Psychic Babes

Do You Believe In Ghosts? Paul Roberts from Halo Paranormal Investigations Can Prove They Exist

July 12, 2019 Kirsten Sandefur Season 1 Episode 9

Paul Roberts is a paranormal investigator and journalist. He has been on over 900 paranormal investigations from UFOs to ghosts to demons to Chupacabra, they do it all. His wife Deanna Jaxine Stinson and Paul have written many books on the paranormal and you can find their books at this link:

Paul Dale Roberts, HPI Esoteric Detective
Halo Paranormal Investigations - HPI International
916 203 7503

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Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Hi guys, welcome to psychic babes. I'm your host, Kirsten Sandefur, and today we have a really, really exciting podcast for you. Um, I'd like to welcome Paul Roberts, who he is an author, renowned journalist of halo paranormal investigations. So welcome.

Speaker 3:

Oh, thank you. Kirsten. Thank you for having me on your show.

Speaker 2:

Oh, absolutely. Now, so you and your wife Deanna and work together,

Speaker 3:

right? My wife, uh, Deanna Jackson[inaudible]. Um, she's also theauthor and you can good learn, see all kinds of books. But she is our psychic medium and shes also co owner of Halo Paranormal Investigations and we've done to something like a thousand investigations.

Speaker 2:

Wow. What got you into the paranormal? How did you,

Speaker 3:

well, when I was a child I lived out on a house on effy street and just so many things were happening to me. Um, um, all the entities in this home, they were centered on me. They weren't centered on my parents. They were centered on my siblings, but they were centered on me. And some of the things that happen there is like, I, I could hear a female voice, I'm out my bedroom window and she was saying, and she would call me by my middle name because everybody was calling me Dale. Yeah. She would say, Dale, come here, Dale, come here. And she was enticing me to go into the Orange Grove, but some of the things, and I'm just cut a real short, but I was thrown into a heater. Um, I had this, um, a strange creature. that kind of looked like a black tea kettle and it had a snout and turned towards me and sprayed this terrible, mist in my mouth. The next day I had bronchitis and then, yeah. And then I had these crazy skulls that flew around the house and everything. I mean, I was seeing all this crazy stuff. And then my mother came in and I was hacking and coughing and she asked, dale are you ok? she accidentally gave me poison instead of cough medicine. So it was like, you're trying to get rid of me. So as I got older, I was wondering, I said, was that childhood nightmares? Where was I having night terrors or did I actually experienced t he paranormal? Then I just started reading books on the paranormal. I got into military intelligence. I was in cid Criminal Investigation Division in the army. So a lot of things led me down the path a nd become a paranormal investigator. That's

Speaker 2:

very interesting. Um, I kind of went down a similar p ath. U h, you know, I, I've experienced t hings since I was a ll years old and, u h, I did my internship, u m, for the state of Texas parole and I did, I wanted to go into the FBI at one point and work in a criminal i nvestigation, but I sort of saw that side of things and I was like, E h, maybe not maybe this for me, but I, so I went a different route with it. But t he, did you get the feeling that, I mean, h e w orks scared when you're a kid that i t t errifying you?

Speaker 3:

It terrified me. Absolutely terrified me. Now I'm, in fact, they call me the demon warrior because I'll take on demonic cases. A lot of your ghost hunting groups will not take the demonic cases. And my wife and I, we do cleansings, I do a Roman Catholic House blessing and she does a metaphysical type cleansing. So we, we, we go after them. I mean, we're not afraid or anything else. So,

Speaker 2:

so what, what do you think now I know this is going to be a question I'm going to get for a lot of my listeners. What's, what's good and what's evil? What is truly evil? I know the devil exists. What's your take on that?

Speaker 3:

Well, okay, let's say you're just walking into a haunted house and I, and I'll ask the, and I said, okay, well I'll tell you some of the things that this entity does. And they'll say, well, move c seven up bottle to the, across the table and it does this and it does that. I said, do you feel a threat? A No, because all they're doing is doing maybe some mysterious things. They just want some attention. But when I asked an occupant, is there a threat? And they say something like, yeah, I, it was landed on my chest and it suctioned out my breath, you know, it pushed me around and scratched me there you have bad intent and that bad intent is basically the beginning of something evil.

Speaker 2:

Okay. Now what about, you know, certain places can, I can have like a jail, let's say that had experienced a lot of trauma and lot of people were tortured there can't there be an echo of,, all of that past trauma there that kind of almost develops into intensity almost that that can sort of under the guise of, you know, almost act liking a poltergeist?

Speaker 3:

right? That's like, um, well there's a lot of residual energy. It could be negative, it could be positive and that negative energy will replay itself over and over again in the atmosphere. And there's paces of what is called living ghosts and living dos. Um, in 1974, Chicago, Illinois, this couple moved into this home and they would see a man manifest and it would walk over to the couch and then a woman would manifest and then the ghostly man would start slapping the woman violently and then it would just sort of fade out. While they saw this several times, and it happened around about two o'clock, three o'clock in the morning, and then they went to a block party and the host says, oh, this is a traditional, we do this every year, blah, blah, blah. Take a look at our photo albums and you'll see some of our past events at this block party. So they were looking through the photos and then the woman said, yes, I'll extend it. She goes, oh my God, those are the ghosts in my house. And the guy looks at the picture and goes, goes, oh my God. They did live in your house. They were always having domestic violence over there to master despues. The police were there all the time. They got a divorce, he moved down to state and she moved five blocks down the road. I still see her, they're not ghosts. They're still alive. But that's the acid case of living grows. You can create your own ghosts by doing something very positive and you're so happy. Like you're in Disneyland. Oh, I'm so excited. You know, and you feel leave that residual energy of being so happy that you're going to Disneyland or you can leave some negative energy because you're shouting at your boss and you're calling him all kinds of names and everything else and you're frustrated. You're mad, and now you're leaving negative energy in the atmosphere and that's the living ghost.

Speaker 2:

And so that just stays there until it gets cleansed out. Right?

Speaker 3:

It's exactly right.

Speaker 2:

Why do you think that not all people can see ghosts, demons or spirits?. you know, the w hole t hing?,

Speaker 3:

well, they just basically you're opening up your third eye. Um, um, you're embracing that stuff. You're letting it in. And um, I, I don't know. I, I think I have some walls that are kind of put up. Things are kind of closed up and that's why I don't really consider myself a psychic. Um, because I just kind of don't allow them to enter my esoteric frame, but my wife likes, she is very open to it. Her mind is open to i t, h er share her third eyes open to i t and she actually sees g hosts. Sometimes ghosts communicate with her. Sh e's l ike a, u m, a lighthouse and the ir in terest in that light beam that's coming from that lig hthouse, a nd they are attraced to her and They have a message to convey to her and that's what they do.

Speaker 2:

Yup. Yeah, that's, that makes that make sense. I also believe it's kind of like a skill you have to, it's like anything else. If you want to learn to be a great runner, you can't just, you know, you got to get out there and do it every day and live in breathe running, you know, one of, of the Olympics, you know, you've got it. You got to do that and you got to practice it every day and things like that. That's, I mean, that's at least been my journey. Um, I know some people just are naturally gifted with it and they don't have to work at it too hard anyways. I'm always jealous of them, but,

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Well what was your first experience, um, in paranormal investigations that really scared you, that kind of maybe shook you up?

Speaker 3:

Well, one point in time Kirsten, I was like ready to give up. I said, okay, sure we get some EVP's but that could be a voice from another room, you know, and orbs. Orbs can be almost anything. Could be dust, the skin flakes. So you gotta be dew drops. It can be light refractions, whatever. But it was just, I was about ready to give up. Yeah. And I almost came to the point where, okay, I'm not believing in ghosts, I'm not believing in the afterlife. But I went into this house in citrus heights and we have 15 scouts and scouts are paranormal investigators in training. So I had five in one room, five in another room in five in another room. Well, 10 of them were falling asleep in the two rooms because nothing was happening. They were bored to death. And then I look into the other bedroom and I can hear a little girl giggling. Well mind you, there's five guys in there. They're recording, they're filming and it's not them giggling. It's actually a little girl. And I looked at him and I said, hey, can you hear that? They go, yeah, we're recording it too. And I hear giggle again. I said, well, she must be about three feet in front of me sitting on the corner of this bed. I can't see her, but I know she's there because that's where the giggle is coming from. And I hear the giggle again. I put my head down to where the giggle was and I said hello. And she says back to me hello. And I said, oh my God, I cant believe it.You know, I became an instant believer at that very point of time. I said, the afterlife exists, ghosts exist. And I got all 15 people in that room and just all kinds of crazy things was happening in that bedroom. Nothing was happening in the other bedrooms, but everything was happening in this bedroom. The walls, there was knockings on the walls. The walls sound, like being ripped apart, sounded like the s in v ice from hell raiser, the movie. Um, we had three walkie talkies on the floor and they're all on the same channel. One turns on and it's a man's voice and he goes, get out. While two times the scouts ran out the door and that was one of them. And finally the, um, the occupant of the House, she goes, Paul, she goes, I have to live here. Why don't you send them home, you're welcome t o spend the night in this bedroom. I go, okay. So I s end them all home, s pent the night in bedroom, video, camera was running and t here w as a little tap on the headboard. There was a woman voice s aying Paul, Paul, Paul, and there was a man's voice mumbling and there was a little boy at the foot of the bed and h e sounded like he was moaning. Well, it was c aught o n v ideo t ape, but I slept through the whole thing.

Speaker 2:

Okay. wow did you resolve that case? Were you able to figure out? Was it a family member or a couple of family members or?

Speaker 3:

oh, well the house was built over a Japanese interment camp and Japanese internment camp had a lot of, um, well they had tortured, they had suicides, murders there, just had everything going on. So, um, it looked like, um, uh, one of our sites, you may have said it looked like a, um, the female was Japanese and the, the man was, uh, American. And so they think maybe it was a previous owners or maybe it's something with the land because there was a Japanese interment camp.

Speaker 2:

Okay. What were they, were you guys able to get it to stop? Did you have a priest come out and bless it or,

Speaker 3:

oh, no. Um, the, the lady that lives there, she was actually happy with her ghosts, she, she, she doesn't want them to go. I was like, okay. So to each his own, you know,

Speaker 2:

yes. Then it's like, no. Have you participated in an exorcism before?

Speaker 3:

Um, yeah. Well, well, what I do, and this is a basic form of exorcism. Okay. So let's say I go to a house and they said, I feel like I have an attachment and this thing's demonic. I'm being scratched and things are happening and it's very, very negative. And you've like when you walk into the house, the air is thick and everything else, right? No, a lot of people don't realize this, but okay. If you have an attachment and we provide this service to get a full submersion baptism and I actually do it because a lot of times they go to their priest, and the priests say, well we're not doing it, blah, blah blah

Speaker 2:

Like the Catholic church for example. They ignore it entirely.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. So I absolutely do it. So I tell him, go ahead and start running the water. They get the water drawn, it's nice and warm. Uh, I put some holy water in it. My wife and I, we pray in the water, um, or we pray over the water and then we take the person and we fully submerge them into that water. And I would say about 98% of my cases where we have attachments that people say the attachment is gone because a full submersion baptism is a basic form of an Exorcism Yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

, do you guys just work alone or do you have a lot of people that come with you?

Speaker 3:

Oh, no, no. We have a full team. I mean, um, uh, in one investigation we just had recently, which was a UFO ghost cryptid, investigation? We have 15. We have, okay. Oh yeah. Um, oh, okay. Supposedly[inaudible] some type of humanoid creature is seen on their property and they have 25 acres of land. Okay. And that was in, um, Wilton, California. Yeah. 25 acres of land.

Speaker 2:

I might've heard about this. What, what was it? What did the creature look like?

Speaker 3:

Um, oh, they said it was a skin walker. So the creature has the features of a horse, but the body of a man. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Those had been reported in Utah as well. Where I used to live. Skywalker ranch.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. Yeah. I investigated skin Walker ranch. Yeah,

Speaker 2:

I have, I've always wanted to go out there, but I've been too chicken.

Speaker 3:

I, I um, I did area 51 skill. My most memorable ones are area 51 and skin walker ranch. Um,

Speaker 2:

Have you done Area 52 in Utah? That one's pretty interesting.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. I would love, I would love to do that one. Um, I did the bridge over River Kwai in Thailand. Wow. Um, um, I did Stonehenge and I did bath,England and yeah.

Speaker 2:

Anything interesting come up at Stonehenge, because I have that I have a very strong connection to that one. It' feels like from a past life. But,

Speaker 3:

um, well one person, they took some dowsing rods and they pointed it to Stonehenge and they got an electrical back. Well, I brought my Dowsing rods to see if that would happen. It didn't happen. Okay. U m, u h, did anything mystical h appen to me there? H mm. N o, not really. I, I, I thought something would happen, but I was just totally fascinated with it. So, y eah. But n o, nothing h appened really.

Speaker 2:

Um, why do you believe that some people are targeted by demons and some people aren't? And I know we kind of talked about this before we started recording, that spiritual protection, you know, is important, but why do you think other other than that, why do that?

Speaker 3:

According to Demonology they said there's three things that attracts demons to human. One, a person who's a drug abuser.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

To a person who uses a lot of alcoholism and alcoholic. Three, a person who has some mental issues and those who are like a weak links in a chain link fence and the demons will attack that.

Speaker 2:

Wow. Well, because it's like you give up the right to your sovereign, your sovereignty as a human, right. When you use a substance?

Speaker 3:

And then also too, if you don't protect yourself where you're trying to summon demons, you're going to wind up getting a demon.

Speaker 2:

You mean while, while under the influence and stuff?

Speaker 3:

Um, well I, I believe, and this is my theory, but I believe that is some of my cases where the person didn't have, didn't have any kind of mental illness, didn't, wasn't an alcoholic, wasn't a drug abuser, but there were like a normal person, but they were curious and they're playing with the oija board and so many demons and they actually summon up a demon. So

Speaker 2:

why that happens with the Oija board? Cause I, I get this a lot by um, by my students and, and by my listeners.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. Well it's an ancient device. Even though you have a modern toy company, creating them is still, yes, an ancient device in, uh, that ancient device became a toy that everybody can utilize if they want to. And from somewhere, um, like in the library of Alexandria before they burned up all the books and everything else that information on why you can summon entities with the oija board, that information is lost. But it's information is been passed on a word to mouth on that you can summon up entities. But it has to with some kind of ancient knowledge, that ancient knowledge is with the Oija. Board, the weegee board continues on to this day and it's created by these toy companies.

Speaker 2:

I know, I think, I think that's crazy. I mean, even though now I'm a psychic, I won't mess with those boards because I believe, and this is what I was told by a teacher of mine, is that you have to know, you have to know who you're summoning or inviting in if wanting to speak to a specific person. Otherwise you're putting a call out there basically to anybody talking now. And anybody can answer back. And it's usually the people that are not so good. Maybe they are bored maybe not.they've got nothing better to do. So. So that's why, c ause you're just, you're just calling, you know, calling out to the no to the dead and basically you don't know who you're calling. So that's why i t is very dangerous. R ight. That's what I was told a nyways. S o that's why I,

Speaker 3:

yeah, and Kirsten, you know, it's so funny, hasn't been a paranormal investigator. My wife and I, we get a lot of pictures, some videos of people who send us pictures of orbs and I tell them like orbs can be almost anything, but you know how we actually deem a orb as being paranormal. No. It's like when we go to an investigation[inaudible] yes, we try to show, okay, let's say I see an orb, moving around and I said, God, that looks like the same kind of orb and its coming back around again. So what I'll do is a place in my hand up against the wall and I'll tell one of my investigators maybe to my investigators with two cameras to take a picture of my hand. So I'll say something to the orb. I'll say, okay, I see this. Or floating around. Okay. appear by my hand appear by my hand. If you're listening to me. And there's been a lot of times where we'll get a picture of it and we command the orb to appear by the hand that shows intelligent movement. And in one of our cases, this guy, it was at this house where the ghost was named Emily and she's known to drain energy from the occupants. So the investigator looks at me and goes, paul I need to sit down. I feel very drained. I said, maybe Emily's doing that to you. So I said, Emily, if you're listening to me, I said, if you like this guy, I say kiss him on the lips. Emily kissed him on the lips and we have three investigators with three cameras. We snap a photo and guess what we got? We have an orb on his mouth. Oh my goodness. Yeah. That showed intelligent movement. And then um, so then, then we said, Emily sit on his lap and the orb is hovering over his lap and then that's intelligent movement. That is something I can deem as paranormal. So, oh yeah, you can use it. Yeah. Any, yeah. Any camera. Yeah, any camera will work. And then we have what is called designer orbs and designer orbs I know you've seen them. They're the ones that have all the intricate type designs inside of it. It's almost like a snowflake now. One is the same. Yeah. And we were at a case, um, it was over in del Paso heights and I took some pictures and I got these two designer orbs and I enhanced the photos. I made them bigger and what I saw, what, what looks like dog faces. So I went back to the occupant, I said, what do you have in your backyard? And she goes, I haven't, um, uh, orange grove. And I go, okay, well besides that, and she goes, well, I have two dogs buried back there. I go, really nice. I said, you know what, take a look at these photos and tell me what you see. So she's looking at the photos and she starts crying. I go, why are you crying? And she goes, those are my dogs in the orbs. And I go, those are your dogs? She goes that's their faces. I go, wow. So something like, yeah, if the occupants recognizing her dogs in the orbs, I deem that as paranormal.

Speaker 2:

Well, something interesting and maybe you can clarify this for me a bit? But I do some remote viewing and, um, sometimes when I'm doing remote viewing, I will see a blue orb in the corner of my eye and I could, it's happened so many times that I just, um, it's, you know, it's too strange to just do they know for me to just dismiss it. And then I've had this come to me in my dreams on my guides were telling me that it's because I'm remote viewing, I'm putting myself somewhere in a different position. So that's actually me in the, you know, in a different dimension. That's that, that, that's what I was told by my guides on that. So I don't know what your take is on it, but

Speaker 3:

you know, um, when it comes to things like that, usually my wife, who's the metaphysical one, she has the better answer. I'm more like on the history stuff, but, um, what I know about blue orbs, that is a calming effect. Blue is calming. Yeah. So I know a blue orb is a good thing, you know, uh, versus let's say a black dark orb, um, like to this woman and she committed suicide. At the Sacramento River and so we were at the location and when the investigators takes a photo and there's a black orb hovering over the Sacramento River and that shows a sign of depression, of sadness and everything else but a blue or hey you know if you got a blue or going on in your life, that's a good thing cause that's a calming effect, peaceful and everything else. And that's what I've been told about blue orbs.

Speaker 2:

I feel that too. I'm always very calm and supported by my guides and help. Helpful. But it's interesting that you said that about the black orb because there's some times when I will get in a situation, you know somewhere and I just, I've seen like a black orb and just felt this heaviness, it almost feels like there's a bunch of weight on your and then come to find out like somebody killed themselves there or their, the terrible accident and network. Many people were killed and that talking to me a few times. Yeah. With that, the Dropbox kind of on that, do you think that homes and inanimate objects can be cursed? You know, in the, conjuring the doll.

Speaker 3:

Oh, absolutely. Um, we were actually involved in, um, the poltergeist movie curse. Um, really? Yeah, we were on, we were on the documentary on the[inaudible] channel, a case close with a j benza[inaudible] and this family had purchased, um, uh, I can't think of the main actress in that Poultrygeist movie. Blonde girl. Yeah, yeah, the little blonde girl, but I guess she had another curse doll and they purchased it through Ebay and it was actually certified. And then all kinds of bad things were happening too. I mean, bad things that like financially bad things with the house, breaking down, bad things of getting sick and ill, someone in their family almost dying, someone in her family actually dying, so it was just like one thing after another and they called us and we blessed the doll and everything else. And, and of course myself, m y, my wife and I were journalists w ith Costa Rica Times. So, um, Hollywood, they picked up on the story, they contacted us and they had us on case closed with aJ Benza when we talked about it. But, um, oh yeah, objects. Yeah, definitely. That's my, that's my little dog story. Yeah. He's psychic. You know we will take him to a cemetery and he'll chase things and you know, what are you chasing a ghost are you seeing a ghost? You know, so, y eah, I think he's p sychic, but anyway, u m, yeah. So yeah, definitely. You know, objects, you know, things that you t ouch because y ou're, you're like, if I have a w ristwatch, that energy from my body is going to be surrounding that w ristwatch. I t's g oing t o stay with that wrist watch. So if I die or w ell, maybe I'm still living and you p urchased my r e W ristwatch, you buy it or someone gives it to you or something, you're going to carry my energy. So, a nd that energy, yes. Strong or after death. It's like, u m, one, there's one theory and I've always believed in i f you leave a little part of yourself all over the world, and I'm a world traveler, I've been to like 59, 59 countries. I always t ry to leave a little bit of myself and they said, if you l eave a little bit of yourself all over the world, you'll have the ability as a ghost to go to all those areas where you left a little bit of yourself.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I hadn't heard that, but I had heard that if you leave a little bit of yourself that you are protected by the ghosts of their inner, of the spirits of that region if you will oh, interesting. Yeah, I've, I've heard something similar about that, but that's very cool. Yeah. Yeah. Um, what sort of tools do you guys use when you go on your investigation to use like magnetometers? Do you use them?

Speaker 3:

Well, yeah. You know, with all my young investigators in this, the good thing when you have a lot of investigators, they have a lot of their own equipment. So we use night vision goggles, we use digital recorders for evps, we have sound enhancers. So we capture in EVP, we can make it louder, you know, on the spot. And what we always practice is that we try to show evidence on the spot to the occupants. We don't, we don't go home and spend hours listening to the evidence. Okay. Like when I get into doing an EVP and I get kind of off track sometimes, but anyway, when I do an EVP, I do what is call it quick and dirty. Okay. And a quick and dirty is, I'll say something small. Say if there's somebody here, talk to me, I pause, I give a time to talk and I play it back. And I'm telling you, Kirsten is so many times right on the spot, I'll get an EVP. So I'll say, is there anybody here? And it'll say, I'm right here. And then everybody's astonished because I'm doing it right in front of them and doing the quick and dirty and getting EVP and of course bigger. What's that? What do you, what do you use to record your EVP's? Oh yeah, yeah. Well, I just used simple digital recorder, but I'll have my sound enhancer too. So hooked it up and I can play it for the audience who's all there. If there's 15 people, they're all going to hear it. So, but we use a lot of things. We use portals, we use, um, uh, um, the connect, you know, with those little stick figures, um, that ghost adventures does and all, and I don't know if you've seen the episode, but uh, crisis in Oakdale. My wife and I are on that ghost adventures episode.

Speaker 2:

No, I haven't.

Speaker 3:

Oh, and you haven't seen that one and I should tell you a couple of stories about Zach in York. You just bust out laughing. But anyway,

Speaker 2:

um, he's got the dark hair. He,

Speaker 3:

yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,

Speaker 2:

yeah. I've, I've, I've, I used to watch his show a lot. Didn't he get arrested or something happened recently.

Speaker 3:

Oh No. You're thinking that the other guy you're thinking paranormal state. Yes. Paranormal state. Yeah. He got in trouble. Yeah. Yeah. Ghost Adventures. You have Zach Baggins but yeah. Okay. Okay. Now. Can I see you? Can you tell you? Can I tell you Zack story? Yeah. Okay. Yeah, you'll crack up. Okay. This is crazy. Okay. When I first had my first encounter with goes to ventures, they read my article about the National Hotel being haunted in Jackson, California. So anyway, they said, we're going to give you a Zach's cell number and when you arrive at the National Hotel in Jackson, call him, let them know that you're there and meet him in the lobby. I said, okay, yeah, sure. I saw, I get over, there were a couple of other investigators and I said, Hey, Zach, this Paul. And he goes, Hey Paul, how are you doing? They go, yeah. I said, uh, we're at the National Hotel. I'm in the lobby, but I know see the camera crew. And he goes, well, Paul, I'm in the lobby too, and I don't see you. I go what, and I share one National Hotel, are you at? And he goes, I'm at the National Hotel in, um, uh, Nevada city, California. I said, oh my gosh. I said, the article was about the National Hotel in Jackson, California. And he goes, well, is this one haunted? And I go, yeah, I shot, wrote an article about it. He goes, you wrote an article about it. I go, yeah. And he goes, oh good. He goes, ah. And I gave him the link to the article. And so they, him, I said, do you want us to come up there? And he goes, no. He goes, it's too late because it's like two hours away. I said, okay, whatever. And he goes, listen Paul. He goes, keep my number. If you find anything else, let me know. I go, okay, sure. So I find this place, I investigate, its the I own hotel. So I called Zach and I go, Hey Zach, just Paul. And he goes, Paul, I go, yeah, Paul Paul Roberts, we were supposed to do the National Hotel in Jackson. He goes, Paul, can you do me a favor? I go, yeah, Sure Zack. He goes, can you lose my number? I know. Wow, man. And then, and then when I actually did meet him, oh my God, he's got such a, he's quite a character. Yes. He's very controlling. eww, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Stories like that bumped me out when people that you think yourself, you know, they were trying to look one way and then just for TV. I lived in Hollywood for a while and I couldn't get out of there quick enough. I needed, I just felt like nothing was authentic. But um, so have you heard of the spirit box thing

Speaker 3:

oh yeah. Okay. Yeah. I use this. Have you, have you used that before? Cause people can,

Speaker 2:

you're getting into really dangerous situations. Um, it's, it's becoming like the new rigid board thing, but apparently it's much more, it's like leveled up version.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. We utilize the spirit box. Um, and I mean you do get all the different radio frequencies and stuff like that, but sometimes what I noticed is that people want to hear what they want to hear. Right? Yeah. Yeah.[inaudible] it'll say y'all say something like deer and they will, you know, it's, I like, you know, it's like, uh, I'm Kinda iffy about that. I'm Kinda iffy about the portal because you're using different apps. So there's had to be somebody there throwing those words in there. So

Speaker 2:

I wondered about those, those ones, that life where they, it'll put the words in there for you tech. Wait a minute, how did that, this algorithm put that together? And that's what the, you know, no, but that doesn't jive with me or some of that stuff, but

Speaker 3:

yeah. What, what, what do you think about the connect? I haven't,

Speaker 2:

I haven't seen that or heard about the connect them. Describe it to me.

Speaker 3:

Okay. So basically the concept is, okay, you, you have this, uh, this screen and you're, you're actually filming things around the house or whatever. And as some point in time it starts mapping a figure and that figure supposedly is a ghost and it's a state figure. And so you see the stick figure moving around, walking around, and supposedly it's a ghost. So

Speaker 2:

this is an app or this a,

Speaker 3:

um, I think they utilize some kind of app. But yeah, a couple of my investigators, they utilize that. And I mean it's interesting. I not really sure how it works, but when the occupants look at it, they, you know, they instantly believe, you know, that possibly could be a ghost, you know. So if I don't see it with my eyes, yes, yes, kind of. Yeah. It's kind of hard for me to believe it. And I've been on over a thousand investigations and I've only seen four full body apparitions, only four. So it's a rarity.

Speaker 2:

It was a rarity. I don't know. I don't think people really understand that. They think, you know, they just jump out at you all the time. It's like, no, I know I've heard several, I've heard many people talk about it, but rarely do I see a full body, you know, like out of the corner of my eyes sometimes do, I'll see, you know, certain parts of you know, someone and sheer kind of silhouette. But yeah, rare for me to see their full body. I wonder why that is. You think that has to do with the power of like the medium or the person doing the investigator?

Speaker 3:

Well, if it's fee, they have to muster up the energy to create or manifest into a full body apparition. So energy is a ghost food. So yeah. And that's why when you get an EVP, they're only saying like maybe three words at the most instead of carrying on a full on conversation. I mean, they, like we're doing a, uh, hour podcast, a ghost can't do now our podcast because you have to muster up the energy just to say three words, you know, so yeah. And, Huh.

Speaker 2:

I also, um, you know, the nearly like the recently deceased, um, can't make contact usually because I think maybe they don't know how yet because they're just recently deceased.

Speaker 3:

Right. There were like, uh, probably like in the learning process and yeah. And I remember like we had one case was Dell in Los Angeles and it was a major poltergeist activity. I mean, cabinets were opening and everything else. And come to find out the house was built next to a power line. So the ghosts in that house were feeding off the energy and thats a lot of energy. So yeah, when they moved out of the house, they weren't having that problem anymore. So yeah.

Speaker 2:

Oh, are you too, right? Or you know, um,

Speaker 3:

well here's, okay, here's the theory about ghosts. Okay? So let's say I die. Okay? So what happens is, uh, you know, I can go in, I have a choice of either going into the light or not going into the light. I actually have a choice. So I say, no, I don't want to go into the light. Then what happens is, it's sort of like a, okay, like the gross police, or maybe there are angels and the angels goes, okay, well you're not going to go into the light. Then you're sort of stuck in this house. And what happens is there'll be like an energy grid that will go around the house, confining the ghost to that house. And as things continue, okay. A lot of people, a lot of people theorize a lot of para psychologists, their eyes that the reason why they don't want to go into the light is either one, they had strong church beliefs and they feel like they're going to be judged and sent to hell too. They have unfinished business, so they want to just kind of hang around the house because I'm the grandmother and then now I want to watch over my grandchild. No, they're dead. Yeah, and a ghost. Okay, so you're saying, well they can they follow you? Well, I go into the house now. I'm a living person. I go into the House and I see this grandmother's diary or the grandmother's debt, but I see this diary and it's like, wow, this is really cool. I'm taking it home. Can I take this home? Yeah, take it home while her energy is around that diary, she in now follow you home because you're possessing something that she touched, that she held that was dear to her heart, but you're the owner of it. Her energy surrounds it and she can follow you anywhere as long as you have that diary.

Speaker 2:

Okay. Now here's a question for you on that. Along those lines, how do some people, you hear about people, um, you know, getting followed home from the cemetery? Like go, we'll go visit a loved one at cemetery and they'll burn something, you know, maybe the backer unwanted anyway, act with them. How does that happen? Cause if they haven't touched anything, you know, they're like, I think it was a recent case, um,[inaudible] John One of, uh, one of his podcasts that was that about this lady who had, and her son who was tortured by this by this goes to fold them home from, she goes, his mom was an investigator when he knew not to touch anything and I don't, not to disturb anything. And he was with her the whole time. But once it was from how all them home.

Speaker 3:

Okay. Incarcerate, you know, sometimes I hear stories like that, but it's like I have to sort of like actually see that and witness it. To give you a complete answer on that because I just like to cases of that I've investigated where a person says, well, I didn't take nothing home. Well come to find out they actually did take something. So

Speaker 2:

maybe they stay in that person's grave on night, on accident or something and didn't eat. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

And even like, okay, you, you're taking, maybe you got soil in your shoes or your boots or something like that. Perhaps you're taking the energy from a dcs person. You're talking about a cemetery nurse, a lot of deceased people there. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yup. You're right. You're right about that one. That's very true. What about some of these blooms that these kids are playing now? Like the midnight man, three kings. Have you heard of the news?

Speaker 3:

I haven't really heard of those. No.

Speaker 2:

Well, three kings is like what it is. It's a ritual game. And basically these are, these are all rituals. I don't, we've been passed down. They're not in. Kids are now doing them too. You see into things and, um, bad, like bad things are happening, but they're, they're on, there's a whole reddit. Um, you know, subreddit, uh, all three routine about that one game, but it has all the different ones that you can do. And there's different rituals like the midnight man, I guess with to say this kind of prayer. And then you turn on lights off from your house and then you lock all the doors and then you have to like, you have to avoid this midnight man and your vitamin. I used to, you're kind of invoking this spirit or whatever I evil night and then you'd have to basically allude him for three hours. Um, otherwise, no, I don't know what happened, but those kinds of things,

Speaker 3:

you know, the sounds like, sounds like they're creating a topa.

Speaker 2:

That's true. I hadn't thought about that. That's interesting.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. I mean like looking the author of the shadow, and you might remember only in the shadow knows who, while it wasn't characters' anyway, the shadow, the author thought about the shadow so much in his mind, um, and constantly writing stories about his character, the shadow that his friends and family would visit his apartment. And they who was, see a character dressed all in black, wearing like a trench coat wearing this fedora hat and he had a big nose and in a red scarf. And they're going, oh my God, we're seeing this entity, this ghost in your house. And he says, you're describing my character, the shadow. How can that even be? And what he was doing, it was manifesting from his mind and it became urban. And just like they say, slender man, it was created on the Internet. But people are now having real encounters with slender man as Lenderman. Yeah. It's a topa.

Speaker 2:

Why do I never thought about that? That's such a great answer. And that sounds good. Completely plausible. The same thing with those and black eyed kids in whatever, you know. Oh yeah. Yeah. So, wow. So interesting. Um, what, what about, you know, how people say spirits are more active at night. Why do you think that is? And do you or do you think that's even know? Is that just the fallacy?

Speaker 3:

Well, being on the a thousand investigations, a lot of my investigation are either in the day or at night. I am finding paranormal activity in broad daylight. Yeah. So I think ghosts are 24 seven so, and they're just like people, they used to be people so they like daylight just like anybody else.

Speaker 2:

Yep. That makes sense to me to always talk about the[inaudible] and weird.

Speaker 3:

No, you know that I think is a bunch of Malarkey. Yeah. Because I, I went to a town of Volcano Ville and in broad daylight I get this EVP of Celtic music. Mind you, I cannot hear a Celtic music with my ears, but I'm recording it on my recorder. And then I started talking to some of the residents and finally I talked to a local historian and back in the old days, back in the 18 hundreds they would play Celtic music on that particular day. And it's like, wow. So it was like, and that was broad day light, but of course that was residual. But that was broad daylight though.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean I think that's my theory too. It's like Ah, you know, I, I've, I've seen half versions that you know, from popping up your now, I don't think they're really discriminatory about that, but no, about the witching hour and I've really never got that either. I wanted to see what your take on that.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. If I waited til three o'clock in the morning, boy, I wouldn't be one exhausted paranormal investigator. Whoa.

Speaker 2:

That's the paranormal state though. They always do like there was disaster, a dark time or whatever it is. Like it's always at night. It's always like one o'clock in the morning twice. But that was funny.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. W in fact our last investigation was at 3:00 PM yeah. In the afternoon and we got all kinds of evidence.

Speaker 2:

Okay. Now do you, do you find synchronicities too? Like I'm one to three or two to two Mike, I know you're,

Speaker 3:

oh, oh, oh that, that is definitely my wife, my wife. Oh, she has no, the like the 1111 on the time. Yeah. Three, three, three. Oh my God. Yeah, yeah, yeah. She's seen it all the time. Yeah. And then she points it out to me.

Speaker 2:

Yup. Yeah. I'm, I get so used to it now. It's like I can almost not, you know, every time I look at the clock, it's almost always like, unless, and when I don't see it, then I know, okay, I'm not on the right path. Something as I'm doing second night, I'm not fishing. It's funny. It's so common. That's kind of my, the way my guides talking to yourself.

Speaker 3:

Well, and both of you have psychic abilities, so it may have to do with your, your psychic awareness, you know, so, you know, that's probably why she's seeing it and why you're seeing it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. That's interesting. Yeah. So what, what steps likes, let's say I'm one of our listeners with half having, you know, into, um, in their health, what steps should they take when they have a disturbance? Like before they call you, is there anything that they should try first?

Speaker 3:

Yeah. They, they, they can actually south bless her home. Like I'll get calls on the paranormal hotline[inaudible] and I'll say, where are you from? They said, Ohio, well, I'm, I'm not rich enough where I can just jump on a private airplane to fly to Ohio, help you. But what? They said, well, how can I bless my house and this is the answer that I gave them. I said, do you have a dollar tree store near you? They go, yeah. I said, go pick up some angel figurines and, and they'll pick up these angel figurines and dip them into holy water. And I say, say a protection prayer over this angel and places angels around windows and doorways openings her house. Then step in the middle of your house and take two man, and, and say a protection prayer. Or say, I asked for God's angels, please help me and help my family. Any entities in this home must leave any portal in this home. Must be closed. You're not welcome here. And I said, basically, yes, south blessing your house. And a lot of people will call me back and say, Paul and I, I usually get into more detail in this. But anyway, they say, Paul, I did the self blessing, I got rid of the entities. I go, yes, that's what I'm talking about. You know, south. So you guys, you guys do, what's that? Yeah, my uh, my wife, Oh my wife when she makes okay. Smudging ones. Oh, she utilizes everything. Okay. Show you sage and every type of herbs. Plant has some kind of mystical property. Yeah,

Speaker 2:

I make my own too. I use mugwort night, you know, sometimes white today. Tintern flaccid then.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. Light, light show use as module one. It has cherry in it. Uh, it'll have sage, it'll have um, walnut. It'll have, um, fig and m. If you look at fig or you look up walnut, they all have different mystical properties and they are all used for different things. And a lot of people think they can just make a sledge or want marijuana out of sage. Well, you can utilize all kinds of plants. We were, we were having were, uh, she was making so much ones where you can lift us and, and Indians, native American, American Indians. Were you utilizing eucalyptus because of his healing properties and our eucalyptus much ones were so successful and people would come. Yeah, yeah. They were calling us say, hey, this, this really words and also

Speaker 2:

cam for, um, it's hard to fine, but cam four we'll get, it'll get rid of anything. Almost like any negative energy or, you know, entity. It's just gone. It's out of there. I don't know why, but it's like, you know, the boat when it's an in camp is that really strong tunneling stuff and a next vapor room. So it's a little strong, you know, but, but that's the things that I learned that from a Hoodie practitioner friend of mine and that works like magic.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah,

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

[inaudible] and a, and is so funny is I, he can go to these Mitchel shops and spin all kinds of money on, yeah. On a smudging made out of sage. When you can walk into your, into the wetlands. We have a thing over here called the wetlands and there's all kinds of eucalyptus trees you need just start cutting up some eucalyptus, make some smudge and once and they're very, very, they work very well.

Speaker 2:

And you know what put I believe, put in your power into it too. And

Speaker 3:

oh absolutely.

Speaker 2:

That makes it more powerful than just buying it off the shelf, you know? Right. From some store or when you're taking the time to make it your love goes into it. And that really tends to work better in my mind.

Speaker 3:

And also too, she, she does her own blessings over the smudge ones and stuff like that. And also tell want to let you know, okay we go to many homes and who people are from all religions in the have all kinds of beliefs. So you have people like Hindu, you have Buddha, you have the Catholics, you have Christian Protestant, you name it. You got like, I was invited to Colo, which is practically an Indian reservation. Well they had their own native American beliefs. Well, you, you know, I seen some ghost hunting groups where they go into a home and the person's Hindu and they try to push Christianity on them. That's the wrong thing to, that's the wrong thing to do. My wife and I will walk into a Hindu church and learn how they do their own blessings. We'll walk into Buddha church and learn how they do their blessing. Just because I'm Catholic, I embrace all religions, so I'm willing to help them. Yeah. I'm willing to help people out no matter what their beliefs are.

Speaker 2:

And that's what it's supposed to be about. You know, people that are too light workers and people that are supposed to be, you know, on this, you know, this is part of your path. You're, you know, we're supposed to accept everybody of different race, free to culture, religions and you know, and embrace that. And I think it goes really far when somebody sees that, you know, you take the trouble to learn their rituals in there, things that they do in order to help them. Not that, you know, that's the extra step. Um, no, in my opinion, I think that's great that you guys do that. I'm in food. Um, I've heard some, some bad stories about, um, you know, some paranormal investigators like the warrants and people that were, uh, who know who they aren't cured. Yeah. The conjuring. Um, yeah, they're kind of insensitive to people and they're just sort of come in and, you know, boss people around and like unaware. So I don't know if it's true. I've never met them myself, but yeah, no, I don't know. So it's been, it's the narrative that if one of our listeners who have right, having a sort of instant, would you be able to come out to them? Um, how far do you go? Um, what, what's kind of the, the protocol and how far do you guys travel to help somebody out? They're having a disturbance?

Speaker 3:

Well, like, um, our centerpiece is Sacramento, so we do a, like a two hour radius, you know, for driving. Uh, we will investigate other places. Uh, we, you know, we travel internationally, but in a moment's notice, let's say as a person calling me from Ohio and they say, Hey, I got it goes to my house, I need you to get help me get rid of it. We just don't have the resources to jump on a plane and head over to Ohio. The help themself. Uh, what I do is I usually refer them to, um, uh, uh, uh, a paranormal group in their state. And I also to give them advice on how to get rid of, uh, uh, entities in their home. I had one case I have to tell you about, I had this one case where nothing was working okay. They said, okay, uh, I did your wedding to the dollar tree store and I got the angel figurines. That didn't work. Okay. And I said, well, what church do you go to? Mango? Well, I go to this one Christian Church, blah, blah, blah. I said, okay, talk to your pastor and get the congregation to go into Your House and sing some Gospel songs and, and uh, say some prayers in your home. If it takes 30 people in Your House to sing these gospel songs or whatever. I said, it's like, it's like a a rap or going to a rock concert while he's not going to stay too long because he doesn't like rock music. He likes rap music. So it's the same thing with if he has you. Yeah. If he has demons in his house and you've got a congregation in there, 30 people singing gospel songs and praying that demon is going to leave and sure enough he got it congregation and go in there. They did that and he called me back and he goes, Paul us, you're a miracle worker. I said, yeah, why? He goes, it worked. I got to congregation in here. They were singing songs and he goes, it really upset his neighbors because it was so loud and they were saying prayers. He says, there's not one single demon in that house. I go, there you go.

Speaker 2:

Fantastic. Oh, that's awesome. Yep. Um,

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Had had done some, um, alien investigations. What, do you guys work with new fun or anything like that? Or do you just wasn't an abduction case? Tell me a little bit more about that.

Speaker 3:

Well, my wife, she was actually abducted as a child and that's what gave her her psychic abilities. And that happened in Auburn, California. And just recently, and then we are at, we are in touch with Myu fun, but recently this, this was amazing thing. So we're going down the street and this is a now grove where we live at. And she says, Paul Paul, she goes, stop in this parking lot. I go, why? She goes, just go in there. I go, okay. So I'd go in there and she goes, there's something in the sky. And she pulls out her camera and she snaps a photo. Well, in the photo, our three discs, three uh, UFOs in dish shaped and you couldn't see them with your eyes, but she was able to snap a photo of them. And so anyway, we sent that over to amu fun. Somehow 14 Times magazine in England got ahold of it and we're sitting in Barnes and nobles and I like 14 times because they got a lot of paranormal stories in there. I, I open it up, I go, oh my God. And she goes, what? I said, your UFO goes there in 14 times. They wrote a big article about it and I wrote an article on her psychic capabilities of uncloaking ufs because that's what she did because you couldn't see it with your, with our eyes. And she knew it was there. She since debt because of her alien abduction as a child. Somehow she's connected to that, took that picture and moved through your photos. And then that wasn't right.

Speaker 2:

What group took her, um, in her abduction? Did, what was it the graze, wasn't it Norton? Did she just, you remember much about it? The two, they were griping.

Speaker 3:

Um, I, I think it's the grays, but I never got into detail on that part on it.

Speaker 2:

Very interesting. That's a lot of, a lot of psychics have[inaudible] and Starseeds, um, are, um, abduction stories though. Um, yeah, that's interesting. I wonder if that is the, you know, the thing that, that's why some people have psychic gifts, um, you know, above others because of that contact with a higher intelligence.

Speaker 3:

Right. And also too, I was a 97 bravo intelligence analyst in military intelligence in US army and I was stationed in Korea and I was with the photo interpretation center in Korea and my job was to work with image interpreters and we would look at and analyze satellite, we're Constance photographs of things in our space, but also to have things that are happening in North Korea, in and in Red China at the time. So, um, one particular day, six photos came in and this is where I get the word intelligent movement because on six photos they represented six videos and they were taking in outer space and on the back of the photo is said intelligent movement. So at that time in 1982 in Korea, I'm sorry, 1981 in Korea, the, even though that project blue book closed down back in the 60s, the military was still investigating UFOs and now it all, yeah, absolutely. Absolutely

Speaker 2:

Indian. The names. I mean, it was so interesting how even Greer did that at, did that press conference Tootles before nine and then nine 11, you know, he did, did the scores with park hopper and then two days later, nine 11 happen and everybody forgot about this huge press conference where he called everybody out on, you know, for hiding him. And uh, I don't know if you knew about that, but he called everybody out and um, it was, it was one of the biggest press conferences held and nobody remembers it because there was often overshadowed by nine 11.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. I know what you're talking about. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So I mean, I don't like to get too into conspiracy theories, but I like a lot of what doctors did in group house to say resonates with me a lot, is very credible person that I want to come to. Now, does this effect your health at all? What you do? I mean, is it because I know sometimes energy draining turn into drinking? Yeah.

Speaker 3:

Um, no, but sometimes some of my investigators, they get drained, but um, I'm pretty hyped up. Um, because while my wife, she likes to create, I like to create. And so I'm curious on what we're gonna find that the investigation is kind of exciting even though we don't find, nothing's still exciting and I enjoy also to writing the article about it. So in looking at the photos and doing the videos, you know, so it's just, that's my creative side. It just gets kind of excited, gets me hyped up so I don't get tired as like a, I might be up til five o'clock in the morning working on the article and the pictures and the just because it's kind of fun. I like doing that. And so I love what I did too. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. Um, I want to ask you if, because I don't know if you run into this too, too often, but, um, I've run into her once and I didn't, I didn't really know what to what to say, but what should somebody do if they accidentally disturbed my intern? Holy Brown playpen. Now native Americans or, um, and I guess the American ones can be, I guess the most dangerous if you disturb their burial ground. But, um, that's only the ones you hear about, but I'm sure there's all sorts of, and what can they do? What can someone do is sort of make peace with them.

Speaker 3:

Um, I talked to some Narita native Americans and they said if you do something too desperate, some ground or something like that, and you have to basically apologize to the spirit, um, and to offer something to the spirit. And, um, there was a situation in Calvillo where we were, one of the investigators moved a rock and it was supposed to move or it wasn't a move wasn't supposed to move from point a to point B or something like that. Nothing was supposed to be touched. So he had to come back and say a prayer to their God and had an offering and then buried it. And then everything was at peace. That's basically kind of ritual that they put them through.

Speaker 2:

Interesting. Yeah. It's kind of a personal question, but do you believe in the devil, a person in life, the devil? No, as not as a person, but as an actual entity that evil ball doesn't,

Speaker 3:

well, well,

Speaker 2:

categorize. Oh, the devil's laughter, but it's like,

Speaker 3:

yeah, I mean, it's like if you really look at[inaudible] ancient texts and you read up in the devil, and I know probably people would get upset special, especially people that are deep into Christianity. But Ashley Devil in a way was serve a good guy. And he was an angel, you know? Yeah. He was an angel. Yeah. And it seemed like basically he just wanted us to have knowledge just like everybody else, like God did, you know? So he was trying to convince eve, hey, take the bite of the apple and you're going to gain the knowledge of the God you know of God. And, um, and if you look at the Sumerian texts, yeah, yeah. And then with Yana knocky, everything in the Bible was already written by the Sumerians and, and you had two, you have two half brothers. So you have inmail and you've got inky and they're playing the role of God and the devil and you. So you got in[inaudible] in[inaudible] and he's the scientist's leader. And he says, Hey, you know, we're over here mining goal, but our people are getting tired. We need to go ahead and infuse our DNA with the these primates on earth and make a slave race to the get this gold. And so they do that. And that became homo sapiens. And then they start multi homosapien start multiplying. There were becoming rebellious and goes, oh, you know this too much. I'm going to just struggle with the, with a flood. Well, that sounds like God right there. And then inky is saying, oh my gosh, you know, I created these people, uh, I can't let them die in the flood. And so he gathered some people, put them on the arch, and the arch was probably something that carries all the DNA of all the animals in the world. That's how they managed to get all those animals on that art. And he's playing the role of the devil. So as I am, but he's actually a good guy. If so, yeah.

Speaker 2:

[inaudible] guys were actually, they didn't know better. Yeah.

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