one had a huge debate in it, like somebody that was £800 had just laid in it. Okay, so there was no mistaking what had just happened to me. Okay? It was nothing like I could even put into words. So I I'm staring at the indentation there. That should not be there. But it was confirming what had just happened to me, and I immediately panicked. And guys, I'm wearing my pajamas. I should note that. Okay? Because it's, like, six or seven o'clock at night. And I was just had surgery, but, um, yeah, I'm wearing my pajamas. And my immediate thought in my head was I have to get to my parentshouse. I have to get to my parents now. Um, I lived about 25 minutes away from my parents house at this point, okay? From my apartment, Um, and I grabbed my keys. I did not change. I did not do anything else. I did not look around it. Anything else in the apartment? My keys were always hanging up on this on this little rack. I grabbed those, and I cruised out of the apartment with my pajamas on. Okay. And, um, I was trying thio okay, because this is what normal people I think do when they have something like this happened that they can't explain, they try to rationalize it. Okay. How is my mind playing tricks on me? Okay, maybe. Did I Did I take some medication that I, um And I forgot about it. No, no, no. You know, I'm looking through my medication, my purse in my car. And no, I was fine there. Um and then I thought, Ok, um, I need to get some food. I need to get some food to counter. Act this. Something. My mind is playing tricks on me. And because I'm a psychology student, you know, I'm very attuned and adept. Thio. Okay, this is I'm a rational person. This is an irrational experience, something It doesn't jive here. Okay, so how can I fix this? So I don't know if any of you have heard of water burger, but I just start driving, okay? And the first thing I see and water burger is a terrible place. Sorry. Water burger. But it's great if it's like, four o'clock in the morning and you've been drinking, but I don't drink. So, um, I just I hear it's amazing for him, but and they're always open. So I went through. I saw I saw the water burger and I was, like, hurt. Okay, so I pulled in there and I pay for my food and because there's always a line there. They asked me if I would pull up and wait. Sure, No problem. I'll wait. And I'm still kind of hyperventilating. I mean, I looked like I was very panicky, and I'm in my pajamas, so this lady must have thought Okay, what is this? What is this woman doing? But, um, I ordered these breakfast taquitos, and, um, I just paid for it, and I'm sitting up there waiting, and I could see this line of cars behind me in my rear view mirror and then all of a sudden, like my eyes landed on this really cute couple there in this truck, and they were kissing. And I was like, Oh, that's really sweet. And it took my mind off of things for a minute, right? So I just reflected back on my previous relationship that I had just ended, you know, and thought about how I missed kissing someone blah, blah, blah. We all know how we do that, right? And, um, the reflection on that circumstance came to another screeching halt because that very couple that was just kissing both stopped and turned to look at me at the same time, Not only did they just turn toe look at me and I'm looking in my mirror rear view mirror. Right. But their teeth began to morph into these demon like sharp needles. Um, something that you would see out of truly Ah, horror film. Um, it was something that I can't even describe to you. My heart just immediately just started going again, and I was just I was frozen in fear for what seemed like a few minutes, But then I think it would really was only a couple seconds, because my, you know, my fight or flight mechanism kicked in, and I was, like, Sure, out of there, buck this food, I am out. So I already paid for my food, but I was out of there. I did not want to see what was gonna happen next, right? So and I started thinking as I'm driving, okay, whatever it was that had attacked me in my bedroom was clearly after me. And I wasn't gonna stick around to see what happened with those guys, you know? And I should mention, OK, it's getting dark around this time. And, um, you know, I'm getting a little bit more scared. And, you know, I keep looking in my rear view mirror into the back seat of my car because I know from my studies, you know, mind your mind can play tricks on you. And I kept looking, and there's nothing there. Nothing there, nothing there. And then I look up again, and all of a sudden I see something really quickly in my back seat. And I took my hand and I just went, you know, tried to shove it away behind me, like, try to touch something. And there was nothing there. And then I looked again in my rear view mirror. Nothing. So I knew something was going on. But I'm trying to come up with every rational understanding as to what? What is happening to me. Okay. Like, did I? You know, Did I eat something funky? No, I hadn't eaten in a long time. Um, I went through all of the, you know, the myriad of things that you could go through. So finally, um, I get to my parent's house, okay? And I was so I mean, I pulled in there, you know, just yeah, my tires peeled and I was just terrified, and I ran out of the car. I mean, I barely grab my keys and locks the door anything, and I rang my parents doorbell in a panic. And, you know, I must have ran it like 10 times before my father answered, said, Hey, here's an what's wrong And he said, You look white as a ghost and all I could muster. You know, that's not That's not the thing you want to hear when you're going through the situation. I'm going through and all I could muster out was like Dad, something is after me and my dad's Catholic. Okay, My parents are both very catholic, and, um, it's not that we don't believe in things like this. It's just that it doesn't happen very often and it's not talked about, especially by the Vatican. Those things were covered up, you know, and it's just it's just not talked about. We definitely know it's exists. We definitely know it exists, Um, because you know, we're scared of things like that, but we just don't talk about it, and we certainly don't have any experience with it. So, um, I didn't really want to sound insane, but He was looking at me. Like what? In the hell, But he looked at the panic in my eyes, and he said, What do you What do you mean? Sweetie? Come on in the house. And I calmly tried to explain what had happened, you know, without trying to totally freak out. My dad and I asked him where my mom was while she was out of town, which I had for gotten, you know? And, um hey, just said Okay, listen, you just I think you need to get some rest. Um, you know, it's it's been a long few days. Like how much rest have you gotten? Just come lay down next to me and I'll watch you. Nothing is going to get you. Don't worry. And he was actually very, very, very helpful with this, Um, because it coming down, it did. Um, now, at this point, though, we get into my parentsbedroom and I see feet standing outside of the window. Okay? Because it's like, mid summer. Where were the windows open? You know, and I see these boots like standing out there, somebody trying to get in, and I'm like, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad and he's like, Here's what You're gonna have to calm down. You're gonna have to calm down. You need to just get some sleep. And I told him that all I've been doing a sleeping This isn't some kind of delusion from lack of sleep. And I said, my mind isn't playing tricks on me. Something is after me. And I told him, you know what I had done? Um, when I would We have gone to the the haunted log cabin and he said, Okay. All right. Just lay down next to me. I'll be right here. And, you know, if you need anything, you can just holler. So why did I lay down next to him and, um hey, hey, turn on his light and he was gonna read, right? So I'm thinking, OK, I'll just close my eyes, close my eyes, And then as soon as my dad lifts his book up to read, um, this black mist is the best way that I can explain. It didn't have any form. Really? But it started coming towards me, and I had a feather blanket over me, Okay? And it got closer and closer and closer. And finally I said, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, it's coming after me And he put his book down and show that they went back into the floor. Port parents. So then what happened next is, you know, he just tried to calm me down. It's It's okay. Nothing's gonna happen. What? Nothing's gonna happen. So he picked up his book again. And sure enough, a soon as he did that, that mist started to creep up over the bed and then onto the blanket. And it's getting closer and closer and closer and close to me, and I didn't I didn't know what to do. But so again, I said, Dad, Dad, Dad something. It's coming up. It's coming and he puts his book down. And of course, the same thing happened. And, um, it went back into the floorboard was a quickness, and he was starting to get annoyed At this point, he said, What's wrong now? But I didn't really have the heart to like explain it to him exactly. So I just said nothing, Dad, I'm probably just There's something I don't know. But I knew in my heart of hearts that there wasn't just something that something was actually after me. So I shut my eyes again. But I couldn't shake this overwhelming feel of, you know, feeling of doom. And you guys know what I'm talking about. That feeling of doom is something that you know, something bad is about to happen. Okay, so, um so he's reading his book, and I opened my eyes just for a second, and that thing came That black mist was closer onto my bed and was now at my torso before I said that It's going to get me, it's gonna get me. It's going to get me. And he was just like, sweetheart, there's nothing there, you know, because, of course, as soon as he puts his book down, it goes back into the floor. So So the next thing is, he finally calmed me down, and he lifted up his book. And I remember watching that thing get closer and closer and closer to me, and I didn't want to say anything because I didn't want to scare him anymore. I didn't want to sound like a psycho, so I just let it keep coming. And the next thing that happened is I woke up in the hospital. I woke up in the hospital with my dad's standing over me, and he told me I had stopped breathing. Okay, this is 100% accurate. I stopped breathing. There was no the doctors had no reason. No sound reason, medically why? I stopped breathing. I seem to be for all intensive purposes. Fine now, But they wanted to keep me there, um, for a while to do some, you know, Thio to do some tests Because, um, the story that I was telling them was quite bizarre, of course. And my dad was telling him not to. And I thought for sure my dad doesn't believe me, right. But I look over at my dad, and as soon as the doctors left, he grabbed my hand and he said, I believe you. I know something happened. The look on my face. And when he told me, he said he turned over to me, and I all of a sudden my lips were blue and he had to do mount the mouth resuscitation and he finally brought me back. And but not enough. Hey had called the paramedics, and then they finally got me all the way back um and, um they took me in the hospital, and I was in the hospital for two weeks. Some people there's other people that didn't believe me on the war. They wanted to put me in a psych ward, but there was actually one attending, Um, who who did believe me? Um, who did Say things like this can happen. Um, and he gave me some interesting things to read about about Black Mist. And if you do, if you Google Black Mist, it is something that shamans talk about and it's it steals your soul, basically. So that's my story, guys, For better, for worse. But I at that point made a pact with God never to mess with things like that again. Now, why did I change my packed? Because I believe I got more understanding about things and because I know that, um, the universe understands me and that I'm protected when I go into things. And I know that I shield myself from things like that. Sure, in stuff like this, always still happen. Absolutely. But if you take the proper precautions and you don't mess around with things that you don't understand, and you have respect for the things that you do then for, for all intents and purposes, you should be okay. But it is something to keep in mind. And I tell you guys a story not to scare you, but to make sure that you take proper precautions and protecting yourself. You have to protect yourself. You have to shield yourself from the things out there cause guys just like in the real world, right, you don't leave your door open for every Tom, Dick and Harry to come in. That's not That's on a good idea, because there's people who don't want who wish to do your harm and you don't want to just invite them in your house. So you know, you put locks on your door and things like that. This is the essence of what I'm talking about spiritual locks. You need to be doing those things, and you need to be cleansing and purifying, and you need to make sure that you work with somebody who also knows what they're doing. Okay, somebody who you trust and somebody who has had experiences with things like this and knows how to navigate situations because let me tell you What if you go through something like what I went through and you don't have anyone to lean on like I didn't? It is a very scary thing, and it will. It will set you off on a path that, you know, some people don't come back from. Some people don't. This is how people lose their minds. And I do believe that this is a very real possibility. Now, that being said, if you do the proper precautions and you take the proper precautions and you learn spirituality and you learn esoteric things from somebody who knows what they're doing and has practice their craft, you will be OK. Just make sure you do your research. Make sure you do as much research as you can and make sure you're working with somebody who knows what the hell they're doing. Okay? And I'd love to hear you guys his thoughts about this episode, any questions, you might have police stun them. And in that you can put him in the comment section. Or you can send them Thio Kirsten at psychic babes dot com. And ah, I appreciate it, guys. It was wonderful talking to you guys again and I will see you soon. Thanks again

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