Psychic Babes

Quantum Theory and Psi

Kirsten Sandefur and Ashley Romano
Quantum Theory and Psi by Kirsten Sandefur and Ashley Romano

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Speaker 1:

Good morning and welcome to psychic bibs. I'm your host, Kiersten stand effect and I am your cohost Ashley Romano and we are coming to you live today from Commissary, Utah, which for those of you who aren't Utah Eons, right up in the mountains by close to park city. So it's very beautiful up here and we are sitting out in nature today. So we thought it would be a good idea to record our podcasts out here. So if you happen to hear any weird noises, you know, cows, chickens and such some horses. Um, Ashdod has uh, has lots of animals here so far. I'm over here anyways. So jumping right in. For those of you who have listened to the last podcast, um, we wanted to sort of create more of a structured more, yeah. Just more of a structure to what we're doing and because we're very big proponents and that we'd like to show proof of things, not just our ideas about

Speaker 2:

stories, but kind of the scientific background in evidence that goes behind like the stories, like basically breaking things down to the subatomic level and the mind and connecting these two

Speaker 1:

because we believe it's very important for people to, and in order for them to understand this, they have to sort of believe in it. And, um, you know, faith isn't kind of enough when it comes to this stuff. It's, you have to have faith in yourself, but you also have to have some sort of proof. And we've kind of long way in the last, you know, five years, even even 10 years, if you think about being, um, deemed a psychic 10 years ago was, you know, wasn't dangerous. Like it was back in the, you know, in the olden days where if you wouldn't know which trials happened, but, um, it's still sort of, some people would look at you sideways, but now it's more readily acceptable and um, healers and light workers are getting the respect and recognition they deserve. So we would just want to make sure that you guys understand some of this. Um, some of the things that we're talking about might be very confusing at first, but just hang in there, um, because we'll definitely be going over different things in different ways, um, so that you can understand them. And as always, if you have any questions, feel free to comment. Um, and send us an email if you want. Want us to, you know, talk about something. It's specific, uh, in one of the next podcast. We'll be happy to do so. And please do go on iTunes or Spotify and like our podcast and subscribe to it. All right, awesome. Let's jump into it. So today we are going to be talking about pretty heady topic. It's a quantum theory and how it relates to psychic phenomenon. And so for those of you who aren't familiar with quantum theory, um, it is a very difficult subject. Um, math is not my strong suit. It's more of Ashley's, but, uh, it's, I really tried to break it down so that everybody could understand because it took me a minute to fully get it. And I still don't think I get it all. I mean, I still don't even think physicists that work on it every day get it all.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. No, because it's basically going from like classical science to quantum theory and quantum mechanics. It's kind of quantum mechanics is almost, I'm delving into spirituality where it has to do with like if you believe something then you're going to see the results of it. And so it's basically quantum theory is going in and like explaining and like proving that things aren't quite as they seem and um, just through the different experiments and that, um, like observation can direct the flow of a particle and all of these different things. And it's kind of just, um, yeah, just expressing that there's, there's more to reality than what meets by. Yeah. And that the mind plays a major role in, in reality and even breaking things down to the subatomic level.

Speaker 1:

So jumping right in quantum theory, what is it? Well, no, quantum theory is used in two different ways to, we'll call it quantum physics or quantum mechanics, but it's one of the two major planks of modern physics along with general relativity, which was developed by Einstein in between the two theories, they claim to explain virtually everything about the universe. So general relativity gives us our picture of the very big, you know, space and time and gravity and deterministic and

Speaker 2:

kind of almost as it relates to humans being creatures of habit and things are, there's a certain pattern and um, because something happened one way in one place, then it happened that way and another place. And that's kind of like the, the broad sort of simplified explanation of it.

Speaker 1:

Okay. So yeah, like exactly what Ashley said. And then quantum theory gives us our picture of the very small, so subatomic particles, Adams and their constituents. So what is quantum entanglement? I'm sure you guys have heard that you several times. Quantum entanglement is actually so interesting. It's, um, it's a quantum mechanical phenomenon in which the quantum states of two or more objects have to be described with reference to each other, even though the individual objects may be spatially separated by space and time. So what does that actually mean? It means that if Ashley was a hundred thousand miles away from me, she, we, we still could influence each other.

Speaker 2:

Yes. Uh, on a quantum level because we are connected and so say, um, if she had something terrible happen and I had no idea that something happened, but maybe I felt a shift in my behavior, how I felt during the day and then it kind of a click like, oh, something happened. And they've also done studies like this, like the global consciousness project and, um, kind of where there, when something major happens, like, um, people are all affected in, I'm like a large scale. And like, even if somebody isn't aware of that thing happening and like they still feel the, um, feel like something's off or because it's, yeah. We are all connected.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. Um, so do give you a little history on how it was developed. Let's first talk about, um, you know, the, the pioneers of this. So Anders Jonas Angstrom, which in 1953, he observed that Adams as they were heated up, um, they, they admitted light but not just as a diffuse blurred smear Ben in distinct and separate bands of color. So that was, that was a big thing and of itself because people thought that you would just see a blurred smear of the mall together. So each element produced its own spectral pattern. So it's kind of like a fingerprint. And this had always been beyond, um, beyond the explanatory powers of classical physics, but bore, um, another, another physicist, he revealed that an electron jumps from one state to another one when it's heated up. So this explains why the light, when the light was admitted, the distinct bands of color were visible because electrons that have specific energy levels, they changed their quantum states based on their elements. So for example, an electron moving from the third orbit of an atom to the second orbit emits a red light. While one that moves from the fourth to second creates a blue, green light and our fifth to second a violet light, et cetera. You guys don't really need to know all of that, but I'm just trying to maybe get you back to, um, you know, high school physics so you can kind of understand where the basis from this comes from. Um, so this arrangement of electrons within Adams, how's it? Couple of useful applications because it's very structured. Um, Adam, you know, Adam's installs are very structured. The energy levels of electrons combined to form these continuous energy bands. No no's valence band, the band structure of a material has a few characteristics that are important. Um, in particular the materials electronic and it's optical properties, um, are like some materials have varied closer, some are even overlapping bands so that electrons can easily move between them, which makes them good conductors of electricity, right? So other materials that have very large band gaps makes them fit insulators instead of good in doctors. So the early stepping stone towards, you know, a new type of physics, which was, which one now is what we know is quantum theory or quantum mechanics were gradually falling into place back then. So it was pretty clear that, um, that an essential element of it was the concept of light and in and all radiation and all matter for that purpose as composers that were composed of discrete Quanta or particle. So subatomic particles and it had already been demonstrated beyond a shadow of a doubt that the light was, that light was in fact a wave versus a part of, all right. So Thomas Young did these, did an experiment, lots of experiments with this, what's called the double slit, which, and you'll probably hear that, um, quite a few times spoken by Ashley and myself. Um, but what the double slit dead as Ella Ashley kind of explained that because it's, I think she does a better job of explaining the double slit experiment.

Speaker 2:

Um, okay. So just simplify and what I see like the most important things to take away from, um, what they found with the double slit experiment is that it has to do with wave particle duality. Um, and so a particle, it can exist in just a particle or it can exist as a wave and kind of just the realization that observation affects the movement of particles. So when not observed these particles, there's, it's just a free flow. There's no rhyme or reason to where they're going. But under observation then there's more of a, um, more of like a deterministic path of where these particles that are going and that can connect to how our minds are actually kind of influencing, yeah. Able to influence not only just other minds but also, um, energy and matter, like taken down to the subatomic level. And that even like our expectations will come into play and if we expect that the something will go in one direction, um, it's more likely that will happen. And it's kind of like even relating this to, um, kind of just psychology and how things work and I'm having higher expectations, positive thinking, um, well create a better likelihood of a go or have things going as expected and

Speaker 1:

well, and what's kind of interesting, I thought, and I don't know if Ashley will agree with me, but up until the double slit experiment, people thought that the matter was in you. It was just either way of Sir particles, never both. That was the first time that they discovered that the presence of an observer changed it to be, uh, you know, a particle or a wave or both. So that was a huge deal. And that was the beginning of the 19th century and the characteristics, property of waves. Um, and

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

there he was even able to determine that the wave length, the actual wavelengths, which established that, that it was less than a thousandth of a millimeter. This, it seemed at the time to, um, settle the dispute, which had been raging from the 17th century beyond, um, who, you know, many people favored the wave theory of light. And then there's others like Isaac Newton who favored a, you know, a particle theory of light. And these people were very, very stuck and you know, in their ways and they believed 100%, you know, and neither was wrong at the time. And this sort of was a way to, um, you know, prove that everybody was kind of in their own way. So, uh, these development by Einstein and Bohr and the early decades of the 20th century meant that physicists had to come to the terms with the idea that light was both a wave and a particle. And that's sometimes it would behave like a wave and sometimes it'd be had like a particle, which is an idea that became known as wave particle duality. So in an absolute sense, then light isn't a particle or, and it's not a wave, but it only exhibits a wave or a particle properties depending on the experiment being performed. So or what you give attention to. So discovering that in the lab was a big thing because it, it really acted in proportion to the way that, if what you believe or what you perceive based on the appearance of the observer as possible, but the mind believes. So it means that everything in this entire universe is a huge vibrating ball of interconnected infinite energy, which has the ability to communicate and to infinity with no regard to space and time. And that's what this energy joints together to form is. It's based on individual thought. So.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

So another experiment, um, besides the double slit experiment was the delayed choice experiment and what that basically said was, what happens in the present can change what's, what's happened in the past. Um, if that makes any sense to anybody. Uh, it did it to me at first, but basically the presence of an observer can change what's happened in the past when two agree. Okay. Um, yeah, definitely. Thank you. And, um,

Speaker 2:

just a personal example for this one. Um, so, okay, when say when you meet somebody and, um, you automatically, it just feels like you've known the person forever and it's just like, wow, like it's, it's so comfortable and then I'm down the road. You find out that you and this person are still best friends and you get along. And that kind of, that it's kind of a strange way of explaining this and like just because of something that happened in the future, which would be like, I guess the present time that influenced the past. And that's why you felt that comfort with that person immediately.

Speaker 1:

Yep. And there's been a number of amazing studies done by an Dean Raden, which, hey, you guys should probably hear me refer to him a lot. He's one of my favorite authors. Um, he has, uh, many, many books out, but the best one is the noetic universe, the scientific evidence for psychic phenomenon. So by Dean, right. And you see, you guys should pick that up because it explains all of this very, very well. But he also goes into the skeptics, um, in what they think and addresses that. So it's a very unbiased book and I think a lot of you will get a lot from that. But, um, another experiment that they did, and this one blew me away, but the U s army conducted experiments through the work of a scientist named Clive Clive Baxter and has since validated this more recent discovery by taking a DNA sample from a man's mouth. They manipulated his emotions through various visual pro productions on TV while observing the DNA was sophisticated equipment. They discovered that the DNA responded and reacted immediately to the emotions of the men who was taken from without any regard to space and time. So they took, they took his DNA and then manipulated that and then they were able to see that he, that the DNA responded to his emotions without it even being there. So I don't know that, I don't know if that Ashley, um, you think that's as crazy as I do, but it's no proof of the pudding. Like, you know,

Speaker 2:

almost even how that relates to like quantum entanglement and being able to like, um, like groups of people that are very connected, are able to sort of influenced them, um, uh, when they're together, but also when they're not physically together and even like thinking about each other. And, um, just because they're so connected and kind of also how like the people you surround yourself with, like you'll pick up some of their traits, they'll pick up some of years and kind of breaking that down to like the biological level and genetics. And I think that makes perfect sense and it's, it's pretty, pretty interesting stuff.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, it definitely is. I know myself and Ashley can probably tell you too, but familiarizing myself with quantum physics played a major role in enabling me to better understand why, uh, how, and why things happened to me. And you know, why various lessons in life that I had to learn, um, and how I met, you know, how the people that are in my life now or in there for there for a reason, um, because your, your mind tends to weed out to people that aren't going to serve you anymore. You just can't, you basically can't be around them because it's just, doesn't, it doesn't allow, you never system allowed to work out that way. So, but what happened is reading a lot of this stuff, you know, on a quantum theory, it resulted in a deeper and stronger belief or faith in my own personal ability to consciously create the events and conditions and circumstances in my life and not just be a victim too, you know, to chance or be a victim of, oh, well that's just my luck. Or you know, um, because it's not, and you do determine your fate, you determine what your life is going to be. You're the architect of your own destiny. And I think the law of attraction, um, is absolutely wonderful, but it falls short. Um, and explaining that you can absolutely, if you believe in it, manifest anything you want, but the left out one major principle and that being you cannot be tied to a specific outcome. Because think about this. If the universe is trying to help you know, make your dreams come to, let's say you want to fall in love, right? Well let's say I want to fall in love with a specific person. Well then it's like the universe is kind of gone, okay, well I've got to make all these things fit together. And that's just a lot to do because it's also based on somebody else's mind and thoughts and freewill.

Speaker 2:

Exactly. So when they say that the root of suffering is attachment and it's kind of like looking at, um, if you're a super attached to an individual, um, uh, like, uh, being with you. So if you're, if you really like, uh, some guy and, but he's dating other people and you're so attached to the outcome of youtube being together, um, you're likely going to feel when this guy ends up, um, like going towards that potential of youtube being together. And like, you'll feel happier and kind of relating this to quantum entanglement and feeling that, um, even if you're not physically together and you don't know, but then as soon as he goes and starts to date somebody else terror, you might start to feel some pain or you might not feel good for some reason, but you're not sure and then you later find out this happened. And so it's kind of all connected. And a lot of people say like, oh, like I can feel when, um, I can feel my, like my boyfriend cheated on me, like, and I had no idea. Like it was just out of, out of nowhere. And yeah, it's kind of like whatever we are, we attach ourselves to, um, anytime that thing starts to go off that path, we're going to feel it and we have to make adjustments or just released that attachment.

Speaker 4:

Just Ashley and myself and Psychics, this is every one of you can do, this is something that you need to work on. Just like, um, if I wanted to become an amazing runner, I can't just, you know, go out there the first day and expect to, you know, uh, run 40 kilometers, like nobody's business

Speaker 2:

mirror neurons in mind mimicry to potentially tap into somebody else that can do that. But then the physical body is going to probably lag a little bit. Yeah.

Speaker 4:

But that, we'll talk about that. We'll definitely go into a mirror neurons, um, in a, in a separate episode because that in and of itself will probably blow your guys' mind. Um, I know a lot of this hasn't really been discussed, um, in an open forum, um, before. So, um, I think if a lot of you will kind of let us get past the, some of the hardcore scientific data you're really going to be into this podcast and really going to be excited about understanding how to do this because we really want to break it down for you so that each person feels empowered to be able to do this, to be better, to be happier,

Speaker 2:

to encourage you guys to even, um, seek knowledge and go and explore some of these things because it's sort of a way, and I'm in later episodes, we're going to start to tie these principles into the brain and how the mind works and, um, developing psychic abilities. And I'm kind of going even deeper and how this relates to your personal life and our experiences with it. So because it's so fun, like it's really, really fun. So, yeah.

Speaker 4:

Yeah. And you know, for, for those of you younger listeners, you know, really this is more fun than going out and drinking. And once you start doing something else, like once you start experimenting with this kind of stuff, you can't, like, your life changes. You can't go back and you don't want to numb your mind with, you know, chemicals and stuff like that. You want to be sharp to be able to be a pure channel. So, um, anyway, so you probably guys are probably wondering, all right, this is great and I'll Kiersten and ash, but how do you, how does quantum physics truly work work for us? Um, we needed to, so like we needed to. Um, so the first way is to have a profound event that takes place introducing you to the interconnectedness, the universe. Um, that was a one for me when I kind of started going through my divorce. Um, I had had experience with it in the past, but, but that was one of the events. So kind of like a trauma and are a profound event. I'd rather say I'm second way is to be seekers of knowledge and not limit yourself in that pursuit. So be open to everything,

Speaker 2:

exploring new things, stepping out of your comfort zone.

Speaker 4:

We encourage you to do or want to hear what your thoughts are. If you have a better way of thinking for it, that's absolutely wonderful. We want our readers to our listeners to, um, participate in this and to use their brands and to develop new ideas. I mean, cause that's what it's all about working together, collaboration. Um, Ashley and I have been working together for about six months now, very seriously on this and our powers and, and being able to do things when we're together are infinitely,

Speaker 2:

our abilities are, yeah. And it's also a thing too. Um, whatever we focus on, whether it's remote viewing and then we focused on remote influencing and then we try to focus on, um, like astral projection and these different things. Whatever we focus on at any given time. Um, it's kind of like you're able to develop that and, and those can essentially tie into, um, the idea that where we direct our focus or conscious focus is where we direct our energy and, um, what we develop within ourselves. So it's kind of like if you're focusing on a sport and getting really great or the sport, then you're putting your time and your effort and you're going to become better at that sport if you have the right attitude. And same with the whole ESP abilities and exploring this different sort of knowledge and um,

Speaker 4:

it's just like cash. Remember when we first started doing remote viewing, now there's so many, there are a lot of principles and fundamentals to remote viewing that you have to follow and protocol. And we are both not really w w we liked and be pioneers, create our own methods for things. But we both realize, okay, we have to get these funds fundamentals down and at least look at how people have done it in the past so that we can, you know, practice that way and then develop our own method at that point. It's

Speaker 2:

a little bit different for me. I firmly believe that when you learn something from somebody else or you're kind like, um, uh, like these predisposed or predisposed to these different methods, um, it almost takes away from the ability to innovate. So sometimes it's kind of like using your intuition and sometimes it's good to learn certain ways of doing things. Um, but if you feel like I don't need to learn this and I'll just develop my own method and doing that, then go for that. It's kind of like, just go with it.

Speaker 4:

Okay. Yeah, I do believe that there are some building blocks that you have to kind of at least a explore when you get into this to at least see how other people do it and then develop your own method. You know, because you have to have a little bit of training. I believe there are natural psychics that just don't have any train completely self taught, but they always, everybody that I've spoke to has always said they've always gone back and looked at how, you know, people have done it in the past and you just, just for reference, you know, to see how, you know, how their method. But I think that basically what everybody does is what's best for you. You know, like whatever you do. Okay.

Speaker 2:

Exactly. And I kind of also like to look at, I'm like looking at people like Leonardo Da Vinci or like Einstein and Tesla. Um, mostly I'm saying like how he, he didn't do well in school, he didn't pay attention, he did a, um, he obviously wasn't very passionate about it and afterwards, like he started to delve into these certain things and kind of created his own methods and ended up like coming up with the general theory of relativity and all these different things so that it goes to show that you don't always have to follow like a strict way of doing things. Yes, you can if, if you don't feel driven or passionate or curious about, um, uh, learning, uh, method of doing something or even learning a subject or a topic, then like that's probably because it's either not the right time or that's just not your thing. And so just, just going with what excites you. Like that's, that's really important.

Speaker 4:

Another, this is kind of as a little off topic, but, um, Ashley and I are also developing a method for children, um, for learning that is going to be pretty innovative. And, um, it's very simple, but that, that method is as I've been able to use with my daughter and just sing because their kids are blank slate, you know, you don't have all these preconceived notions of what society it tells you to do or doesn't tell you to do. And you know, so you don't have to go back and rewrite all that stuff in or you know, get past it. So with kids, you're, you're a peer, they're pure channel so you get to kind of start fresh. So it's, I encourage you to be like a child when you're, when you're exploring this and to really open yourself up to not having any preconceived notion about anything and every bad thing being a possibility when you do it.

Speaker 2:

And that's, that's kind of like the foundation of quantum theory and quantum mechanics. Um, kind of that like your, um, like things aren't as, they seem like we said before and that are a particle can be in two places at once and all these different things and they're still trying to figure out like, okay, what else is there? Like quantum mechanics is only been able to be displayed on a small level. And what if that was able to be displayed on a larger level? Like, um, like human level kind of. Yeah.

Speaker 4:

Even the, uh, quantum computer that's right around the corner from happening. It's a, if it hasn't already been developed do you know, and top secret information and that we aren't privy too. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Like quantum computing to, um, like the, the brain, like I'm trained the right way and um, develop the right way is more powerful than any supercomputer just as dolphins. I'm cerebral cortex is more powerful than any manmade stoner and kind of looking at the things that like, um, computers can do now and like the idea of quantum computing and photons and quantum cryptology and all these different things and relating that to the human brain. If the human brain is developed the right way and trained and if you explore these abilities, then you have the ability to do things like this level and even more beyond that. So,

Speaker 4:

yeah, exactly. I love what you said that, yeah, yeah, exactly. Get curious. Get excited. So another thing that helps, um, you know, to understand all this is to participate in meditation and meditation has changed my life. I am not somebody who can sit down and, um, I don't have Adhd, but I definitely am just not a person that likes to sit down and be quiet for very long. I like to talk. Yeah. I'll never forget in college, uh, I went, uh, deer hunting with, with a boyfriend of mine at the time, and his father and his father kept saying to me, Hurston, if you don't be quiet, we're not, we're not going to be able to get any dare, shoot a dare. Anyway. So I was like, okay, blah, blah, blah. But, um, but with this meditation truly quiets your mind and all the chatter going on out there because there's a lot of it. And especially in

Speaker 2:

noise that leads to less than optimal processing.

Speaker 4:

I mean there's a reason why, you know, these monks that, uh, um, you know, are there solitude all the time and they do these things and meditate for hours and they have these amazing abilities to heal and to do all that kind of stuff. There's something to that. I'm just

Speaker 2:

a sort of like a tool to be able to train your mind to be able to focus, to eliminate all distractions and really narrow your focus. And even even relating this to being in a meditative state when you're, um, uh, going for a run or when you're working on something, it's basically just eliminating all of the external stimuli that acts as a distraction. And to put your, like a 100 of your focus on what you're doing and meditation is a way of, um, a really amazing way just because it's quiet and you really get inside your own mind and like, um, really channel that focus into whatever your meditation is geared towards, whether it's,

Speaker 4:

it's like, yeah, and if you guys are wondering, cause I was always like, what kind of meditation to do I listen to? What's the best? Um, and I have found truly, um, and this is not a plug because these guys don't sponsor us or anything, but eat dosers has the absolute best binaural beats and they have, oh my gosh, probably like 150 different kinds of them. Um, for Alpha waves, for astral projection for, you know, and it's just, they're, they're the best. They don't compress any of the files because on Youtube, youtube compresses a lot of them. So you're not getting the true binaural beats, um, which were developed by Shamans and things like that in the past. And that's where the m comes from because that's a yes. I mean, yeah, it, it is. So, um, if you check out he sir,

Speaker 2:

online or,

Speaker 4:

yeah, it's a, it's, no, it's a, uh, it's an app for the iPhone and for android. Um, it's I d o s, e r and those, I'm telling you guys, we actually, and I've had some

Speaker 2:

crazy experiences, really weird, um, with those,

Speaker 4:

they are unlike anything else I've experienced. So check those out. But, um, another way is to be exposed, as you mentioned this earlier, to be exposed to someone who introduces you to the truth and you step out of your routine are not able to produce some kind of measurable results in your life. So find a mentor, find somebody who does this for a living. Um, most of us light workers, we tend to like to help people. Um, so all you have to do is ask really? Yeah. Um, you know, unless

Speaker 2:

or even for those of you who aren't able to find a mentor, um, this works like 100%, um, just as like focusing in like learning about say Nikola Tesla and you are able to sort of see things from his perspective and whatnot. But even, um, focusing or reading books about say like spiritual people that you're, you're drawn to such as like, um, uh, Buda, Buda, Buda or like

Speaker 4:

Ali. Um, yeah, mark met Gandhi. All of those people, Archangel Michael, are great people to start to try and channel because there are guides and they will help you. And I'm along your path, but, um, we'll, we'll get into some of that stuff a little bit later too, but we'll see what happens once you start to experiment with, uh, you know, psychic phenomenon and quantum entanglement and getting into all this is, um, it's really interesting with the, you start creating new neural pathways that did not exist before. So

Speaker 2:

it's kind of like stepping out of your comfort zone and, um, in the physical, in your physical reality and like saying like, it might be scary, but you're going to go here. I go there and you open yourself up to new experiences, new opportunities and it's kind of the same thing with the brain and, um, kind of a stepping out of your comfort zone and doing things a little like stepping out of your routine. Um, even like mentally and cognitively and um, yeah, you create new neural pathways, you can activate neurons that had been dormant.

Speaker 4:

Yeah. You, you, you also start using more of your cerebral cortex. So, um, they've actually been able to determine that when you start experience experimenting with Sadie phenomenon, you start to use more of your cerebral cortex, which is insane. I mean, I don't know if any of you have seen that movie a loose at Lucy. Yeah, it's a good way. I'd definitely recommend it if you have not seen it. It's insane. But I believe that there's a kernel of truth to what, uh, what that movie's about. And that's, that's, um, you know, your humans right now only use 10% of our brain dolphins use 20. Um,

Speaker 2:

so that's, I don't know if they necessarily know that for sure like that we only use 10% of our brain, but I think it's more so relevant to the idea that humans are creatures of habit and we're stuck in the same routine where we wake up, we go to work or we go to school and eat blah, blah. So we're doing this like routine over and over and over again where it becomes almost automatic and almost robotic in a way. But then, um, so then you step out of that routine and like looking at like, um, geniuses in history, like Tesla and all these people, they did it, they would stay awake at night and then they would sleep during the day and work on these different things. And it's kind of, um, stepping out of that routine mentally and physically. Like,

Speaker 4:

yeah, no, definitely. Um, I know myself, like I, I do better at night when I'm doing the stuff and when I'm writing and when I'm researching at, I'm a night owl and that's when a lot of the things tend to come to me or weird things started happening. But, um, I'm now able to, because I practice this a lot, I'm now able to channel and do stuff normally throughout the day without having to meditate. But I mean, everybody's going to be different. Your brain also starts pattern matching. And, um, this is something that's really, really interesting to me. Interesting. Because your brain does all these automatic processes that you're not even aware about and are not even aware of before you on each choice you make in your life. So say today, um, what will we have for lunch, ash? Are we going to go to health? It's to get to, to get a salad or will we make something here? So our band just, that goes to your brand through goes through so many permutations and algorithms to determine what is the best, um, you know, exactly. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

And that's also kind of why they say, um, how, uh, when you meditate you get in touch with your subconscious mind and that's sort of the deeper level of your mind because, um, throughout your waking day, you're, um, you're making conscious decisions that are based on these deeper, deeper like calculations and like programming, um, on a subconscious unconscious level. And it kind of just by, I'm like changing and like stepping out of the, your normal routine and like habitual routine. And, um, you start to get into and with sort of the deeper levels of your mind and what goes into the decisions that you make and you're able to perceive these different things.

Speaker 4:

Yeah. You start to be aware of the calculations that your brain kind of makes, um, in, in decision making. And you analyze the mall. Um, it's funny cause when Ashley and I have actually sat there and tried to figure out the exact algorithms for what, you know, it just, it what goes into a decision, uh, you know, that we're going to make for that day. But, um, it just, it's interesting. All this stuff becomes much easier the more you practice it. But that's one of the other great benefits is you start to be able to control your emotions. And this for females, no offense guys, because you know, I'm a woman, I get it. We are emotional creatures, but it is far, far, far more effective to be able to use and control those emotions when dealing with anything. Love work, um, you know, whatever your kids, um, to be able to be in control of those. And the more that you meditate experience psy phenomena, you, um, are able to control it and

Speaker 2:

mine mastery and able to control your emotions and your, your conscious thoughts. And um, yeah, it's just,

Speaker 4:

there's a program called life leap that I've, um, I don't know if I've talked about on here yet or not. Um, by Dale sellers that I am a big fan of his, he's an amazing man who has worked with the military men in cy phenomenon and things like that. Um, but um, checkout checkout his course on it's called live leap. Um, he teaches you how to control your emotions and I have him to thank a lot for, um, being able to, as well as Ashley for being able to control my emotions throughout my, around my divorce. Because if any of you it have seen me a eight months ago, I, yeah. Different person. Yeah. I was a little angry, so, um, that's definitely a great benefit. Um,

Speaker 2:

yeah. And it also, um, by like my mastery and like controlling your emotions, it also helps you to deal with external situations a lot better. So say if somebody does something really terrible and yeah. Rather than reacting, reacting to these things, you start to respond and um, yeah, it's just, it's a, it's a better way to kind of build a deal with things.

Speaker 4:

Well, it's funny because somebody cut me off the other day on the freeway and instead of like, I normally would have been like, I was just like, oh, I'm having a bad day trying to plan them. I could sir, maybe you next time. And he was like, wait, what is she, he was so confused. What is she doing? She's not like dropping me off or something. She's actually seems to be pretty nice about it. So, um, it was funny just because I, that's not something I would normally do. I would normally get extreme road range at that point. But um, because of, because of all of this, I'm a calmer person in general and um, and better focus to whatever we're doing. So you then, the last thing is you shift from a linear perspective to a quantum perspective. And what that means is when you're going about your day, you, you make a decision and that has, you know, a consequence and on and on and on and on and on. But it's a very linear thing. It happens all like in a, in a continuum when if you think about this on a quantum level, everything is related and everything, there's a reason and a purpose behind for you know, everything that's happening.

Speaker 2:

Uh Huh. Exactly. And kind of also getting into the like quantum frame of mind, which is really just kind of accessing more of your brain and I'm doing these things and then you're able to start experimenting and like experiencing like astral projection or um, all of these different like psychic phenomena and kind of looking at, um, how this relates to your daily life. I'm thinking more like in terms rather than just having things be linear. You start to see connections like, oh, this happened and I felt like this before, but I wasn't sure why. But then I found out that this negative thing happened and it's kind of, you start to make all these different connections that the past, the present and the future, they're all sort of almost working together. Absolutely. Yeah. And then things start to get very interesting.

Speaker 4:

Here's, here's another funny story for you guys and I'm sure none of you will believe me on this, but actually can verify that this absolutely happened. Um, faith, we are on Facebook, uh, I guess just a couple of weeks ago. And, um, I started to see, I was looking through old posts, um, and this was actually before Facebook even was into, in existence. Um, there was, it was the 2004 or sincere, uh, yeah, I believe it was like 2004. Um, I did not have a friend named Ash. I've only had one Ashley and I call her ash. And I did, I did know a girl in high school named Ashley, but we weren't friends really after high school at all actually. So, um, all of a sudden I'm looking back through my old posts and I see going to lunch with ash ash. And, um, I knew that I did not have a friend named dash and um, it all of a sudden appeared there. Now how do we explain this? Actually, yeah,

Speaker 2:

I had one more thing to that, so even funnier yet. So she looked at that and I'm like, okay, that's, that's interesting. So then I went back onto my Facebook timeline and I went back to that date. And so, um, when I was in, I think it was when I was in high school, when I was in high school, I wasn't really into spirituality like or anything like that, but I went back to that day and, um, my post for that day was, um, life isn't about, um, being a certain way. It's about creating yourself. And I'm like, okay, that is not something that I would have said back then. And that sort of just a, um, example of how you can influence yourself in the past and the present moment and how other other, um, things in your life can also influence that. And kind of like wherever you direct your focus, that's where you're directing your energy and you're influencing that.

Speaker 4:

And if you really want your mind's blown. Um, Ashley and I got into a little tiff a couple weeks ago. And, um, and so I was trying to show a friend of mine, um, that this how this, um, post had just popped up in my Facebook and we couldn't find it. And I swear to you, dad, it was not there. We looked at back through I think four years before even and could not find it. And, um, you know, Jay, he's even told you that. Yeah. So it was interesting. And then when, once, once, once, once Ashley and I talked everything out and realized, you know, that we're sisters basically I soul sisters and yeah, it was right there again, back in the same place. So all I can, I, I know that's a very kind of far fetched saying to a year to assume that that happened, but it did. And it's very real. And that's just kind of my little, my little 2 cents for you guys to tell you the crazy stuff that can happen once you start doing this. And the flute,

Speaker 2:

it's different things and different like it's synchronicity and which kind of um, yeah, just Dunn's from all those being in the right place at the right time and um, having being a clear channel. So not having all these negative conscious thoughts and um, that could be from like external factors or from your own mind and kind of, um, being able to see things a bit clearer, know, like, um, like how to stay on the right path for yourself and the highest path about his path.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, absolutely. Um, so basically what, you know, what you should get from all of this is your set of senses perceives like a sea of energy from a limited standpoint that makes up, but it makes up an image from that. It's not a complete image, nor is at 100% accurate. It's just an interpretation. But all of our interpretations are solely based on this internal map of reality that we have. And it's not the real truth. Our map is the actual result of our personal lives, collective experiences. So our thoughts are linked to this invisible energy, I guess. And they determine what the energy forms in your life. So your thoughts literally shift the universe on a particle by particle basis to create your physical life. And the key to all of this information is how do you learn to see the universe differently than you do now so that you can manifest everything you truly desire. And this is, I mean, law of attraction, you know, great. It was, you know, amazing discovery. But it, like I said, it falls short so you can really have everything you desire and we'll get into actual methodology for this, um, later on this year. But, um, it's just, you cannot be tied to a specific outcome of it. Just be open to the idea. Um, and that's reality is more plastic and changeable than we thought. You know, we are all human madmen

Speaker 2:

just like with neuroplasticity and how that, um, is basically like the brain is able to change and create new pathways, um, which leads to um, yeah, you can then develop like healing abilities for herself and all these different things and kind of that how that fits in with reality. Yeah. All connected.

Speaker 4:

And, you know, my, my kind of, my final message on this is, except that the things that occur in your life and take responsibility for them and the emotion that is behind it and release that negative energy from controlling you and your life will immediately begin to change. Just that. And then if you add gratitude where you're actually sinking the universe for all of the things that have happened to you, because if you think about it, even the most negative, negative, negative thing, you always learn from it, don't you? You know, it's, it's either

Speaker 2:

develop wisdom.

Speaker 4:

Yup. Yep.

Speaker 2:

It's always a lesson. Um, and uh, so you, you know, you don't want to, you don't want to feel bad about it or feel like a victim, but you want to be grateful that the universe taught you that. And I'm that you won't have to go through it again. And the universe in turn loves to, you know, feel like you're grateful and we'll reward you for that. Just the, you know, just those, those kind of two things. Um, which, and they're based on love, which is what I think. And I think Ashley will agree with me is what the PSI phenomenon is the basis and the foundation behind it all. Astrology, you know, everything. Love and wanting to help other people and love of yourself. Um, yeah.

Speaker 4:

Yeah. And um, one thing, Dale, uh, Dale sellers who I mentioned earlier, he has a, uh, a psychic project thing. And what you can do is you can go online and you can test your psychic abilities where he will just give you, um, a queue and then you start to write down what you see, um, in your mind's eye and, um, you know, give as much detail to it as you can and et Cetera, et cetera. And then he'll reveal the target to you. And it is a Ma. It, it will, it will really freak you out. I'll, I'll post the, uh, the link to it because it is free. You don't have to be a member to, uh, to do this, but it's amazing to test your abilities and to see how accurate you are. Um, Ashley and our minds were blown because they were so accurate. And, um, I think you'll find that's a good way for each of you to kind of test this on your own. So I will post the link to that, um, at the end of this. But, um, we thank you for, for listening today and thank you so much for tuning in. Yeah, and we're really, really excited to, um, keep bringing new guys from our podcasts each week. And if you have any ideas for us or anything, you'd love to hear it

Speaker 2:

bands and we will consider all of them.

Speaker 4:

And yeah, and email, email me at t I, R s t e That's K, I, R s t e n at[inaudible] dot com or Ashley is,

Speaker 2:

um, uh, you can do a e r at global mind, and that's g l o B a l m I n d s t r a t a g e

Speaker 4:

Yeah. And as always, if you guys liked it, please, um, you know, do give us a like, and uh, you know, the best thing you can do is send it out to your friends. Um, we appreciate all of you and we hope you have an amazing day. Yup. Thank you. Bye Bye. Adios.

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